Side effect of America. Forget capitalism and the economy, "Whoreism" is the main reason many relationships have issues and there is rampant divorce/cheating. IMO of course.
If a girl has never been with a guy, she never has issues if she gets married. There is no sexual dissatisfaction. Girls wonder why they can't get good guys, well thats because a good guy will have no control over his size down below. And he doesn't want some girl who has slept around to the point she only gets off on dildos.
Though I fondly remember it taking me a week of trying to get it in my ex
So I have no issues myself, but up until her I always worried if my size was good enough.
A girl who needs a certain size, from experience with my friends, often ends up dissatisfied with life. Because the path she took to get her physically to the point that she "needs" that size left her desensitized and devalued as a person. Not only can she not bond properly emotionally, she may never be able to enjoy the person truly meant to be her spouse in life.
This is why people who walk my path try to avoid that(religious) situation. 90% of girls I have taken on dates/talk to with a desire to date...have never had sex yet.
I spent too much time in psychology classes I guess, I have learned what will create the best outcomes of any relationship.
But with a growing size of women in their late 20's, 30's, and 40's who are single and cannot find true love and suffer severe depression/anxiety etc from the risk of growing old, but cannot keep a mate because he feels inadequacy down there...well its the womans own fault.
Men do not make their junk shrink, its women who play stretch Armstrong with their privates that cause issues.
I may be old fashioned, but I am a firm believer that with each sexual encounter your less likely to find a true partner. Chemically speaking science wise you weaken your bonding ability. And then psychology wise you are making yourself less desirable, and physiology wise you are also wearing yourself out as a girl down there.