JozifP103's Osta/s4 run courtesy of SARMSSEARCH!!!


New member
Just finished up a test deca dbol bulking cycle.


Goals: Get to sub 15%bf in 8 weeks
1-8 Ostarine (mk-2866) - 25mg/day
1-8 S4 - 75mg/day
my trt dose 200mg cyp/wk mon-thurs

Thank you SARMSSEARCH for this opportunity. I have plenty of experience with SARMS and have tried several different companies. SS takes the cake for quality hands down. I am very excited for this stack.

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Day 1

osta has 24hr half life so it can be dosed once a day, s4 needs to be dosed twice daily.

took my first dose of osta/s4 first thing in the morning. Not expecting much from the osta early on, but I know how s4 can creep up fast so i'm anticipating some good stuff coming. Took my 2nd s4 dose preworkout. I take em raw, no mixer or chaser. I like the chemically burn it gives, i'm weird like that.

So let me just start by saying how much i love s4. It literally is felt from day 1. I know it was the s4 not the osta because osta always takes a while for me. It was bis and tris today. I ate a total of 150 carbs today compared to 400-500 the last 16 weeks, and I got twice the pump that i got during my bulking cycle. my biceps looked huge after a set of barbell curls. my tris were so pumped i couldn't straighten my arm without getting a cramp lol.



Standing BB curls
50lbs X 15
60lbs X 15
70lbs X 12

seated incline DB curls
25lbs X 15
27.5lbs X 12
30lbs X 10

Seated DB concentration curls w/ elbow pressed on inner thigh
22.5lbs X 15
25lbs X 12
27.5lbs X 12

DB preacher hammer curls
25lbs X 12
25lbs X 12
27.5lbs X 10


Seated upright behind head ez-bar skull crushers
25lbs on each side X 15 (repeated X 3)

Standing cable pushdowns
90lbs X 12
90lbs X 10
90lbs X 10

1 set of 15 super slow body weight dips
Looking good!

I love getting those little bottles in the mail. You're right, the packaging is great compared to others I've seen. I never have to wonder or worry how it'll get to me when it's gone through the mail system.

I'm following. Kill it!
Day 2

Rest day. donated blood after work so definitely wasn't trying to lift after that lol. Already noticing fuller muscles during the day though. It's like a minor pump that hangs around all day i love it.

My typical diet has been about 150-200g carbs, 250g protein and 100g (good) fats. (guesstimate)

Basic meal layout

-shake upon waking with 25g protein
-carb protein meal (chicken and 1 whole grain pancake w/ a little butter only)
-protein fats veggies meal (chicken/beef/or fish, veggies in olive oil and vinegar)
-protein carb shake before/during workout (waxy maize/whey)
-protein carb shake during/after workout (waxy maize/whey)
-protein fats veggies meal (chicken/beef/or fish rubbed with olive oil, veggies with olive oil and vinegar or salad)
-protein meal (chicken/beef/or fish)

These are medium sized portions as i'm really trying to cut bf. I don't religiously track my macros, but I have a good idea of what i'm eating and can at least get an estimate. So far so good, except the craving for sweets and fried food i get when i'm dieting lol
Day 3

Got a good shoulder/abs day in.

Seated over head dumbell presses (palms in)
65's X 15
65's X 15
70's X 12

Machine overhead presses (palms foreward)
130lbs X 15
150lbs X 15
150lbs X 12

seated machine lateral raises
90lbs X 15
100lbs X 10
100lbs X 10

standing cable front raises (individual arm)
30lbs X 12
30lbs X 12
30lbs X 10

Standing dumbell shrugs
100lbs X 15
100lbs X 12
100lbs X 10

misc. ab workouts...

pumps are still there despite low carbs. Shoulders felt great today, my usual rotator cuff pain was not there at all. felt strong and focused today. mind to muscle connection was on point which is something i typically get from s4. i don't know how it does it, but it really makes it easy for me to isolate the muscle i'm working and focus on contracting it if you can understand what i mean.

Keeping my workouts short, and sweet with minimal breaks in between sets. Keeping intensity high, but not overdoing it. I'm not necessarily trying to build muscle at this stage, i'm trying to maintain while I cut. My theory is lower the volume a bit on a cut as to not give your body too much to recover from with the lack of calories.
Day 4

Got up early and did 30 mins of fasting cardio before work.

took my osta and s4 and was off to work with my protein shake.

Back day today

laying t-bar rows
2 plates X 12
2 plates X 12
2 plates and a 10lb X 10

seated cable rows (wide grip)
120lbs X 15
130lbs X 15
150lbs X 12

Seated cable pulldowns (not with bar, with individual hand grips)
120lbs X 15
130lbs X 15
150lbs X 12

wide grip pull-ups
bodyweight X 10
bodyweight X 8

Standing cable reverse flies
each side:
30lbs X 15
30lbs X 15
40lbs X 10

back extensions
bodyweight X 15
bodyweight + 25lbs X 10
bodyweight + 45lbs X 10

Despite being tired and cranky all day due to lack of carbs, my strength is still hangin in there. Pumps are still GREAT, and joint pain seems to be slowly subsiding by the day. Normally I worry about looking depleted on a calorie deficit, but the s4 keeps me looking full. Osta has the same effect on me, but it hasn't fully kicked in yet so the combination should make for a great full look.

Side effects: slight yellow tint in vision. easily ignorable and has no effect on night vision.

Chest tomorrow!
What's your dosage on the S4?

The yellow vision is absolutely 100% person dependent. Some can handle huge dosages and not see a thing while some experience it quickly. The good thing about S4 is that the half life is extremely short. Example: if you see yellow tint on Friday afternoon, and you stop taking it, by Saturday you'll randomly realize it's gone. That's exactly what has happened to me before. I had the yellow vision on a Friday, went out of town and forgot my Sarms at home, and on Saturday afternoon I realized most had subsided.

Plus, after taking S4 dozens of times over the years, my routine visits to my eye doctor have confirmed no long term effects as far as the eyes for me. He knows exactly what to check, and I always pass with flying colors!
75mg/day. The yellow vision is so subtle I don't even notice it unless I think about it. Not concerned as I know it's harmless. Matter of fact, it's gone right now lol. For me it's just an indicator that it's quality s4 ***55357;***56835;
Day 5

Chest day

Incline BB bench
155lbs X 15
165lbs X 12
158lbs X 12

Hammer strength machine iso lateral wide chest press
2 plates each side X 15
2 plates each side X 15
3 plates each side X 10

hammer strength machine iso lateral regular grip chest press
2 plates each side X 12
2 plates each side X 10
1 plate and a 25 each side X 15

standing decline cable flies
X 15

standing cable upper chest flies

Pec deck flies
130lbs X 15
150lbs X 12
150lbs X 10

Dropping water quick from my test deca cycle. Down about 9lbs in a week. Strength has remained the same though, and pumps are still there.

Noticeable density and hardness especially in the chest. Overall fullness that lasts throughout the day which is nice considering i'm carb depleted most of the time. I can only attribute this to the s4. love how quick this stuff kicks in!

resting over the weekend.
had a good rest over the weekend and kept my diet clean minus a chicken finger and french fry basket i got at a Halloween carnival. I tend to go out to breakfast on weekends and get a big breakfast. usually steak and eggs with homefires, wheat toast, and one pancake. those are the only carbs i eat all day on the weekends. my next meal is usually around 1. i dont eat frequently on the weekends either. i leave multiple hours between meals and take in less calories than training days. all meals after breakfast are protein and moderate-low fat meals.

Arms this evening!
Day 8

6am: 30 min fasting cardio (low intensity) kept HR at about 135 bpm.


Standing BB curls
50lbs X 15
60lbs X 15
70lbs X 12

seated incline DB curls
25lbs X 15
27.5lbs X 12
30lbs X 10

Seated DB concentration curls w/ elbow pressed on inner thigh
22.5lbs X 15
25lbs X 12
30lbs X 10

DB preacher hammer curls
25lbs X 12
25lbs X 12
27.5lbs X 10


Seated upright behind head ez-bar skull crushers
25lbs on each side X 15 (repeated X 3)

Standing cable pushdowns
90lbs X 12
90lbs X 10
90lbs X 10

1 set of 15 super slow body weight dips

Pumps are getting better and better. Already noticing a leaner harder look in my arms and chest. The weights were feeling light this week, so next week may have to increase my lifts a bit. was down another 2 lbs this morning also =)
Day 9

6 am morning cardio (30 min low intensity)

weighed in at 221lbs compared to 236 when I started. Dropped a ton of water from my bulk cycle so most of it was due to that.


185lbs X 15
225lbs X 12
225lbs X 12
225lbs X 10
185lbs X 15

Leg presses
400lbs X 15
600lbs X 12
690lbs X 10

leg extensions
170lbs X 20
190lbs X 15
210lbs X 15
250lbs X 10

Weighted machine standing calf raises
190lbs X 20
210lbs X 15
230lbs X 12
230lbs X 10

Legs felt strong as hell today. I feel like I could have squatted a car if it wasn't for the slipped disk in my back. No knee pain though which i normally get when I squat. I could squat lower than usual today.

Energy is up in the gym for sure. More so than on my last AAS cycle. I felt winded and lethargic often, and now i'm feeling refreshed and I never want to leave the gym. I miss that feeling!

Noticing: strength, joint pain relief, energy.
so i ridded myself of all of my upper body hair everyone. It was a big step for me, but it's necessary to really be able to guage my results. Minus the irritation around the waistline, i like it. So this is me about a week into my osta/s4 cycle. I'll repost these pics at the end next to my final pics for a comparison. This is me at 230lbs and guessing 18% bf? if anyone has a better guess let me know.

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Day 10

6am fasting morning cardio 30 mins low intensity.


Palms-in overhead dumbell presses
65lbs X 12
65lbs X 12
65lbs X 10

hammer strength machine military press
90lbs X 15
110lbs X 12
110lbs X 12

dumbell side raises
20lbs X 15
20lbs X 15
20lbs X 12

standing cable single arm front raises
20lbs X 12
20lbs X 12
30lbs X 8

dumbell shrugs
100lbs X 15
100lbs X 12
100lbs X 10

misc ab workouts.

Normally after a week or two of low carbs i would be feeling the burn much quicker when lifting. I feel as though my strength is still slowly climbing and my stamina is up as well. I can literally keep pumping out reps without getting fatigued. Enjoying myself so far!
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Day 11

6am fasting morning cardio 30 mins low intensity.


I really enjoyed my back workout last week so i kept it the same this week.

laying t-bar rows
2 plates X 12
2 plates X 12
2 plates and a 10lb X 10

seated cable rows (wide grip)
120lbs X 15
130lbs X 15
150lbs X 12

Seated cable pulldowns (not with bar, with individual hand grips)
120lbs X 15
130lbs X 15
150lbs X 12

wide grip pull-ups
bodyweight X 10
bodyweight X 8

Standing cable reverse flies
each side:
30lbs X 15
30lbs X 15
40lbs X 10

back extensions
bodyweight X 15
bodyweight + 25lbs X 10
bodyweight + 45lbs X 10

Great upper back pump. Forearms and bis were nice and pumped as well. I really think i'm feeling the strength kicking in now. I am able to perform much smoother reps with the same weight without having to jerk the weight. My movements are more fluid and i keep the tension through the whole rep.

The girlfriend is saying that I look leaner already. She's my tool for gauging progress since she tells it like it is. She certainly doesn't lie as she called me a fatty just a few weeks ago when i was still bulking on test and deca lol. Also i honestly have no perception of my own body. I could put on 30 lbs of muscle and not even be able to tell the difference.

I'm having fun to say the least. I really can't wait to see the results.
Awesome log bro! Looking forward to your end results. I'm thinking of doin another run with S4 soon..

Not a bad idea! ;-)

Can't get enough of s4. I may just have another go at it myself soon too. Results you get from it are just plain addicting.

Keep up the good work on the log!
Day 12

6am fasting morning cardio 30 mins low intensity.

Chest day
Incline BB bench
155lbs X 15
165lbs X 12
185lbs X 12

Hammer strength machine iso lateral wide chest press
2 plates each side X 15
2 plates each side X 15
3 plates each side X 10

hammer strength machine iso lateral regular grip chest press
2 plates each side X 12
2 plates each side X 10
1 plate and a 25 each side X 15

standing decline cable flies
X 15

standing cable upper chest flies

Pec deck flies
130lbs X 15
150lbs X 12
150lbs X 10