Just some BLOOD WORK on PSL Test E :)


New member
This was taken while on 750mg PSL EP Test E per week and also using 20mg PSL EP aromasin per day. E2 is a bit elevated, but I feel good and it's not high enough to worry about. Aromasin is certainly doing it's job.

Yes I rep PSL. Take that as you will. I get bloods regularly for my own peace of mind so I figure why not post them as well. VERY pleased. :)

For anyone having trouble reading the small text,
TT: 5333ng/dL
E2: 56 pg/mL

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Awesome results.

I'm getting over a sinus infection (temperature keeps changing, went from 50s mid week last week to <10 this weekend) and once I do I'm going to go grab some bloods. I don't want the immune response or any of the other medications throwing weird readings, figured it best to wait. If your levels are that high on 750mg, interested to see what mine come back on 1g.

Are you taking any other aromatizing compounds? I'd figured 20mg aromasin would be enough to keep E2 in check at that dose if you're lean.
Awesome results.

I'm getting over a sinus infection (temperature keeps changing, went from 50s mid week last week to <10 this weekend) and once I do I'm going to go grab some bloods. I don't want the immune response or any of the other medications throwing weird readings, figured it best to wait. If your levels are that high on 750mg, interested to see what mine come back on 1g.

Are you taking any other aromatizing compounds? I'd figured 20mg aromasin would be enough to keep E2 in check at that dose if you're lean.
Yes, I'm also running 750mg deca which is enough for some decent aromatization. Should have included that as well. I also aromatize like a mofo even when I'm lean.

Ive heard more testosterone isnt more gains. Why you take too much? 5k level is too high.
Too high you say? I'll admit I probably didn't need to run a cycle quite this heavy, but I decided to go all out on this one. 750mg is nothing to write home about....especially someone who has several cycles under their belt. ;)
Yes, I'm also running 750mg deca *snip*
Now everything suddenly makes sense. 5k is VERY high for such a dose, and unless you're either a very small guy (mass) or a hyperresponder - I was going to say that's some crazy overdosed gear.

The deca makes sense. (false readings with some labs)


He s not TAKING 5000 plus he s taking 750 a week or roughly 4-6 times a trt dose depending on a persons ability to attain whatever they or their doc want it to be. My TRT keeps me at 750-900 tt and would seem is just right.

Right Josepi ?
Now everything suddenly makes sense. 5k is VERY high for such a dose, and unless you're either a very small guy (mass) or a hyperresponder - I was going to say that's some crazy overdosed gear.

The deca makes sense. (false readings with some labs)

I was unaware deca shows false positives for testosterone. Interesting. Thanks HW.

I'm a naturally high tester as it is. 525mg of prop put me at 3700ng/dL and 250mg cyp puts me >1500ng/dL. Not gonna complain about that though :)


He s not TAKING 5000 plus he s taking 750 a week or roughly 4-6 times a trt dose depending on a persons ability to attain whatever they or their doc want it to be. My TRT keeps me at 750-900 tt and would seem is just right.

Right Josepi ?

Yessir that is correct T. I test high normally, but HW made a good point about the deca as well.
I was unaware deca shows false positives for testosterone. Interesting. Thanks HW.

I'm a naturally high tester as it is. 525mg of prop put me at 3700ng/dL and 250mg cyp puts me >1500ng/dL. Not gonna complain about that though :)

Are those results with deca in you at the same time? Some guys DO get crazy numbers (I'm very jealous), but lab error usually is to blame if the numbers are really high. Shitty thing is that I've yet to see a diagnostic lab that is 100% accurate throughout their organization.

Didn't mean to derail or imply anything sinister, just had me scratching my head a little and wondering which it was. :)
I was unaware deca shows false positives for testosterone. Interesting. Thanks HW.

I'm a naturally high tester as it is. 525mg of prop put me at 3700ng/dL and 250mg cyp puts me >1500ng/dL. Not gonna complain about that though :)

Me too. I was on 250 mg and test shows >1500 :)
Are those results with deca in you at the same time? Some guys DO get crazy numbers (I'm very jealous), but lab error usually is to blame if the numbers are really high. Shitty thing is that I've yet to see a diagnostic lab that is 100% accurate throughout their organization.

Didn't mean to derail or imply anything sinister, just had me scratching my head a little and wondering which it was. :)

Yes test and deca in my system.


come to think of it....I don't think these were trough readings. This was a TUES morning and I pin Sun morning/Wed night.


He s not TAKING 5000 plus he s taking 750 a week or roughly 4-6 times a trt dose depending on a persons ability to attain whatever they or their doc want it to be. My TRT keeps me at 750-900 tt and would seem is just right.

Right Josepi ?

I would love to feel what even a 1000 feels like to train on and just be alpha...assuming that is a noticeable difference from 670 which is what mine was.
And that wasn't an ECLIA test. My numbers are similar or higher on PSL stuff. I posted a shot of 5700 last year.
awesome to hear!
started my first pin today.
cycle of about 900mg teste ew and 150-200mg ew deca * i like low dosed deca to help out*

i have some ep cyp too, couple bottles I got, ill use it for hrt after cycle since i have 5 teste and that prob enough for my run (dont feel like doing math and i have other back up anyway if i needed or ill just use the cyp)

im even more excited after seeing this thread!
: D
Now everything suddenly makes sense. 5k is VERY high for such a dose, and unless you're either a very small guy (mass) or a hyperresponder - I was going to say that's some crazy overdosed gear.

The deca makes sense. (false readings with some labs)

I thought the LC/MS/MS method wasn't prone to false readings in the presence of Nandrolone. I thought it was only ECLIA.

I don't know if 5K for TT (especially if peak reading) is that unrealistic for 750mg/wk. I just ran 500mg of Test Cyp from my surplus TRT stash of Walgreen's Pharma doc prescribed test and my TT came in at 3Kng/dl. So if assuming linear, 5K is possible. Joz might be a smaller guy too.
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