Just started


New member
Wow, i was more anxious then i thought. It was hard to keep my hand still. Couldnt even feel the needle going into my glute. So far so good, but we'll see how my ass feels tomorrow. This is my first cycle and im running Test Enanthate for 10 weeks with 250mg on monday and 250 on thursday. After you push the plunger all the way in you can see a little liquid left near the tips. Do i just consider this little bit as waste? Let that games begin :40oz:
Good choice for a first cycle, it is simple and you will get good results considering you have your diet and training in check. Good Luck bro, keep us posted on your results.
Training is in check, and diet for the most part is. Im doing some final tweakin on the diet and that will be right inline as-well. I'll keep everyone posted on my results.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
Good choice for a first cycle, it is simple and you will get good results considering you have your diet and training in check. Good Luck bro, keep us posted on your results.

yep...good plan on a first...also, on that little bit on the pin, i just lick it off of the pin so as not to waste it...:p

Make sure to keep us posted...hell add me to ur buddies list cause that is what i plan on doing for my 2nd cycle...i want to see how it goes for you...thanks bro!!..and GL
Thanks everyone and i'll keep everyone updated. It seems like most people see the effect in about 4 weeks, so that is when i'll be giving most of my updates.
Congrats on the first inject. Wish I could go back and feel my first shot again.. damn what a rush :)

good luck and let us know your results