.....I mean
ARM DAY....hahahahaha
Well I'm still sick as a dog but ate my Cup of egg whites, 2C of oatmeal, choked down the Vasocharge and hit the gym early.
calves first
1 set
75 reps x 110 - heard this will make em grow - thanks D12345!
Shrugs on the standing calf machine
3 sets 10 x325;10x370;3x405
Bi's & Tris - I love this workout - (could do it everyday all day - but that wouldn't be productive would it? LOL)
I did these as a circuit or superset:
standing EZ barbell curls
15x60 warmup 10 x 80 10 x80 10x90 10x90
Standing curls w/ Hammer curl bar
10 x 52lbs; (2) 10x 62; (2) 10 x 72;
skullcrushers w/ hammer curl bar
10 x 52lbs; (2) 10x 62; (2) 10 x 72;
Tricep kick backs
10 x 15;10x20;10x20
Preacher curls
10x60 10 x 80 10 x80 10x90 8x90
Tricep rope pushdown
4 sets 10x100
Tricep over head cable extensions
3sets 8x100; burnt @ 3 x 100!
Fuckin AMAZIN arm pump today - felt like i had Jay Cutlers arms on loan- Hahahaha
a couple of people stopped by to say "wow - you're pumped today" hahahaha - love that! Wish i could pull out a tape & measure - i am sure they were 25" at least - LOL - I wore one of my "loose" tshirts i bought a year ago and at the end of the work out it was totally tight around the arms
Okay enuf ego stroking for one day - back to work
have a great day Muscleheads!