Lab PE Melanotan II


Jacked and Tan
Hey guys. Lab PE has graciously agreed to allow me to log Melanotan II for them as well. I received the product yesterday. My bac water is scheduled to arrive on Monday so I will be beginning this then. I will be following the same protocol that sassy is currently utilizing. It is .5mg a day for the first week and then .3mg twice a week until I have reached the level of tan that I want. Then I will run .3mg a week to maintain. I have been tanning for years so I have a decent base tan to begin with. I generally tan 2-3 times a week for 15minutes. I use no bronzers, only a light moisturizer before tanning. I tend to burn somewhat easily if I tan longer than 15 minutes or two days in a row. I'm hoping this will help that not to occur and help me to reach the level of tan that I really desire. I am also hoping it will help make my body acne and acne scars less noticeable. I have attached a starting picture, I had to flex a little haha. Everything I say is referring to my lab rat. When I say I or me I am really speaking about my lab rat. Pictures are for fun and are not really of the prospect that I am testing the MTII with.
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God, I love this site, lol. I have an excuse to stare at all your nice bodies haha (for research of course) ;)

Thanks guys...tomorrows leg day. Gonna hit the squats hard. Can't wait to get through the work day so I can hit the weights. :D
Yeah your gonna love MTII Meat and it does hide a lot of imperfections, BUT your also gonna get a TON of freckles. Some will disappear with time and others will stay as long as you use the peptide.

I started out with 150mcg per day, averaged at 250mcg every day, and worked my way on up to 350mcg once a week. 1, 10ML vials will last you forever! I think I purchased 2, and it lasted me 4 months. About to re-up now.

If your tanning 2-3 times per week, your gonna be BLACK as NIGHT at week 4 or 5. Be careful though, us "white boys" can get TOO dark and it doesn't look as good.

BTW, nice quads man. I've been pushing my legs for years now, with minimal growth. If you have a secret quad pill, let me know about
Thanks Vegas, I look forward to seeing my results with this. I think quads and legs in general is just one of my stronger areas. I squat and deadlift heavy for low reps and don't do a ton of accessory work. I just started the WS4SB program so I'm going for 3-5RM's in the big lifts every week. My bac water has arrived. Took my first injection tonight of .5mg. I just started ghrp-6 and cjc-1295 today as well, I have a separate log on this. So far I notice my skin has gotten really flushed. I'm guessing this is a side of the MT2 and not the others. I'll be tanning tomorrow for 15minutes and will go EOD while loading. Keep you guys updated and will post new pics in the near future. Thanks everyone who's following and thank you to LabPE and Vibrant.
Thanks Vegas, I look forward to seeing my results with this. I think quads and legs in general is just one of my stronger areas. I squat and deadlift heavy for low reps and don't do a ton of accessory work. I just started the WS4SB program so I'm going for 3-5RM's in the big lifts every week. My bac water has arrived. Took my first injection tonight of .5mg. I just started ghrp-6 and cjc-1295 today as well, I have a separate log on this. So far I notice my skin has gotten really flushed. I'm guessing this is a side of the MT2 and not the others. I'll be tanning tomorrow for 15minutes and will go EOD while loading. Keep you guys updated and will post new pics in the near future. Thanks everyone who's following and thank you to LabPE and Vibrant.

I'm on GHRP-6 and Mod GRF as well. The GHRP-6 makes me eat like a beast, but also makes me wanna eat a lot of "cheat meals".......which I've been doing as of late and still have my abs/cuts to boot! It works great if you wanna eat like a champ, cut up, or just relax on your diet a little without worrying about gaining fat. It's pretty incredible.

Yeah, the flush your getting is from MTII. It should also make you feel a little queezy for 10-15 minutes. That just means the peps are legit. I'm sure you've heard that you'll get major freckles all over your body and sometimes face, but no they do fade a little and well worth the golden bronze tan you'll achieve with the stuff. :biggthump
Thanks Vegas, I look forward to seeing my results with this. I think quads and legs in general is just one of my stronger areas. I squat and deadlift heavy for low reps and don't do a ton of accessory work. I just started the WS4SB program so I'm going for 3-5RM's in the big lifts every week. My bac water has arrived. Took my first injection tonight of .5mg. I just started ghrp-6 and cjc-1295 today as well, I have a separate log on this. So far I notice my skin has gotten really flushed. I'm guessing this is a side of the MT2 and not the others. I'll be tanning tomorrow for 15minutes and will go EOD while loading. Keep you guys updated and will post new pics in the near future. Thanks everyone who's following and thank you to LabPE and Vibrant.

Yea I got the flush feeling for a few minutes too but it went away after a few minutes and hasn't come back after the second injection.
Same here with the flush the first inject, it was less on the second inject for me, and not noticeable on the 3rd. I will be doing my 4th inject today. Im following this for sure, and if you dont mind Ill chime in with my progress every so often. LETS GET BAKED!! haha.
I'm on GHRP-6 and Mod GRF as well. The GHRP-6 makes me eat like a beast, but also makes me wanna eat a lot of "cheat meals".......which I've been doing as of late and still have my abs/cuts to boot! It works great if you wanna eat like a champ, cut up, or just relax on your diet a little without worrying about gaining fat. It's pretty incredible.

Yeah, the flush your getting is from MTII. It should also make you feel a little queezy for 10-15 minutes. That just means the peps are legit. I'm sure you've heard that you'll get major freckles all over your body and sometimes face, but no they do fade a little and well worth the golden bronze tan you'll achieve with the stuff. :biggthump

Good to know. Thats what I was hoping for. I ate like 5 cookies at work today lol. :chomp: I can handle the freckles as long as I get nice and dark. :)

Yea I got the flush feeling for a few minutes too but it went away after a few minutes and hasn't come back after the second injection.

Thanks for the info, hopefully the flushing will subside. It didn't last long though so it wasn't a big deal. I'm taking my mt2 shots at night anyways cause I heard it could give you erections and I didn't want that to happen while I was out and about lol.

looking forward to it.

Thanks! Me too, I'm very excited about this.
Same here with the flush the first inject, it was less on the second inject for me, and not noticeable on the 3rd. I will be doing my 4th inject today. Im following this for sure, and if you dont mind Ill chime in with my progress every so often. LETS GET BAKED!! haha.

:bigok: Sweet, sounds good man. It would be good to see how others do with this peptide as well.
Luckily, I don't have to worry about that. Hmmm now if I ever see a perfectly tan dude walking around with a stiffy... Ill know why! haha.....

lmao no spontaneous erections as of yet. I tanned for 15 minutes today, may go again tomorrow...but don't want to get burnt. Idk if I should wait it out and still do EOD or try to go for ED while loading.
I tanned again today for 15 minutes. I didn't burn at all, which tends to happen when I go two days in a row. I think I'm going to shoot for every day during this loading phase. I may bump to 20 minutes if I feel I can handle it. I feel like I'm getting darker already.
You will see the tan all the sudden... starting with the freckles you didn't know you had, lol. I am only able to do 6 minutes a day so if you can handle 15-greeeatt!! Your load up phase wont have to be 2 weeks like it is looking mine will be lol.
this MT2 is a pretty cool product.. but i have some questions that my research hasnt answered yet and i hope one of u users might know

mt2 is in your body how long..?
and do u take on tanning days (before or after)?
how often pinning is to much ?

not trying to jack a thread.. if anyone wants me to ill delete my question
hey I can answer 2 of your 3.

How do you pin on tanning days? - I pin 30 min before tanning. I started on .5ml for 7 days and tanned for 6 min (all my body could take because I am photosensitive) but you can tan longer if you are capable without burning.

The first 7-10 days you are not supposed to exceed 10ml a day-that is an extremely high dose and rare that you will need to take that much. Start off at .5ml and then taper down to .5ml. I think .10ml is a waste of product.

As for how long it stays? I am not sure yet, but I have read that it takes a few months for you to completely go back to normal.