knowing your limit


New member
how does one know what there natural limit is? it seems it would make sense if you were taller your natural limit would be greater, meaning you would have more potential to put on more muscle mass. I think if one could Identify there natural limit they could be more effective in training and when and how to use cycles.
There is now way to know, it is all individual. It is like asking the question "how long is hair?" It depends on the person.
The only way you can tell is by plateauing in your natural training, and not being able to get past that plateau no matter what you do, training and diet wise. It took me around 7 years to hit that limit, and another 3 years of not progressing at all, before I knew for sure.
needsize said:
The only way you can tell is by plateauing in your natural training, and not being able to get past that plateau no matter what you do, training and diet wise. It took me around 7 years to hit that limit, and another 3 years of not progressing at all, before I knew for sure.

You canadians dont mature as fast as us Americans (physically or mentally). To be honest I started my first cycle before my "genetic limit" was reached...but you will find that most people who do cycle have done the same thing.
easy on the north south relations there, I'm just asking questions, i'm relativly new, feeling my way around if you will.
you wont know your natural limit for osme time now, as you probably wont reach it till years and years of training, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) just help you get there faster and break through it
snake said:
easy on the north south relations there, I'm just asking questions, i'm relativly new, feeling my way around if you will.

Haha dont worry, needsize and I just like busting each others chops.
snake said:
easy on the north south relations there, I'm just asking questions, i'm relativly new, feeling my way around if you will.

He's just foolin' with ya bro, besides Canada always comes out on top........atleast if you're looking at a map, LOL !!
There is actually a set of formulas to "figure out" your natural limits, but basically they call Steve Reves top of the heap. You measure your wrists and a bunch of other stuff.

If your taller of course you will carry more mass, but you wont neccessarily look bigger. Someone with short arms, who is 5'6" will look big sooner from my experience, tall people usually seem to have difficulty putting on size, if you have the frame for it though things could be different. I'm 6'2" 238 at the moment and am bigger than most people where I go, but for my height I dont feel or look all that big.
It also has to do w/body type, meso,endo, and of course my personal fav ectomorph. Sure, most of the time short guys 5'9" and below seem to put on muscle faster, but there are exceptions.
You can pretty much tell when you have reached platue naturally. After I no longer was making any foward progress with my training even with proper diet and exercise, then I knew it was time for the anabolic game.