Jimmy, keep in mind that a lot of BB are just normal people too. if a normal person gets cancer or a cardiac disease, through genetics, that's tough shit. But if the same person were to be a BB then the blame is easily found. Some health issues are sure to have come froms steroids, but the media is eager to make the link, so take it with a grain of salt. I think the health risk from steroids, especially the heavy users, is very real, and a factor for all users, even small users, but not as great as we are led to believe either. FI I had all my health issues before I ever used, and every doc just kept telling me to lay off the steroids. Big muscles and bad heart condition, bad cholesterol, damaged HPTA, slight gyno, bad liver values, acne and oily skin, rapid muscle loss. I am a steroid statistic for the docs and unjustly so.