M1T dosage : in one time or spread throughout the day ?


New member
What would be better ?

With prohormones it was advised by Patrick Arnold to divide the dosage throughout the day.

M1T is working for a longewr time in the body.
So what would be better ?

For example : if the liver can block 3 mg from each dosage en you take one time 10 mg than 7 mg will pass.
If you take two dosages of 5 mg each and each time 3 mg will be belocked than only 4 mg passes.

But I don't know if it is working like that with M1T.
i would take one in the morning, and one in the evening, since it can make you a little lethargic.
WHen i ran m1t, i spaced it out, but it was my 1st and only cycle as of now, so i'm not real knowlegdged w/cycles, just what i did.