KEEP IT REAL! How much are you GIBRONI'S spending per cycle?

Contest cycle ran me about 950-
200 halos, 25 testovirons, 1 QV T250, 1 QV T100, 45cc of fina, 1 QV Stan 100 20ml, 2 Qv EQ200, plus arimidex then had to get some nolva, plus some clomid oh yea theres 400 d-ball in there too
The Terminator said:
I get off dirt cheap if I take the drive down south (a few hours from here), but otherwise it will cost me twice as much. A cycle of test/fina would run me no more than $150-175 plus about $150 for all ancillaries (femara, clomid, nolva).

I wish I knew more people here. I want to start making that drive too and i'm too chicken to do it alone.
Dial_tone said:
I wish I knew more people here. I want to start making that drive too and i'm too chicken to do it alone.

I have always gone alone. I have always thought it would be even more difficult to have two muscular guys travelling the border as opposed to just one.
I try to order in some what bulk so by the time I tighten up a few of my close friends,they pretty much pay for mine :D: plus everytime my dad buys a bottle he'll say u want 1 too so I don't pay too much.
BigSoda said:
I try to order in some what bulk so by the time I tighten up a few of my close friends,they pretty much pay for mine :D: plus everytime my dad buys a bottle he'll say u want 1 too so I don't pay too much.

lucky shit. when my dad comes to visit me me gives me shit about the protein jugs and creatine and glutamine lyin around my apartment. but he dont give a shit about all the booze, go figure.
BigSoda said:
I try to order in some what bulk so by the time I tighten up a few of my close friends,they pretty much pay for mine :D: plus everytime my dad buys a bottle he'll say u want 1 too so I don't pay too much.

Unvelievable! LOL......can we switch dads?
An average 10 week cycle runs me 300-500$ including clomid and anti estrogens. It all depends on what quality of gear I run. Vet cycles are alot cheaper but human grade is worth the $$$.
I like running Anavar (var) around 40mg/day....btg's.....that 1200 includes some other items as well......
If you run 50 mg/day for 8 weeks @

$1.50/tab (assuming we are talking about 5mg tabs) = $900
$1.75/tab ....................................................................= $1,050
$2.00/tab ....................................................................= $1,200

Unfortunately.....That sounds about right!

Damn Anavar (var) better be legit!!!!! :confused: