Jintropin GenLei


New member
I was asking myself if it would be dangerous for an 18yo to take it.....

everybody talks about roids stopping your growth in that age but this is growth hormon??? :help:
I dont agree with that...Im almost 21 and have been doing HGH at 5iu a day or lower and have had numerouse people say things to me about how much bigger i look. I weigh more than I ever have and my strength is coming back slowly because i am jsut coming off of a long injury. Also I am only doing GH mon,tues,thurs,fri. I dont see how you would have to take 10ius a day to see much from it?? 5iu is way more than what anybody produces naturally from what Ive read!
shit thats cool, the only guys i know who've run it at our age (i'm 22) have had to use big doses to get any kinda muscle growth from it, fat loss is seen at 5iu but hadn't heard muscle.

damn now i'm gonna have to try it for myself :)
ive read several thread saying that for maximum muscle gain on gh go with this method. take your weekly totalof gh and divide by 3. then do that amount 3x a week post workout!
Im not gonna lie...I didnt expect much at all, I was doing it more for recovery from the injury but so far its done me well! I definately notice a difference! The other reason I am doing the method of 4 days a week is so i dont disrupt my natural production as much. i was doing EOD but I figured workout days would make more since for recovery purposes
He asked if it was dangerous, in terms of risks/side effects. Like i said in my other reply, i havent done ALOT of research, but generally from what ive seen there arent many risks invloved in moderate dosages and i dont see how it could be anything except beneficial. Dangers for most who use GH are to their bank accounts :)
If money is not an issue i dont see a reason not to use GH. Although i could be very wrong but if so i'd like to know why...
I'd say this is still up in the air quite a bit only because not many people were able to do GH at young age(for our purposes) until recently because the price has dropped so much. Its kinda hard to say what the long term affects will be but if medicine keeps improving like it does I dont think I have anythting to worry about
Thx for all the answers ................ but i still have one question left What about Oxymethalome (British Dragon) at that age i mean it would bring massiv mass gains (a lot water I know) but also a lot strengh
agree with Froog.... nope on the oxymethalone (ANADROL).

Most here will recomend you to stay away from gear and get your training and diet in order, but with my experience growing up around guys your age and hearing that, the advise is never taken. So, if you dont want to be injecting, i woud just run Winstrol 50mg/day for 6-8 weeks. Your not going to put on alot of mass, but you will gain good strength and lean out.

You really should post your diet and training regiment though, as tweaking those variables could produce more results than adding in steroids.
Please don't use oxymetholone. It is just not worth it, the drug will fuck up your HPTA to an extreme degree even if you're a fully grown man, aged 30. You don't want to experiment with this drug, mate, particularly because of your age...You will feel great while on it, and you will get huge, but because of the decrease in HPTA function, when you finish it you will lose the mass you gain VERY quickly. More than likely you will also suffer from depression and fatigue. No joke, stay away from oxymetholone at your age.

IF you're anything like I was at your age, very stubborn, and I still am (at 22), then you won't heed our advice. But know this, I was thinking about gearing at your age, then was told by some older more experience folk its not a good idea and I should wait until I'm AT LEAST 22, and I took their advice.

In the gym I naturally gained a lot of strength and have not plateued yet, so I don't think I'll gear until I do plateau. Anyway, sorry about the rant, but just don't experiment with your body at your age, that's all. :)
what would you say about that cycle
a friend of mine used it and blew up.. :)

Get Big



Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week
D-Bol/30 mg/day
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week
D-Bol/30 mg/day
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week
D-Bol/30 mg/day
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week
D-Bol/30 mg/day
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week
D-Bol/30 mg/day
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/- 500 mg / week
D-Bol/30 mg/day
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week

Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week

Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week

Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Testosterone Enanthate/ - 500 mg / week

Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day


Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day


Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day


Clomid Therapy
Clomid Therapy
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day


Clomid Therapy
Clomid Therapy
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day


Clomid Therapy
Clomid Therapy
Nolvadex/10 - 20 mg/Day
Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day

Clomid Therapy

Week 1
300 mg Day 1
100 mg Day 2
100 mg Day 3
100 mg Day 4
100 mg Day 5
100 mg Day 6
100 mg Day 7

Week 2
100 mg Day 1
100 mg Day 2
100 mg Day 3
100 mg Day 4
50 mg Day 5
50 mg Day 6
50 mg Day 7

Week 3
50 mg Day 1
50 mg Day 2
50 mg Day 3
50 mg Day 4
50 mg Day 5
50 mg Day 6
50 mg Day 7
I can tell you this I have been taking HGH Blue tops for 1 year and 8 months steady. My body fat has droped majorly ! Lean body mass is excellent. My skin quality has greatly increase, alog with my eye sight. People who see me, who have not seen me in some time, all tell me that my body has drastically changed, my muscle quality and density along with my vascularity is great, vains in my legs, stomac etc.... I have been taking in the range of 4 to 7iu's, no side effects with the exception ocasional wrist pain and numbness in the fingers due to carpal tunnel. I say the money and quality of the generic blue tops you cannot beat !
Have you been running the HGH with AAS?

I think i'm allowed to ask this, but whats the price range of blue tops generic HGH per IU (not asking for sources). I'm really thinking about HGH, I'm 21 years old, I'm a student and I dont have to pay for any bills till I'm out of school, just anything extra besides the necessities, so I definitely could spare the money on this. I'm done with the whole concept of bulking and cutting, Just lean mass and recomp cycles for me from now on, HGH seems to have great reviews, especailly from a few friends of mine.