Just Arrived Here... whatcha Think??


New member

Ok here are a few shoddy pics that i took like a month and a half ago when I was about 248 lbs. I am 6'0" and 236 and will get newer pics up eventually but I wanted to share these with you guy just to see what you guys thought. I haven't cycled in over a year and don't plan on it until I am obviously not as high as i am in BF % now. I'm thinking like 23% right now. I took a year off from lifting when I had two major surgeries last year and have been back in the gym for a lil over 5 months now. At one point following my surgery I was 303 lbs. 39% BF ... wow !!! Before my surgeries I was 225- ish around 13% kinda where I am looking to get back to now.... I know Cardio Cardio Cardio...

Anyway, opinions ... thoughts?? Please and thank you !!!

P.S.- Still strong as hell right now... 350 Bench, 505 Squat, 545 Dead... Not too Shabby I think
Yes I know... it's melting off at a record pace though... averaging at least .75% per week... hard at work i am... I wasn't prone to Gyno at all whilst I was on cycle. My body handle it quite well. Yes I have some flab there now and thats only cuz I got extremely fat when I was laid up due to the surgeries. I also had fatty tissue on my chest as a teen... it disappeared when i hit like 20. No Lumps, No soreness, no itching. But thanks for looking out.
if you were up to 303 then congrats on the fat loss... you still have a ways to go, but if you drop some more bf you'll definitely be pretty happy

one thing I would definitely keep working on is your arms... they seem to be lagging a bit compared to the rest of your upper body
Yah definitely... I was thinking the same thing. Those pics are old... well a month old... doing better now... a lot better actually, i'll get some new ones up soon. Appreciate bro !!
Basically you need some definition...you look soft..but your on the right track..your looking a little puffy in the gyno area..careful if you go on eventually

What have I done in the past ?? or Am I on now??

I have done 2 complete cycles in my life... and one half a**ed cycle when I didn't know what I was doing. I am very well educated now. Spent the past year studying upon the completion of my last successful cycle. Mostly because I had surgeries and wouldn't go to the gym. Now that i am back into it full time and dropped a majority of the weight I put on.. I am very happy with myself. I am in no shape obviously to go back on right away. I am content in the fact that I have to wait. :)
hit the cardio in the AM, drop the carbs real low, keep the protein high, and hit the gym in the afternoon... that my plan to cut down and thusfar its worked like a fucking gem
hit the cardio in the AM, drop the carbs real low, keep the protein high, and hit the gym in the afternoon... that my plan to cut down and thusfar its worked like a fucking gem

What would you think would be optimum carb intake??... I am at around 150g a day with average 350g protein and 80g Fat currently.

I would love to hit Cardio in the AM ... problem being... work... I do my cardio after I workout ... do my workout... slam my PWO and do around 35-40 minutes on the treadmill. I dunno i will see if I can filter AM cardio in on my off days and maybe at least once or twice a week..

Appreciate all the help!!! :rockband: