Lean on Me - 1st Cycle Journal


man on a mission
Hey Brothas in Iron... Here it be:

Wk 1-12 test C 500 mg
Wk 1-4 dbol 50mg/day
Wk 1-10 deca 200mg

Wk 1-12 Vit B-6 200 mg/day
Wk 1-4 Animal Pak/Animal Stak

Wk 13 nothing

WK 14 50mg
WK 15 50mg
WK 16 50mg
WK 17 25mg
WK 18 25mg

So it's 8 pm and i crossed over to the dark side sitting on the floor of the bathroom (door locked) It was a beautiful moment - birds chirping outside, cool jazz on the stereo, warm shower and.....jab! 250 mg's of test into the thigh - didn't feel a thing and I didn't pass out - Whew! Big relief 'cause I'm an BIG needle pussy and I thot I could never do that! (I actually passed out in the hospital when the doc gave my wife the epidural for our 1st KID! that fucker was about 10" long and thick!)

Had a gnarly leg day yesterday so im guaranteed some pain in the thigh - and ass. LOL! Can hardly wait to get into this and see what happens.

I think it's gonna b good :-)

and BTW
13-15% BF
Fourty-fuckin-nine years on this planet!
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Day One
Okay -awsome chest w/o this am. Great psycological lift to start the cycle. Quad feels great tiny bit of soreness - ready to pin the deca tonight.

Diet was crap today - too many carbs but I'm going to get it on track this evening and on out. Still gotta figure out the cals & macros. My BMA is 2700 cals/ day to maintain, I'm thinking I'm going to up it to 3500 and on to 4000 on days when I do cardio. I really want to get 15lbs out of this and drop about 1-2% BF so that I can cut and get to 8-9% bf arounf 200lbs. That should be enough to intimidate my 12 yr daughter's dates and impress my 10yr old son! hahaha Also want to strike fear in the eyes of my neighbors - bastards who complain about every fuckin thing I do to the Design review Board!
Lean... I see some problems right from the start...

#1. you're running 3 compounds your first go around (not recommended for numerous reasons)
#2. 200mg Deca/wk is probably more of a waste of money than its worth (I would save it for another cycle, get some more and run it at a higher dose)
#3. Deca is harder on HPTA recovery and as you are 49 yo, you may have a hard time recovering quickly
#4. 50mg DBol is a VERY healthy dose and is going to cause some major water retention as well as increased blood pressure (I would have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) handy in case it gets to be too much)

I only bring this up, because I ran 2 Test cycles (500mg/wk - 12 weeks) and (700mg/wk - 17 weeks w/ some Winny) and saw some incredible gains. I would recommend Test only for a few reasons, #1 being that Test is best and you will see some great gains on Test alone.

Either way, no matter what you do, keep us updated on your cycle and progress.

One last thing, have you had blood work done?? At 49, I would go out on a limb and say your natty levels may be suppressed enough to get on TRT.
Yo Buddy! Thanks for the advice - i know you have a ton of experience and i appreciate your input.

I have some questions below, if you don't mind.
Lean... I see some problems right from the start...

#1. you're running 3 compounds your first go around (not recommended for numerous reasons) True - heard this before but I am concerned about my joints and I've read that the Deca will help with keeping my joints juiced so i can avoid injury/ pain. The Dbol - well that just seemed like a nice way to kick start. maybe not the best idea - in your opinion u think it's not a good choice?#2. 200mg Deca/wk is probably more of a waste of money than its worth (I would save it for another cycle, get some more and run it at a higher dose)
Okay 2 part question 1 - what dose would you think is reasonable? I was trying to keep it lower than the test to avoid any gyno/deca dick probs. 2) if I do discontinue it, what to dou think about just 4 weeks of it? (I've got 4 syringes loaded up since it came in a stealth packet. Hate to waste those. Yes I'm a cheap SOB)
#3. Deca is harder on HPTA recovery and as you are 49 yo, you may have a hard time recovering quickly. HPTA? Looked it up on wikipedia - sounds like thyroid? Any other info on this? And yes - sadly at 49 recovery from anything is not as quick as it used to be. Hahahaha#4. 50mg DBol is a VERY healthy dose and is going to cause some major water retention as well as increased blood pressure (I would have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) handy in case it gets to be too much) Some of the water will be good - as i mentionned i want it for the joints, however too much is no good. Would the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) be for that or the BP. BTW - I have super low BP - always have had. What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would you recommend?

I only bring this up, because I ran 2 Test cycles (500mg/wk - 12 weeks) and (700mg/wk - 17 weeks w/ some Winny) and saw some incredible gains. I would recommend Test only for a few reasons, #1 being that Test is best and you will see some great gains on Test alone. I hear ya, agree, but the chances of an old dude like me getting the same incredible gains as you on just test are much less likely - so that's why i pushed it. I'm not disagreeing w/ you but tryin to let u kno what WTF I was thinking.

Either way, no matter what you do, keep us updated on your cycle and progress.

One last thing, have you had blood work done?? At 49, I would go out on a limb and say your natty levels may be suppressed enough to get on TRT.
Good point - that's a pretty strong fuckin limb your out on! i did it about 6 mos ago. I'll lookit up and post it. According to the charts I'm in the lower 30% of normal - which is normal - however my age bracket on the charts spans to age 60 and it's pretty pathetic combared to 10 or 20 years ago. - but WTF - shit happens![/QUOTE]

Thanks Buddy - appreciate your help!
MONDAY- Wahhh Whooo - Holiday

Ok dudes
didn't update yesterday but here's a summary:
pinned the Deca Sat pm - very smooth
Had an awsome chest/back w/o in the am
Quads a bit sore on Sun - like my 10 yr old son punched them (which he has been know to do - brolic little bastard...)
Had a great Leg w/o on Sunday - pyramid sets of gorilla squats, leg press and calves.
Monday(HOLIDAY! thank god no work!!!!)
did an early morning shoulder w/o. It was a great workout - felt like I was right at 100% but it wasn't my best weight by far. eg - usually can do militarey press at 95, 15 reps - today 10-12 @ 85 was tough. (Not that its a bad thing - I think that if I feel I'm getting a good w/o and pushing myself to the max I'm happy.)

Going to get the diet thing perfect today - I'm logging into Fitday so i wanna make sure I get enough nutrients to hit 210 by the time I'm done w/ this cycle. Then hopefully I'll be able to cut to 200 and have 10% bf. BTW - 215 is my ultimate goal - that's the weight I reached 5 years ago.....with about 28% bf! and size 36+ pants.. this time around the "bulk" will be different...Hahahaha
to answer your questions...

#1. With the amount of water you will retain from the Test and D-Bol, your joints will be more than lubricated... I would also recommend Glucosamine and MSM for your joints if you worried about them. I think that a Test/D-Bol cycle would be more than ample for the gains you are looking for, and you will be able to control any potential gyno problems more easily. (The course of action for D-Bol and Test gyno is the same... Nolva and an AI)

#2. Deca should probably be run at 400mg/wk for 12 weeks to see optimal gains. I would think that if you kept the Deca in the syringes for a while, so long as they aren't exposed to excessive heat/cold there shouldn't be an issue in keeping them.

#3. HPTA - Hypothalamus Thyroid Testicular Axis... essentially with use of steroids, some compounds will shut off your natural testosterone production worse than others (ie. Anavar vs Tren) and it will be harder for you to recover. Most guys over 30 or so complain about how hard it is to recover from 19-Nor compounds, Deca being one of them.

#4. Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be used for Blood Pressure related issues, Estrogenic side effects, or excess water retention. I have used Arimidex and AIFM both with great success, so with that being said I would recommend using either.

I think you will be surprised how well you are going to respond to a healthy test dosage and you will make incredible gains from it by itself. The beauty about cycling is that you have more than one chance to make gains. There's always next time and there's always more to learn. I only say this because I think most people who do one cycle will do 5 cycles, so no need to go too crazy the first go around.

TRT is something I would look into more seriously if I were you (no disrespect is meant when I speak of this stuff) because they are doing wonders lately at anti-aging clinics, etc for guys with a couple years on them.

No matter what you decide, keep us posted
Milk - Thanks for the info - lots to chew on. I am a bit of an impatient guy so I prolly stacked mo than I should first time thru. i have enough Deca for a 12 wk cycle so maybe i'll hang onto it. And thinks for the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) info - it's def something to look into. Got to find the rite doc.mine is practically a &th day Adventist - hates to prescribe meds...LOL

I'm going to (try) to log my workouts too so i can see the amazing? progress i'm making in strength gains. I don't generally do this - I work out really hard - 2 days a week with a trainer and 1 day a week in a circuit with some really brolic dudes- so i know i am constantly pushing myself. So here goes:

ARM DAY (don't often do a separate arm day - but other body parts are still recovering from weekend w/o's)

warm up
4 sets of 8 decline crunches

incline dumbell curls 10x25;10x30;10x30;10x25
standing bb curls 10x50;10x60;10x70;10x80;10x80

preacher curls 10x45;12x55;12x55;20x55
concentration curls 10x25;10x25;8x25;7x25

20 mins running Treadmill cardio

Also went swimming yesterday - only did about 5 laps 'cause I felt so winded - anyone evert find the get winded w/ D-bol or test/Deca? I had this same wiinded feeling a year ago when i tried Clen to get a little cut. Hmmm.

Dropped the Animal stak/Pak today - too much stuff in there to figure out so now i am back to basic supps:
Liv 5.2
Multi vit
fish oil
vit C
Glucosamine chondroitin
Citrucel Fiber "beverage"

I'll get the diet up tonite
Greetings bros!
Started Wed off w/ a short work out
Shrugs 4 sets (do these on the calf machine - say up to 300lbs - dunno about that)
Upright Rows 6 sets 10 x 45,55,70,80
Hanging Leg raises 4 sets of 8-10 last 2 bw + 20lbs

Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
Total 3,426 155.9 283.0 244.9

I am definately gaining weight - dunno if it is 'cause I am consuming 1000 more cals than normal or what. i may want to reevaluate the diet this weekend.

Pinned a combo DECA/ Test shot in the r quad Wed nite- lotta juice - had to push it in slowly. No soreness. i'm amazed that i can do this!


Had a great leg w/o today - I am getting back into squats after hurting my back 5 mos ago.

Clean & jerk 4 sets 10-12x 95lbs
Squats 20x 95;15x115,12x135,8x135
Seated leg press 15x 3 plates ea side 20x 3plates 12x 3plates 15x3plates 8x4 plates 15x4 plates

Hanging Leg raises 4 sets of 8-10 last 2 bw + 20lbs
damn brother, good luck, thats a lot of shit for the 1st time!!!

i'll be following this log... thanks for keeping it.
One last thing, have you had blood work done?? At 49, I would go out on a limb and say your natty levels may be suppressed enough to get on TRT.

I agree. plus you may want testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), wait until the test kicks in.
damn brother, good luck, thats a lot of shit for the 1st time!!!

i'll be following this log... thanks for keeping it.

Good point - I've heard that before but generally i have a pretty high tolerance for medications - usually takes me twice as much whatever to feel the effect - so maybe it's the same w/ juice. i figure if it goes south i can just cut down to a lower dosage or cut out the DECA.

In other news - just read that i should be splitting my 50mgs of d-bol thruout the day 'cause it has a 3-6 hour life - whoa! that's like asperin - hard to believe it fucks up your liver so bad! So anyways i'm going to bracket it aroung my workout (usually at 7 am) so 6 & 10am.

I am definately feeling "bigger" getting more smooth and pants are tight in the thighs - so i am guessing this is the infamous water weight gain -if it were fat I'd be packing it on around my waist first (I kknow this all too well ;-) On the suject of water - did some heavy leg press today and my knees felt great although they were singin' - I'v got the creaky knee thing goin on from the tendons sliding over the joint - it's really funny to listen to -altho wouldn't be so funny if it hurt!

Diet today Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g)
2,874 126.0 243.8 208.4

39% of the cals from fat - big hits - almond oil,brail nuts and meat. No real fat other than that. Also upped my carb intake - added some applesauce after workout to spike insulin and a piece of ww bread w/ dinner. I just did a CKD diet with good success but don't know if I want to eat that much fat on a bulk - I was tough swallowing all that flax oil!

W/O - Squats, cleans,leg press 4 sets each plus 2 extra on the press - Trying to max the weight and keep in the 12-20 range of reps.

Thanks for reading - Later bros!
damn brother, good luck, thats a lot of shit for the 1st time!!!

i'll be following this log... thanks for keeping it.

Oh yeah - TOO much shit for the first time - at least in quantity! My right quad feels like I got hit with a baseball bat and i am limping around like an old man! hahaha - serves me right - i was a little too cocky -"oh this is easy, blah blah blah" - i do seem to have more endurance tho - did a shit load of leg sets yesterday - That doesn't help eather... Live and learn.

So tonite I'm going to pin 250 of my test in the other quad - I may be totally incapacitated tomorrow - Hahahaha. Actually I thik the prob was that i combined the deca 250 and 250 test in one injection last time - won't do that agian.

Anyways it's the weekend... ;-) That witch doesn't kill us makes us stronger...
Saturday - I'm SWOLE(n)

hey dudes; Okay good to have an experience to humble one'self - Yesterday- could barely walk by the end of the day - took my pants off an walla! - my right quad looked like a giant ball park frank and Plumping ( and yes i was looking at my quad..) i measured it and it was a full inch bigger than my right - So i took 4 IBprophen and went to bed early - no Friday nite pin. I thot "if it's not better by morning I may have to amputate..."

Well It's Sat am - and I have survived. man that was not fun. i think I pinned too much - the deca and test together - or pumped it in too fast - who knows.
so today i Took 4 IBprophen; 2 excedin; Got back up on my horse; ate my oatmeal and went to the gym.

Since i didn't feel 100% I just did traps and arms --- felt great by the end.
like Anita Bryant used to say " a day without weights is like a day without sunshine!" or was that orange juice? ANyone remember that? hahaha


Shrugs at the standing calf machine - 4 sets of 12 ---135 to 400lbs
Standing dumbell shrugs 10 x 45; x 55; x65

seated dumbell curls 12x25;10x30;8x30;14x30/25
standing bb curls 10x50;10x60;10x70;8x80;7x80

preacher curls 8-10x60 (4 sets)
concentration curls 10x25;10x25;8x25;7x25

Hanging leg raises
4 sets of 10 (these looked pretty funny 'cause I can hardly bend my rite knee!)

Came home did my weekend pin of Tect C Depot (250) in my left quad (after a nice hot bath) - went very smooth - I have graduated to the 1.5" pin now that I am not scared the needle will come out the other side. hope I won't have 2 sore quads tomorrow! LOL.

Oh & BTW under the heading of "Whoa - that's wierd":

for the last day or 2 I have nice erect nips like it's cold outside (which it isn't) and they are very sensitive - feels kind good but hoping that it doesn't lead to more. if they get more sensitive I'll have to have my wife rub cream on them....hopfully whipped cream- LOL) anyone else have this experience? I've got some Dostinex and tamofloxin incase i start Lactating by some miracle.

Final thot- I'm still a bathroom junky - pinning in secret when wide's not around. She's totally against roids (watches too much TV)- and can't really understand why at my age i am so interested in getting in shape. Too bad - i'd really like to be the one to say - -oh honey I have sore nipples - (sorry bad joke - I heard that SOOOOO many times when we had babies! LOL)

Onward and upward - to infinity and beyond!

later bros.
u got some adex and nolva on hand in? gyno=no fun

Thanks dude - good point - I've got Nolva sitting in a drawer along with cabaser(dostinex.) U think I need adex too? When would u start? they really don't bug me - no itching, etc and they are flat - it's just that I've never had nips before except when i go swimming or something. Guess i'll just hang tite for the moment.
this is why we don't recommend running more than 1 compound at a time if you are new to the game... if its estro related (from the Test OR DBol) gyno you want to use Adex and Nolva but if its progesterone related (from the Deca) you want to use Caber

Nolva will aggravate Deca related gyno...

I'd run adex by itself for a little bit and see if it doesn't go away, if not thrown on the Caber... Nolva should be a last resort
this is why we don't recommend running more than 1 compound at a time if you are new to the game... if its estro related (from the Test OR DBol) gyno you want to use Adex and Nolva but if its progesterone related (from the Deca) you want to use Caber

Nolva will aggravate Deca related gyno...

I'd run adex by itself for a little bit and see if it doesn't go away, if not thrown on the Caber... Nolva should be a last resort

Hey MDS - thanks for the info. Point well taken about running multiple compounds. Do you know, is there any way to differentiate between estro and progesterone gyno?

Hey MDS - thanks for the info. Point well taken about running multiple compounds. Do you know, is there any way to differentiate between estro and progesterone gyno?


thats the issue... there is no way to tell

the only thing you can really do is trial and error... use adex first, if that clears it up, then its estro, if not then it COULD be progesterone in which case you would have to use Caber