Lean on Me - 1st Cycle Journal

Hey dudes - thanks for the comments! especially nice 'cause i had a shitty work out today - literally hit a wall (ok so not literally...) Dunno - did legs Gorilla squats (w/ 70,80# db's) walking lunges (w/50#) and seated leg press (@ 270 - last week 360 was easy!) just had no stamina. all weights 10-20% below max...maybe tomorrow is a good day to rest!

40lbs in a single cycle, huh?? how much longer do you have??

Hahaha - i was wondering if anyone would catch that! - well hell yeah if it's humanly possible and i can keep it to 60% muscle..... I've already hit 20lbs in one month so got to shoot for something more in the next 8 weeks. i am fairly certain that when i stop i will drop 5-7 lbs of water in 1-2 weeks, then I'll cut and loose another 10lbs (mostly fat i hope) in 4-6 weeks. so that would leave me with a gain of only 3-7 lbs of muscle (assuming i go from 15% bf to 10-12% bf during that cut. - not bad but it would be about $70-100 a pound...LOL lipo might be cheaper! hahaha

What do you think would be a max weight gain for first cycle?

My max weight ever was 216 lbs - a nice fat 27% bf and size 36-38 pants. I'm still in the 33's now at 203.
I'll bet I'm at 15% bf now up from 13% @ 185(down from 206 on Monday!)

has ur flat bench gone up? how much?

I'm sure it has but i always do the flat bench last as a burn out. My incline DB bench has gone up to 5 reps at 85# - my previous 5 rep max was 75# (usually last in pyramid of 5 sets) My military has also gone up from 10@ 75 to 8@ 95;5@115

Those aren't big increases but WTF it's more movement in a 4 week period than i've seen in any 3 month period the last 3 years! i am starting in on squats & DL's after being really scared off for the last 3-4 years (hurt my back good a coupla times.) Now i am doing them with a belt which takes away some of the stress and fear.
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The good the bad and the Ugly

First Ugly:
It's been a few days since i posted. Had a totally SHITTY workout on Thursday (legs) - dunno what was the deal but low energy to the max! Also out of breath - maybe it's wearing a lifting belt for squats & lunges (not used to it no mo) or maybe it's the test? Anyone else get short of breathe w/ test?

So Fri took it easy-just did cardio,

The Good:
Today had an awsome chest workout with the circuit dudes at the gym. 7 guys 6 stations - no resting.... Again it was hard to catch my breathe but I was moving from one set up to the next with no rest. It was tough but felt great! got a huge pump.

Flat bench barbell

incline bench DB

one arm row
6sets 10 x 55

Tbar row
6 sets 8-10 x90

cable pull down

decline hammer strength machine
6 sets 5x90

Finished wit 5 sets of incline DB 65,55,45,35,25 no rest
5 sets hammer curls 8x45;6x45;8x30;8x25;8x30
calves 4 sets 8x405;1 set 75 x 5,4,3,2,1plates

So it was a great way to start the weekend.

Now that i dropped the d-bol, my weight is dropping too. So i am imagining that is the water i'm loosing but I went from 207 down to 201.

So now i am really trying to eat like MDS!!! getting close to 4000 cals a day now 38% from protein, the rest fat & carbs evenly. Any suggestions out there? I definately want to gain another 10-15 lbs so when i cut i can keep at least 10 lbs of muscle gain. Bought chicken breasts, pork chops, steak & cottage cheese!

Later brothas - have a good weekend! Gotta go eat...Hahaha
ur workouts are weird bro.

if you want to gain muscle, you're gonna have to get stronger. Use the gear to get stronger, then when ur leaning out, use the circuit type stuff.

Mix in a few Max Effort days.

Just my opinion, not bashing at all. U r working hard and getting results, but from all I know, it seems you'd get even better results if you train for pure strength while on gear.

either way, keeping working hard, in the end, that is what it's all about.
ur workouts are weird bro.

if you want to gain muscle, you're gonna have to get stronger. Use the gear to get stronger, then when ur leaning out, use the circuit type stuff.

Mix in a few Max Effort days.

Just my opinion, not bashing at all. U r working hard and getting results, but from all I know, it seems you'd get even better results if you train for pure strength while on gear.

either way, keeping working hard, in the end, that is what it's all about.

Hey GFD - point well taken - but damn, those circuits on Saturdays are so fun with 6 or 7 guys going through! It's a hella nice buch of guys and i only see them on Sat am - kind of like a "gym club"
i think I know where you are going but can u be more specific about pure strength? - fewer reps & higher weight? concentrate on only one body part chest or back not both? Just wondering what you'd mix up. You think the strength will build size too? ATM i'm focused on size - for me and my life i don't really need great strength (at least not for another 5 or 6 years - then my son will be able to kick my ass! hahaha)

Thanks bro.
Sunday leg Day

Hey guys - did legs quick this am.

Smith Machine Squat (warm up)
10x45 *each side

3sets 6x185

Seated Leg Press

Ham curls

All suggestions or crits welcome....
Hey dudes;

haven't posted much lately benn hella busy at work.

All's well - I'm almost 1/2 way through the cycle. Strength is great - feel like a bull in the weight room - haven't injured myself either! Weights are all up 15-25% and I'm getting some good thickness. Abs come & go - to day they are showing. BTW did some hanging leg raises w/ 25# plate - felt great!

Nipps seem under control - droped the adex and letro in favor of AIFM - also bought some Yohimburn - topical fat loss - sounds bogus but WTF thot i'd give it a go. Smells great - minty! my wifeloves it hahahaha.

Only wierd sides so far:
Nuts have gone into hiding - down to the size of pecans from walmuts now - may try some HCG to revive them. Any one have ideas about that?

Shortness of breathe - doing minor cardio now - walking on the treadmill cause My HR shoots up pretty fast. Can't really run now anyways cause i feel so out of breathe. This is wierd cause I've always been a good runner - especially on the treadmill - could run like a mofo for 20-30 min easy (with good music...) i am guessing this will go back to normal after cycle.

Weight/diet Now 204 down from max of 207 10 days ago; up from 201 5-7 days ago - guess that's a result of dropping the d-bol after 4 weeks.

Can't possibly make my goal of 225 in 6 weeks at this rate so i have my eye on 215- another 7 lbs- 6.5 of it muscle! ;-)

Got control of the diet and am getting at least 300-325gms of protein a day. Boosted my caloric intake to 3500 -4000 cals 'cause i was loosing weight at 3K/ day. Hard to eat that much food! I've added in a banana, extra protein shake, 2 muffins (bran & blueberry), PB &J sandwich - 2 slices whole grain wheat bread.

It's sunday so have to take 5 to recount at leats today's workout.

leg day - felt energized - nearly OD'd yesterday on "Full Blown Extreme" a No Explode knock off - missread the label and took 2 scoops instead of one - had a giant coffee and i was caffinated to the MAX - didn't get a great muscle workout byt myheart rate was aound 170 - so i guess that's cardio! LOL that wioll teach me to read the labels! hahahaha

had a most excellent leg workout - albeit cut short by my need to go teach sunday school to a bunch of 4th graders. Hahaha - Now that was challenging!

Reverse lunges
16 x 90;10x180;10x200;10x140;12x110

10x135;7x 185;7x205;7x205;10x175

leg press
20 x90;12x180;8x270;6x270;4x270;10x180;19x135

My quads were shakin at the end of the leg press - felt SOOOOOOO good.

I'm going to try to hit legs 2x a week and see if I can bust thru this level.

Diet was out of control yesterday - 90% Healthy but I kept eating and racked up 5K cals! hahaha But seriously going to try to stay aroung 3500-4000 ea day so i don't get FAT. No point in gaining 10lbs of muscle and 10 lbs of fat!

Weight - up to 206.3 - the highest i've been since I was stacking the d-bol w/ the test. So i was pretty happy about that. AT 6-2 i'd really like to be about 215 w/ 10% bf. That mite be a longer term goal;-)

In other news - just hung up a heavy bag i got at a garage sale - got some gloves for me & my boy - can't wait to start "training w/ him - except he always gos for my nuts! ( eye level you know) Should be a fun diversion, plus mite get some cardio out of it.

later dudes - enjoy sunday!
Brothas of the Iron;

Had a busy day with no large blocks of time for workout sooooooooooo

I did 2 intense workouts separated by 4 hours!

9am w/o
SLDL (before I even read MikeNYY's comment!)
15 x135 warm up
10x 185

Incline DB press
(slight incline only)
6x95 PB! Had a spotter for this set - think he helped a little too much, but i'll take it!

Incline cable flyes


Iso Lateral Incline Chest presss


Had to run to my daughter's soccer game

1pm did shoulder workout

seated Militrary press

standing push press

seated isolateral hammer strength shoulder press
10x55* weight per side so for example 110 is total

superset (side laterals and front raises)

3sets each 12x20

side lateral giant sets
2 sets

incline dummbell rear laterals
- 3sets 12x 10lbs

reverse flies (pec deck)
- 4 sets 12 x 90

barbell shrugs at the standing calf raise machine
2 sets 10 x 405; 2 sets 10x495

AWSOME energy today - felt really pumped and strong as an ox. Got a great sleep last nite - 8 hours. Cycle is going really well - intense workouts feel like i am gaining some size. getting lots of comments about my arms - hahahaha - great for the ego!

later dudes! BTW at 207 today -gotta eat more!

Monday Workout

Back & ABS
Pullups w/ body wt
6 sets 5,4,4,4,5,4 - these are damn difficult now that i weigh 208 instead of 185! Not fair!

One arm rows

6 sets 10 x 50

Tbar rows

10 x 90;7x90;10x70;10x70;10x70

Seated rows w/ isolateral machine
6 sets of 10 - 70lbs per side

Cable pulldowns

10x130;10x150;10x170;8x190;6x210;3x230 (PB) One giant set 230down to 100 40 reps

decline bench crunches

3 sets x 10

Hanging leg raises

2 sets x 10 x BW
2 sets 10 x bw+20; 7x bw+20

Great workout lots of energy - had my vasocharge cocktail before w/o
Really felt the pull in my forearms - they seem to be growing - gotta get out a tape and chek it out one of these days!

Diet today
Meal 1
1 1/2C oatmeal w/ walnuts
8 egg whites


Meal 2 Post - shake Waxie maise & whey
1/2 medium Yam

Meal 3
4 oz chicken breast

Meal 4
Whole wheat toryilla & 4 oz chicken breast
1C green beans w/ olive oil

Meal 5
6 oz salmon
1C brown rice

Meal 6
4 oz steak

Meal 7
Steak, artichoke w/ mayo; yam; 2" sq of lasagne

meal 8
1C lowfat cottage cheese w/ almonds, Splenda & vanilla

Later dudes!
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Hey dudes;
Great chest w/o this am:

i am revamping my diet - trying to keep the cals high and get the fat lower. I am up to 208.8.....not quite 209....gotta eat more!

Standing Calf Raises
20x300-14x270-10x270-8x270-8x270 non stop - calves were screaming - hope I feel it tomorrow!

incline DB Chest press (slight incline)
2 sets warm up 18x35; 12x50;10x60;10x70;8x80
giant set down no rest 6x80-6x70-4x60-3x50-8x40
rest 5 mins
giant set down no rest 6x70-8x60-6x50-10x40

Flat bench DB press (this was a killer after the incline)

Hammer Strength Decline press
12 x 70* each side
5 sets 10x60
Hey guys;
Caught a cold last week and felt like dog shit since friday - Should be into the DC training! LOL
In spite of it been hitting the weights hard - the diet has suffered 'cause i'm going for the comfort foods - a few too many chocolate chip cookies, etc.


took my cocktail of vasocharge (a little too much 'cause my heart was POUNDING!) andf some cold pills and set off for the gym at 7:30

did a circuit of these w/ my buds at the gym: 6 sets - very little if any rest beteen exercises

flat bench
25 x 95 warm up;10x135;8x155;8x175;10x155

tbar row

10x70;5 sets 10x95

Wide grip Cable Pull down
15 x 130;12x150;10x170;10x190;5x220

incline db press
15 x 45;10x55;10x65;10x75;8x85;6x95 (PB) 32x35 (widowmaker - tried to get to 40 but couldn't!

one armed row
6 sets 10 x 55

flet pretty good after that - came home drugs wore off and i went back to bed!


LEG DAY lite since I felt like shit - took my Vasdo charge and a coffee so had my heart pumping - did 20 mins cardio to warm up

Superset of
Smith Squats

12 x 90(+bar wt)
smith reverse lunges
same wts as above - 2 less reps each

seated leg press
15 x 4plates ea side
10x6 plates
10x6 plates
8x7 plates
8x7 plates

Done - my knees are a bit sore or whatever - definately feel the strain on them. On the heavier press sets, I am stabilizing them with my hands - not cheating by pushing but def cupping the knees so they don't blow out. Dunno if that will help - these knees been around a few blocks....;-)


4 sets of 2 wide grip chinups - real weak on these so trying to get them in more often

DB military press 16 x 35;10x45;10x55;10x65;10x75

reverse flyes

6 sets 10 x 100-120

hammer strength over head press
forward & reverse
3 sets 10 x 100; 3 sets 10 x 120

Lat flyes
6 decline sets
8x15; 6or8 x 10; last set to failure at 3reps

Still Sick - stayed home from work - Yippee tho still had to log in....;-(

Weight - 211.7 today! good - I've been eating alot - like the PB & J sandwiches when I'm sick. Using the no sugar Jam - only 10 cals / Tbsp also lots of cottage cheese w/ splenda & blueberries.

So i am officially 2 months in - here's some progress pics. And no the orange puff ball in the shower is NOT mine!
Let me know if you have any suggestions for the last month - want to make the most of it.

Thanks Dudes!
.....I mean ARM DAY....hahahahaha

Well I'm still sick as a dog but ate my Cup of egg whites, 2C of oatmeal, choked down the Vasocharge and hit the gym early.

Did calves first

1 set 75 reps x 110 - heard this will make em grow - thanks D12345!

Shrugs on the standing calf machine
3 sets 10 x325;10x370;3x405

Bi's & Tris - I love this workout - (could do it everyday all day - but that wouldn't be productive would it? LOL)

I did these as a circuit or superset:

standing EZ barbell curls
15x60 warmup 10 x 80 10 x80 10x90 10x90

Standing curls w/ Hammer curl bar

10 x 52lbs; (2) 10x 62; (2) 10 x 72;

skullcrushers w/ hammer curl bar

10 x 52lbs; (2) 10x 62; (2) 10 x 72;

Tricep kick backs
10 x 15;10x20;10x20

Preacher curls

10x60 10 x 80 10 x80 10x90 8x90

Tricep rope pushdown
4 sets 10x100

Tricep over head cable extensions
3sets 8x100; burnt @ 3 x 100!

Fuckin AMAZIN arm pump today - felt like i had Jay Cutlers arms on loan- Hahahaha
a couple of people stopped by to say "wow - you're pumped today" hahahaha - love that! Wish i could pull out a tape & measure - i am sure they were 25" at least - LOL - I wore one of my "loose" tshirts i bought a year ago and at the end of the work out it was totally tight around the arms :-)

Okay enuf ego stroking for one day - back to work

have a great day Muscleheads!
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Hey guys;

Had an awsome weekend - 2 great workouts chest on Sat and legs on Sun. Both very simple but balls to the wall for reps and endurance. Diet a little spotty - hard to keep on track on the weekend.


Seated Military press

Shoulders burning like crazy - felt awsome!

reverse flyes
6 sets 12 x 100 w 2 sec pause at full contraction

Front overhead press
6 sets 12x105

Back Overhead press
6 sets 12 x 105

Shrugs at the standing calf raise machine

Standing Lat flyes
6 drop sets 8x20;8x15

Totally Fu*kin awsome workout!!! So jacked today! I was sore all overe from the weekend workouts - feel like I'm really making some progress. getting lots more comments from people that i look "buff" or have been working out. My belly fat has increased - not a great thing to note but it's still relatively under control. i go for Hydrostatic underwater BF testing in a week.

Weight this past few days 214-217 - varies daily. Tonite i pin test C then not again till Friday - start the dbol up again next week. nipps are doing well - I'll be interested to see what happens when i restart the dbol. Been doing the Adex .5ml ed.
Later dudes - have a good one!
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Hey dudes
Passed on the workout Tuesday am - up till 2 am partying with a bunch of brolic 10 year olds! Wore me out!

Wed workout was awsome - got 9 hours sleep - all recovered.

6 sets of 10 20lb increments up to max on the stack (150?)

Romanians (hurt my back on these 2 weeks ago - ouch! so going lite to get back into it)
4 sets 10 x 95

preacher curls
10x80;10x80;8x90;8x90;4x100 PB

Skull crushers
2 sets 10x90;2 sets 10x 100

Close grip BP w/ ez curl bar
2 sets 10x90;2 sets 10x 100

seated db curls
10x25;10x30;10x30;8x40;8x45;1 x50! PB

DB kickbacks
4 sets 10 x 25

*** got an insane pump on these - looked in the mirror and thot - that looks like the arm of a brotha from anotha motha! LOL - needless to say - i was jacked.

Diet not too good - went for a blood test so started off with a 12 hour fast - then had all kinds of wierd shit - brown rice sushi, grilled salmon, sweet pototo, steak, broccoli, etc. think it didn't add up to 4500Cals. BTW weighed in w/o food this am at 211.

Later dudes!
Friday the 14th!

Hey dudes - Okay, today marks my 10 week anniversary with the new love of my life - Test C! Thanks to all who gave me advice along the way!

next 2 weeks(11 & 12): Test C 500 EW; 50mgs D-bol ed
weeks 13-14: 50 mgs Dbol ed
WK 15 50mgClomid
WK 16 50mgClomid
WK 17 25mgClomid
WK 18 25mgClomid

Also have nolva - don't know if i'll use it.

Had a monster leg workout yesterday - leg press, ham curls, & smith squats
Today - just calves & abs

knees are sore as hell today - gotta take it easy on dem bones! LOL

Sides at the end of cycle:
acne on shoulders & neck - annoying!
shortness of breath (no running for me on the treadmill)
little bit of puffiness (water retention)
Uncontrollable rage (okay just kidding - my wife says i 've been a pussy cat lately...or is that a hound dog looking for pussy....hmm)
Shrunken Nuts (sounds like something from the Jungle cruise in Disneyland)
More hair on face & back - WTF?
Hard nipps (no pain (ever), no itch (for weeks now)

Later guys - have a good weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey dudes, nasty weekend - woke up on Sat feeling woozie/hung over. i smoked some pot on Fri nite and me & the mrs did the wild thing til early in the am - but whoa - i felt TOTALLY spent. finally hit a wall - muscles and energy STRONG as hell but the joints all be sore now - So i went to the gym, did a coupla sets of incline db presses and took off. my whole body was sore, back, joints, legs, etc. (hope it wasn't the late night cardio - that would be depressing.... Anyways took 2 days off and feelin good again today. Back on the dbol for the next 4 weeks, 2 mo for the test. doing the adex .5 ed. Got plenty of back & shoulder acne now - very annoying.

Took 2 days off - so took off Sat & sun. Feeling pretty good today - had an awsome shoulder workout - delts were screamin! love that feeling of the burn like you can feel the individual muscle fibers.

Diet was rough over the weekend - eating out, not enouf cals - weight down to 212. I am going to lift really hard in the next 2 weeks - hoping to burn some of the fat I gained and build solid muscle - got a BF test scheduled for tomorrow. Yippee - can't wait - altho it's not going to be lean by any means - but nice to have a datum.

later dudes
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Hey guys
Apologies for no posts last week - busy as heck at work. Workouts were good - great infact - feeling strong as a bull.
It's sunday am and today I'm not at the gym! I have decided to take the day off. had a long conversation yesterday w/ a really buff dude about overtraining so i'm going totake a day off here and there. Plus my joints are still sore a bit. i think that my next cycle will incllude deca for all that i've read about it's benefit for sore joints. having said that my glutes and quads (muscles) are totally recovered from thursday's gnarly workout. My one regret about getting serious about lifting later in life is that my joints can't keep up with the muscles, and the one thing I really want to avoid is joit injury. So to all you young bucks - I say "good for u! getting into it early - take care of your joints so you can still lift wen yor MY age! LOL

Sat workout
Did the circuit with te big gys at the gym - 6 exercises - very aerobic little or no rest between sets- veryintense and really got me jacked.

incline/flat bench (5% incline)

tbar row

Wide grip pulldown

flat bench

hammerstrength decline press
10x90;5sets - 10x145

one arm row

I was ready for more but the trainer who wqas leading the circuit said I would be tearing up muscle if I did more exercises :-( i was a little sorry i didn't go heavier cause I def could have added 20# to everyything.:dumbbells

I think some of that is the dbol - I feel hella strong now - be interesting to see if my strength goes down in a coupla weeks as this shit leavesmy system.

Sides now: I've had a few headaches (don't know if that's a side or it's just me stressing about work and the economy) My acne is fairing up - oily skin - wife has been very nice to scub my back & shoulders. Nuts still tiny; pecker is doing well tho - Tons of libido - just like my 20's hahahaha - put the wood to the ol lady twice in one nite! not bad after2 kids & 14 years! LOL Nipps are doing well - nothing unusual - a little sensitive but not like the beginning. I am definately looking "full" getting lots of comments - even from strangers who didn't know me before...:heelclick2:I am looking forward to the next 5 months and cutting some fat/bloat - can't really see much definition in my triceps for example but that part of my arm is lookin large...

Diet - been much better about that. :food-snac I am getting closer to 4500 cals. Still in my same pants (33) the thighs are getting very tight but not the waist. Not eating much fruit or white flour; almost no sugar. Made an awsome bread pudding the other night - 9 grain bread, splenda,2eggs, eggwhites, vanilla, cinamon, whiskey(only 1T) a few cut up dried aprocots. i didn't do the macros on it, but very low fat - complex carbs & high protein. Getting tired of the brown rice but still going for that and chicken boobs, lean steak.

So 2 more injections of Vitamin T and that's it. post cycle therapy (pct) coming down the road...

Later dudes - thanks for reading!