Last bulk cycle before summer>


Insane or the Same
Hey Guys,
This is my third cycle in the past year. They have all been bulk cycles and i have post cycle therapy (pct) all of them except the last one i bridged with eq. I am running 800mg test enth, 600 eq, 30mg dbol, and 10mg arimidex. I'm around 245 and 6'1 and 26yrs.
Just thought I'd post a few pics and get some feed back. I am going to do my first lean cycle and diet in about 2 months.
Please give some feed back and advice on a lean cycle and what I should use. I'm thinking test enth, and var.

Sorry for the quality of pics.
you look heavily bloated... would be interesting to see how much water weight you are holding... cutting down to say 205 you should look good
Sorry bro but you need to up your cardio and clean up your diet.....that's a pretty big stack and if u weren't on this board i'd say u don't look like u ever touched a needle

3rd cycle? You're doing something wrong bro

blunt way to say it lol.. but yeah man.. for the amount of test you claim to be taking in, im not very impressed.. you just look like a giant water balloon. try losing the water so we can see the muscle. run your ass off and superset your workouts.

hope to see you around with more photos in the next couple of weeks. good luck bro
LOL at stroke...

Stay off the juice bro and learn how to gain as a natty, or your gonna get very little from your cycles. And you in no way need gear to cut, your not above what you could be as a natty.
LOL at stroke...

Stay off the juice bro and learn how to gain as a natty, or your gonna get very little from your cycles. And you in no way need gear to cut, your not above what you could be as a natty.

hey man lol I can put my two cents in too! haha, i may be young but i know my shit! thanks to researching and you guys of course
i know my shit!

Bro you effin scare me with those kind of comments, but when i was 18 i was the same. Not trying to put you down just saying i understand where you coming from.

But true gains are gonna come the day that you admit you dont know fuck all;) Im 27 and still clueles!
I love the feedback on this thread
I actually train with mrfreeze so see him in person all the time. He doesnt have the muscle maturity I do, but I actually look small standing next to him. I watched him go from 210lbs to over 260lbs in about 7 months before he cleaned up his diet and started to lean out a bit
bro you still are a bit bloated and obviously carrying some fat still, but I cant wait to see you drop the extra weight to see how much change you made this year. Its not often I am impressed, but to see your size gains this year blew me away. On top of that, you went from a pretty strong guy, to the strongest guy in our gym, of over 10,000 members...Last time I trained chest with you I got 9 reps with the 140lb dumbells and you killed youre onto the 150lb ones
Hey thanks Needsize,
appreciate the comparison to you, but there is no comparison other then the our strength. I know my bf is high but this is the end of my bulk cycle and Ive seen a lot worst guys on bulk cycle look great at the end.
I was looking for more constructive criticism from the members here, however those pics are very shitty and don't show that I have a large frame to fill.
Hope to start dropping bf soon and focus more on the diet then anything else.
Appreciate any comment
i just had to go back and look at some of the pics of the guys that made comments>
haha i gotta admit most didn't have pics and Powerstroker looks like Frodo Baggins off Lord of the Rings if he stood beside me!!! but hey, he can probably run fast
mrfreeze982... you're big, bloated, and bulky...

This isn't a problem because you're on a bulking cycle... go figure that you gain weight when you bulk.

I think when you lean out you're going to be looking really good... Drop 5% bodyfat, post up some more pics and tell everyone to shut the fuck up
i just had to go back and look at some of the pics of the guys that made comments>
haha i gotta admit most didn't have pics and Powerstroker looks like Frodo Baggins off Lord of the Rings if he stood beside me!!! but hey, he can probably run fast

lol....feeling better mate?

I must say i looked at your pictures again, but this time clicked on them to make them bigger and now i can see the bulk on your body. But im not impressed, do some cutting and i will be;)

Good luck!
Hey I never made the statement of how lean I looked. I was looking for advice on what you guy would recommend for a lean down cycle. Also, not looking to compete against anyone, I've got NEEDSIZE to look at every fucking day if i wanted comparison.
Mikea show me some pics of yourself I'm so curious of your amazing physic! You've got alot to say, but not a lot of advice, kinda amazed of your rep power.
Bro you have really low selfesteem it seems, whats you problem mate! For me this game has always been about competing against myself.

My advice is start cutting unless your gonna hit a sumo basho in the near future, thats my opinion, if you didnt want it dont post your pics.

Next time you post up pics, why not tell us in detail what kind of comments are you looking to get, as saying what i see is not what u want.
i just had to go back and look at some of the pics of the guys that made comments>
haha i gotta admit most didn't have pics and Powerstroker looks like Frodo Baggins off Lord of the Rings if he stood beside me!!! but hey, he can probably run fast

haha your just pissed because your just a fat water balloon that can lift alot of weight. Im a PFC in the USMC i'd smoke your fat ass any day. but hey dude it's ok. i'm happy with my gains. I out perform performance in the Corps. what do you do civilian??

haha don't answer that. but all b.s aside you do have some serious mass and I agree with everyone else, lose the water and you'd look as strong as you are.
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Lol nice. Again, you produce talk but no pics Mikea.
Powerstroke, you kill me little buddy. I lived in Pensacola Fl, for 6years. I was right on the coast were the base is with all you little usmc fags running around the bars and beaches. You have know idea how many of you guys i fucked up when i bounced at the bars. Not sure where your stationed, but I may have given you a toss to. But hey have fun raising the flag this morning.(isn't that what you pcf boys do).