limp dick


New member
10 days into post cycle therapy (pct) and completely lost my erection????
20mg nolva
500iu hcg for 6days eod.
whats wrong?
pls help
i have a question about this. I an on test and EQ right now and i know that during my cycle the test will make me horny as fuck but as
barracuda25 asked, will my post cycle therapy (pct) when i come off the cycle make me lose my sex drive and go limp.
get a new girl friend.....except now you may have to leave town since the old one will tell all her friends, lol j/k

You may have started too late and your androgens have tapered out before your post cycle therapy (pct) could get you started, hence slinky dick
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lartinos said:
maybe you're just gay now


Too funny man!!!
Serioulsy, if I had limp dick without a girl I'd deal with it. But if I had a girl I'd have one of them little candy necklaces.....but with viagras instead of candy. Goodluck bro!
barracuda25 said:
10 days into post cycle therapy (pct) and completely lost my erection????
20mg nolva
500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 6days eod.
whats wrong?
pls help

quick question, you have been running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout your whole cycle correct?