Juan Carlos Journal

so your butthole hurts huh......either you took a giant ass dump, a giant dick, or you have a giant ass prostate cancer

135 x 10
185 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 3
245 x 1
225 x 4

Incline Bench
205 x 5
185 x 6

25lb x 10
45lb x 5 PR
55lb x 5 PR

Skull Breakers
70lb x 10
70lb x 10
70lb x 10

Tri Rope Pushdowns
70lb x 20
150lb x 10
60lb x 30

Im Catchin up with Winter Im 186.5 today
yeh, your flat bench is about up to winter's since he's had his little slide in numbers

No Deads

OH DB Press
45lb x 10
60lb x 6
70lb x 5
70lb x 3
30lb x 15

Side DB Raises
15lb x 10 / 3 sets

Front DB Raises
20lb x 10 / 3 sets

Preacher Curls
45 lb x 10
45lb x 10
55lb x 4

DB Curls
20lb x 40
20lb x 40
20lb x 30

Nitro Back Pullover Machine
175lb x 10
175lb x 10

Sitting Lat Rows
120lb x 15
120lb x 12

90 lb x 10
135lb x 10
180lb x 5
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