JOei ROck's DNP log

congrats man looks like it worked out good for you - Im looking to try some soon as I can find a good resource, but cant find any info on TSM. Can't p M yet either :( lol
hey bro!

Thanks for the log!

I wonder hows the progres with the looes skin. I was 290lbs myself (gained within one year of marriage) and then went to 165lbs couple of years ago (within less than a year i know terrible).

However since last two-three years i have been properly eating and training and i am now hanging around usually 195-210 range but always sub 15% bf lowest 11% bf.. anyways right now im around 12%bf 195lbs... the loose skin has been bothering me.. it improved TONS.. and getting leaner tightens it too wish id get to single digits, next cut ill be even more serious.

I wonder if u used retin-a? Ive been trying so many different things over the years.. been using ghrp+mod grf and it has i think contributed helped too but...

I am wondering i want to try this retin-a never did...

Oh and I am 6'2 if you're wondering. I much bigger than you, but the loose skin makes me always appear fatter than i am :( I have veins bursting through my arms and shoulders.. even sides of abs.. but :( the skin SUCKS!.. so yeah i was 290 at 6'2.. over 55" waist... now 33" waist.. but technically 31.5" around the hole.. but with loose skin.. 33" thats what i have to wear for pants... so roughly 1.5" lose skin in circumfrence :(
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