Id- said:So you checked your blood pressure and your cholesterol huh? Is that how you KNOW these facts about yourself? Then since you got those things tested, why didnt you get a blood test at the same time? hmmm... I'm guessing you really DONT know... just making guesses to try and make up for your stupidity...
ok, here we go. yes, i KNOW my b/p and cholesterol were normal and that is a FACT. and the fact that i am just guessing, wtf ever. i work daily as a paramedic on the ambulance and in the er. do you KNOW what that means? i am a fucking ditch doctor, i make medical diagnosis all the fucking time and i am rarely wrong, if i am people could die. i KNOW what the fuck i am talking about. and dont fucking tell me the peoples reaction to things are very miniscule. i have seen people with signs and symptoms of a certian condition and it be something completely different and i do this on a daily basis. not a single fucking time did i ever suggest that i was judging my damn test levels by my nuts. i fucking said the 6-oxo fixed the side effect that was associated with my dick. NEVER, once did i mention the fucking word nuts.
god damn i fucking hate internet badasses who know everything.
no they're not, internet badass know-it-alls rule the world.Id said:they are SMARTER THAN ME...
Id said:I honestly expected more from a veteran member of the board, but you're prolly a little kid still in high school that doesnt have the responsibility nor the maturity to realize bigger isnt always better and more doesnt always equal more.
yes, you are right, PB is a high school kid who knows absolutely nothing and only deadlifts 225lbs. dude!!! so you, a person who is still attending USA, cant be any older than say, 26, depending on the degree, have done more cycles than PB. if this is true you are the fucker who is going to DIE. i can tell by your 4 whole posts here that you know absolutely shit about him. so shut the fuck up.
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