Looking to change up my Dieselbolan cycle need some advice...


New member
Whats up guys. Awhile ago I got on the Buy 1 get 1 Free and got 2 bottles of Deiselbolan.
The cycle I ran is as follows:
1-4 deiselbolan 2.0 1 cap 3 times a day
1-4 Forged Liver as directed on the labels
1-4 hcgenerate 5 caps ed spread out.
4-8 unleashed/post cycle/FORMA-STANOZOLOL ed as directed on the labels.

Took everything religiously. It worked out pretty good. So I am ready to start another/different cycle.

I am looking for recommendations as for what to change up this time. What else do I need to run when on cycle, and possibly adding something to PCT? So much info so many products so little time.

Thanks guys.
Orbit, you think drop the phytoserm? I think the need2slin is perfect for pct. I'm interested to hear your point of view.
I think unleashed/post cycle and need2slin will be plenty. Phyto would be good in replace of unleashed and post cycle.