Ok so Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stands for Aromatise Inhibitor, but what kind should I take, where do I get it, and how do I know when & if to take it?
AI is for estorgen control and even if you end up not feeling you needed it you should ALWAYS have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand when on cycle. if you get gyno/ breast development you might only get rid of it by having a doc cut it out.
this can be avoided with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI)
also do you know what PCT is? i would say that is a must.
A SERM like nolvadex/Tamox or Clomid would be a PCT.
Where do you get? I highly rec this place, I have been using them for years for research studies:
LINK To RUI-products : Aromatase Inhibitors - Ancillaries
I highly rec the STANE at 12-25mg ed to eod for on cycle use.
and Clomi 2weeks after deca / 1 week after test is stopped you start for 3-5 weeks at 35-75mg ed.
stop the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at the start or midway through PCT.
Hope that helps a bit