Last bulk cycle before summer>

How long have you been on? Didn't you bridge your last cycle with this one? Have you been using HCG? I hope you don't mind all the questions, I'm just trying to get the full picture.
i bridged my last bulk cycle with 400mg EQ for 6weeks and then for the last 3months ive been running this cycle. so that makes it 8 months of straight juicing with one bridge, and yes ive been running hcg
Nice job dude - you really tightened up with that cut. You still don't look like 232 at 6'-1- so I'm guessing you have some thickness that isn't showing up in the frontal photo. The BF looks way lower - You'll really look amazing if you pack on a few more pounds this fall/winter and then cut... at 6'-1 that will be mighty impressive. Grats dude! Keep it up!