Just starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) - Some general questions and advice would be appreciated

I think it's best to think of cyp and probably enth as having a half life of 5 days.

Going longer than 5 days without a test injection a guy's ass might start dragging, some can go longer, some need shorter.
Verrrrry interesting post.
Question...you spoke about how it made you 'crash' 10 days into it.
How often were you taking the 200? How did you space it?
ALSO....what kind of crash did u experience?
How did you feel?
Thanks in advance

The best dosing schedule is the one that maintains your testosterone at a constant therapeutic level. A shot of 200mg gives your body a big jolt, especially if it has been T-deprived for a while, as mine was. Once you have this exogenous (outside) infusion, your boys think about going on vacation. So they are not producing endogenous (inside) testosterone. Since the half life is 5 days, by 10 days, there is dramatically less circulating, and by 14, I was feeling like I had none at all. All the symptoms of hypogonadism returned - fatigue, brain fog, agitation, etc.
The 10 day window helped me from hitting bottom, but the interval was still too long. So we reduced the dose to 150mg @ 7 days. It is the same amount per month as the 200mg @ 10 days (ie:600mg), but I am trading in a much closer range. Some, like the knowledgeable halfwit, prefer pinning @3.5 days, and that is good for him. Every man processes this protocol differently. But no one who has posted her has every been happy with injections @ 14 days. For me, even @ 10 was not optimal. I am good at the 7 days - but it is a pain to have to go to my doc's office every week for the injection. I have made a pitch for self-injection but have the sense it will not happen at this office.
Good luck.