Lowest Melanotan II does that one can run for results


New member
I have skin color equivalent to level 4 medium brown.

What is the lowest dosage for both the loading phase and maintenance phase that I could run.

I do try to get out and run outside 3x a week anywhere from 30-50 mins. And now that it is summer hike more and swim each about 1x a week.

So to prevent getting too dark to fast and just too dark what is recommended lowest dosage while still receiving results.

I heard going slower is also safer, and do I have to go to a tanning bed if I am out in the sun fr about 4-5 hours a week.
After reaching the desired skin tone, I just used about 250-500mcg every 7-10 days. Sun once a week for about 30mintues.
Are you skin type 4 as well and what loading dosages did you use?

Not sure what skin type I am. I tan easily. Probably a 3-4. if I remember correctly, I loaded with 1iu daily for about 10 days but couldn't take it any more. Each one made me feel so horrible. After the first week, I tanned for 6min. Then the next weekend again. I instantly started getting dark. I reduced to once a week inject, then to about every 10 days.
I usually just do 250mcg 2x a week until Im the desired color then once a week. Sometimes if Im looking to get dark quickly Ill do 250mcg ED and tan 30min ED for 1 week and Ill be pretty dark. Skin type II
I used way to much 200 mcg ed with out side tanning. people said I no longer looked my race. took a year from after show to get skin on legs totally normal again. I probably will do 100mcg ed for 2 weeks before bed then cut back to 100mcg once a week... as long as it last in bottle I don't know. I get dark to fast.