Lab results...How do they look?

How long after pct were these taken? LH is leutinizing hormone. It is sent from the pituitary gland in the brain down to the testes and it signals them to make testosterone. Yours is high because the serms (nolva, clomid) you used in pct gave it a boost. When you've been of pct for about a month or so, your levels will drop a bit and level out at baseline. In order to know if you've fully recovered, you need to get bloodwork at least a month after pct. Everything else looks fine.
Looks like you started back up from the lh and fsh. LH is a tad high. What was your tt level pre and mid cycle?
When exactly were these taken with relation to your pct? Like 3 weeks post ? etc? You really need to do bloods 6 weeks post pct to see how you have recovered. Also what do you have as far as pre cycle bloods to compare them too.
how the hell are you guys reading this?? its coming up so damn small for me lol
I got done with my PCT 2 weeks ago. I don't have any pre blood work. How do my liver and kidneys look? I do have my last blood work from a year ago. That was taken a few months after pct. I'll post those.
How long after pct were these taken? LH is leutinizing hormone. It is sent from the pituitary gland in the brain down to the testes and it signals them to make testosterone. Yours is high because the serms (nolva, clomid) you used in pct gave it a boost. When you've been of pct for about a month or so, your levels will drop a bit and level out at baseline. In order to know if you've fully recovered, you need to get bloodwork at least a month after pct. Everything else looks fine.

So has my test started back up? I'm not shut down or trt.
Kidneys and Liver look good.

TT, LH, FSH and Estradiol all look good. But it has only been two weeks since you stopped the SERMs. The true test is how will your hormones hold up as time passes. Check again in a couple of months. But so far so good!
Kidneys and Liver look good.

TT, LH, FSH and Estradiol all look good. But it has only been two weeks since you stopped the SERMs. The true test is how will your hormones hold up as time passes. Check again in a couple of months. But so far so good!

So if I wanted to jump back on a cycle would that be stupid? The reason I come off is to give my liver and kidneys a rest. Also to not shut down my natural test for good.
So if I wanted to jump back on a cycle would that be stupid? The reason I come off is to give my liver and kidneys a rest. Also to not shut down my natural test for good.

Time on + PCT = Time Off. Sounds like you have only been off for two weeks. How long were you on for and how long was PCT?
Time on + PCT = Time Off. Sounds like you have only been off for two weeks. How long were you on for and how long was PCT?

I've been off since November 5 so pretty much 2 months my pct was 30days. Before that I was on for like 6 months but was mainly cursing at 250mgs of test. So I wasn't on some crazy cycle.
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I've been off since November 5 so pretty much 2 months my pct was 30days. Before that I was on for like 6 months but was mainly cursing at 250mgs of test. So I wasn't on some crazy cycle.

Unfortunately, shut down is shutdown bro. If you care about your natty test production you need to follow the time on + pct = time off rule.

Were you using hCG on cycle?
Doesn't the blood work show that my natty production is good to go? When or how will I ever know my natty production has come back?

My main concern is being shutdown for good and not being able to have kids. I figured 2 months off and pct plus blood work would show that I could go back on. I figured since my kidneys and liver are good to go and my test levels are at 800 that would mean another 2 month cycle wouldn't harm me or my natty production. I just don't want to be trt the rest of my life and I want kids at some point.
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Doesn't the blood work show that my natty production is good to go? When or how will I ever know my natty production has come back?

My main concern is being shutdown for good and not being able to have kids. I figured 2 months off and pct plus blood work would show that I could go back on. I figured since my kidneys and liver are good to go and my test levels are at 800 that would mean another 2 month cycle wouldn't harm me or my natty production. I just don't want to be trt the rest of my life and I want kids at some point.

You run that risk by hopping back on too early. You need to give the HPTA a break, let it function on its own again and get used to functioning.

For all we know, you haven't recovered at all. Your technically still in PCT because the SERMs are still in your system and still stimulating your pituitary. Whether or not you actually recover will be determined by bloodwork done 6 weeks AFTER pct has ended. And even then, if it shows your test levels nice and high it still doesn't mean you can jump back on without a worry. There's always a risk but cutting corners like that makes it much more riskier.

Like I said, if you really care about your natty production then you need to follow the time off rule.