Luquillo 8 months bulking - gained 33 lbs


New member
I've been bulking natural for 8 months and now I'm going to stay 1 month at the same weight and loose some fat (maybe down to 11/12%). I started cardio once a week. Then I'll start again with a full bulking.
My training is 5x5 routine, training 3 times a week mostly with basic movements (deadlift, squat, bench, row).
Diet is very clean always. I think my weak bodypart is chest and working hard on it.
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Nice work bro, kudos for doing it natural too! I am doing a similar workout right now and I love it. Back to basics for me! Good luck with cutting!
LiftTillIDie said:
nice work man results are especially apparent from the back, if you choose to juice later you'll be glad you put on the size first

Yes I want to build a solid base first. Thanks for replies!
Nice to see your pics luquillo. Nice back, if you want a nice bod, dont screw around with your diet (pizza,beer), your chest looks fine, just squeeze at the top of your reps.
Arms. Well, you have your work cut out for you. Do you do milit. presses? Try to hit your rear delts and as for the rest, try to wake up your bi's tri's and forearms.
According to the numbers you gave, and my calculations, you have gained 21.02 pounds of lean body mass in 8 months. Pretty nice gains for natural, are you sure of the numbers or is this your first time weightlifting?