Lab PE Melanotan II

Meat nice log brotha, you are a sexy bitch. MT II is good stuff and I see your little hamster in the background looking tan. Once I was as dark as I wanted to be I really backed off the dose.

Has anyone else noticed your facial hair getting darker, like just the stubble, usually takes two days to notice it, when on MT II it would be dark the next day and more noticeable, it actually looked good.

Only things I didn't like, I got too many moles, and I got dark circles around my eyes from not using any eye protection.

But great log man, looking good in a completely gay way. Lol, jk but a little tan will make you look more jaked.
Lollll yes mg damnit. Whatever, haha. I'm using a 1ml insulin needle and going to the 3rd tiny line. End of story.

Yes the moles/freckles are a little crazy but I don't care, lol. I am tan as can be right now and I love it. I cover my face with a towel in the tanning bed but my face is still the tannest spot (other than my stomach, which is broooowwwn) =)
so there endorsing this? for human use? man there taking a risk in the "law suit" department. but your in the clear I guess.

Hope it go's well! :) MT2 was nice to me aswell to add a base for extra protection before the summer's start.

Thanks man. No they're not approving this for human use. Everything I say is referring to my lab rat. When I say I or me I'm really speaking of my lab rat. Pics and scenarios are just for fun and are not really of the prospect that I'm testing the MT2 with.

Meat nice log brotha, you are a sexy bitch. MT II is good stuff and I see your little hamster in the background looking tan. Once I was as dark as I wanted to be I really backed off the dose.

Has anyone else noticed your facial hair getting darker, like just the stubble, usually takes two days to notice it, when on MT II it would be dark the next day and more noticeable, it actually looked good.

Only things I didn't like, I got too many moles, and I got dark circles around my eyes from not using any eye protection.

But great log man, looking good in a completely gay way. Lol, jk but a little tan will make you look more jaked.

Haha thanks bro. I haven't had that issue with my eyes but I always wear eye-ware when tanning. My face does look dark as shit though.

Lollll yes mg damnit. Whatever, haha. I'm using a 1ml insulin needle and going to the 3rd tiny line. End of story.

Yes the moles/freckles are a little crazy but I don't care, lol. I am tan as can be right now and I love it. I cover my face with a towel in the tanning bed but my face is still the tannest spot (other than my stomach, which is broooowwwn) =)

Yeah I can handle the moles and freckles. Its well worth it for the tan that I have now.
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MeatHead, notice any difference in libido?

Not sure, my libido has been strong as shit but it stays that way since I cruise on 300mg test a week. Recently I dropped my e2 too low and my libido took a dive but its back up now (literally) lol. I always want to fuck 3-4 times a day and become fixated on every nice ass I see walk by me haha. My gf can never keep up with me.
Not sure, my libido has been strong as shit but it stays that way since I cruise on 300mg test a week. Recently I dropped my e2 too low and my libido took a dive but its back up now (literally) lol. I always want to fuck 3-4 times a day and become fixated on every nice ass I see walk by me haha. My gf can never keep up with me.

:laugh4: that's always a good thing, ha ha! Nice log by the way...
Yeah I'm dark as shit now. Every person I come up to comments on how tan I am. I even was told I was almost as dark as a black guy that was standing right next to me lol. I'm dropping to the maintanance dose now and just going to tan 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes again. Moles are popping up all over that I didn't know were there. I have begun to get some freckles too. My acne scars on my back are a whole lot less visible now too. I love this stuff, i'm sold.

Its ment to protect the skin, why not just tan less and stick with a 0.5mg dose every 2 weeks and tan 1 time a week. im sure it would keep . this way your tannignb alot less.
just a thought though. :)
Hey Pork, I think he was still in the loading phase! Damn, You are looking as tan as I am and I have been going for 2 weeks now (but 6-7 minutes at a time).
So I've decided that I'd like to get a little more tan. I'm going to continue to dose at .5mg (500mcg) twice a week until I reach the level I want. Will keep you guys updated.