Keto Diet. Need some expert advice


I've done keto before for a little while and I've lost some weight, I also used keto stix and monitored my ketosis. I carb loaded on Friday post-workout until Saturday at 11pm. It worked well but now I want to restart it again and I want to do it 100% right. I'm talking perfect macros and setting goals. Not just "eat good fats and protein and stay away from carbs".

I need to know what my macros should look like at my measurements.

216 lb
22% bf.

Thanks guys.
216 x .22 = 47.52

216 - 47.52 = 168.48

168.48 / 2.2 = 76.58

370 + (21.6 x 76.58) = 2024.16 BMR

what's your workout look like.. how about your cardio??

btw, you can find these formulas in my free diet advice thread.. everybody get's one from me... i dont like doing too much math..