Luquillo 8 months bulking - gained 33 lbs

Winterlong said:
Where've you been Luqillo?! Last time he signed on was 1/10 :(

I've been out for some time...
I'm having problems with my wife not being happy with me growing...

Thanks for replies!
painless2 said:
According to the numbers you gave, and my calculations, you have gained 21.02 pounds of lean body mass in 8 months. Pretty nice gains for natural, are you sure of the numbers or is this your first time weightlifting?

Yeah, pretty sure of the numbers. And Yes, I started lifting on feb 2005.
Your back looks very nice especially your low and hiddle back.

YOu have also been blessed with great skin.

You need more arms and chest.

WHat does your chest day look like?
roccodart440 said:
Your back looks very nice especially your low and hiddle back.

YOu have also been blessed with great skin.

You need more arms and chest.

WHat does your chest day look like?

Yeah, I know, my chest sucks. It's smaller than people that never even worked out.

My chest day is:
Incline bench (4 sets, moving weight up, going from 9 to 5 reps)
Flat bench (2 sets, 5 reps)
DB shoulder press (2 sets, 8 reps)
Lateral raises (2 sets, 10 reps)
Weighted dips (3 sets, from 10 to 6 reps - bodyweight+33lbs)
luquillo78 said:
My chest day is:
Incline bench (4 sets, moving weight up, going from 9 to 5 reps)
Flat bench (2 sets, 5 reps)
DB shoulder press (2 sets, 8 reps)
Lateral raises (2 sets, 10 reps)
Weighted dips (3 sets, from 10 to 6 reps - bodyweight+33lbs)

I would advise switching some things around.
1. I would never work shoulders and chest on the same day.
2. I would combine chest and tries as you are already.
3. 6 sets isn't nearly enough for chest.
4. Bump your tries up to 4 sets.

*Are you going for power or bodybuilding? What is your max bench?
roccodart440 said:
I would advise switching some things around.
1. I would never work shoulders and chest on the same day.
2. I would combine chest and tries as you are already.
3. 6 sets isn't nearly enough for chest.
4. Bump your tries up to 4 sets.

*Are you going for power or bodybuilding? What is your max bench?

Thanks for relply. I will considerate your advice.
I train for size.

Winterlong said:
Nice job man! Bah, I need to get some lats. I finally started doing some widegrip lat pulls lol - Guess I gotta do em

looking thick bro! keep at.

Thanks winter and adida!
Good stuff man, its always a sweet feeling when a hard-gainer puts on some mass. The hardest part is to see the definition getting smooth, but the finished project is well worth it. You can tell you put on good weight instead of sloppy crap. GOOD WORK man, keep turnin that weight to muscle.