M1T Questions. (Please help out)

Anyway, when I use this M1T, I will let everyone know if it works or not. Its just hard to believe that something legal works like a real steroid.

Sounds too good to be true, so it probably is, but we will see.
Ah, wait for about a month. Then look for M1T, then you'll know that it was real enough for the FDA to ban it.
I am using Post Cycle for two weeks, taking it twice a day. One bottle at 24.95 from Protein Factory will last two weeks.
If I notice any adverse estrogenic side effects i may get another bottle, and take it for a month @ the 2xper day dose.

I am also taking some ZMA at night before bed (Because i have it)
Golden_Muscle said:
Why? I have clomid and nolvadex, but doubt im gonna need it.

Well, you'll find out very quickly. Good thing that you have ancillaries. Gone are the days of andro and 1ad.
bensanderson said:
I took 10mg of Underground Lab's M1T for 4 weeks. I experienced no sides. I added ~25lbs to each of my core lift 5 rep maxes, was extremely energetic, and lost 5 lbs of bodyweight. I look more shredded, especially around my midsection.

that doesnt seem like that big of gains to me.....i am currently adding 5-10lbs a week on my core lifts and i am all natural. my deadlift has went up 75lbs in 6wks.

i have quit taking anything about 8 weeks ago and even then all i was taking was plasmavol
Dave Boogie said:
okay, I'm considering buying the $9.99 bottle of M1T, but I have several questions I'd like for some past users or really informed people to answer for me.

1.Why so cheap? I mean I hear it's so effective, but 10 bucks a bottle? that's nothing.

Who knows??? Because it's legal and there's lots of competition is my guess.

2.What are the side effects? and most common side effects that you got?

Lethargy: I did see too much of this until I went to 20mg/day.
High Blood Pressure: This is a big one which needs to be stressed more often! I suspect that almost everyone has HBP while using M1T. Some don't see symptoms, but others do (nose bleeds, headaches, etc...). Either way, this is a dangerous side which should not be taken lightly!
Prolactin sides: Gyno, water retention, etc... Not a huge concern at lower dosages (5-15mg).

3.What is the best time of the day to take the pills? should I take one at a time if I plan on taking 2-3 a day, what times?

It's an oral that likely has a short half-life, so spread it out. For example, take 5mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening.

4.I've read all this stuff people are taking with M1T, is it totally needed, I don't feel like spending 40 bucks on another bottle of something. I was thinking about taking creatine though, is that postive or negative? also I was thinking about taking ripped fuel or something like that, to prevent the lethargy I always hear about, would that be good or bad?

You don't need to take anything with M1T. Stay away from stimulants while on M1T because of the HBP effect...could prove dangerous! You will want some nolva or clomid on hand for post cycle therapy. Like all steroids, M1T will shut you down. You'll want something proven on hand to help bring you back.

and finally, is this honestly a good supplement, can I expect good gains from taking this stuff? I know a guy at Ohio State and his buddies gained like 10 pounds in 2 weeks and gained a lot on their workouts.

Yes, M1T is the real deal! Make no mistake about it, M1T is a steroid! It's active on it's own and needs no conversion like prohormones.

hope this helps. Be careful! More is not always better!!! Also, don't drink while on M1T...it's kind of hard on the liver and you don't need to add alcohol to the mix!
t3project said:
that doesnt seem like that big of gains to me.....i am currently adding 5-10lbs a week on my core lifts and i am all natural. my deadlift has went up 75lbs in 6wks.

i have quit taking anything about 8 weeks ago and even then all i was taking was plasmavol

what are your core lifts? Maybe the other guy is doing a lot more weight.
actually guys you want to have a post cycle therapy (pct), even though i doesnt aromatize into estrogen, you still will have an estrogen rebound if you dont follow your pcts correctly. Meaning taking clomid and nolvadex, it would be ideal to take both, but the most important one is the nolvadex.
Many many many many people have complained about estrogen symptoms while on M1T. It has been said that it converts to progestin, so nolva doesn't do shit for M1T related gyno. I, personally, would have nolva on hand for post cycle therapy (pct), but during the cycle I would take Vitamin B-6 to hope to fight it off.

But Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) is always a good idea ;) Cause M1T, from what I hear, is a badddddd motha
I took Underground Labs M1T in April (Two 5mg doses per day; 1 pill at 5am and 1 pill at 5pm) I am 6'0 225lbs. I made tremendous strength gains, but actually lost some weight, and became much more vascular, and looked bigger. It seemed to effect me much more like clenbuterol.

But the reason for my post............ I took the M1T in April, then used Protein Factory's "Post Cycle" in May, and Just started another 10mg/day M1T cycle for June.

I noticed some tenderness in my lower abdominal region during the first week of my first M1T cycle. If i pushed while urinating, the uncomfortableness would intensify. At the time, i was not sure if i could attribute the symptom to the M1T. However, beginning my second cycle of M1T, i feel the same tenderness. Since i am approaching the end of the first week i can already feel it disipating. This is not one of the common sides people have listed, and i was wondering if anybody experienced this as well.

Also, a buddy at the gym has been getting some mild headaches. He is only taking 10mg/ day and is 6'3" 215. I didn't see him for two weeks, b/c we have different workout schedules, and he has put on unbelieveable size!!!! He looks like he got stung by a bee!! (By the way... he doesn't mind the headaches, in light of his gains). But i wanted to report this because headaches also seem to be an uncommon side effect.
Golden_Muscle said:
Anyway, when I use this M1T, I will let everyone know if it works or not. Its just hard to believe that something legal works like a real steroid.

Sounds too good to be true, so it probably is, but we will see.

How did your cycle go man?
m1t is the real shit, its def not too good to be true, even though it only 10 bucks, the pcts will run you about 100. good luck
m1t is the real shit. I have heard from tons of people how well it works and I am going to start a cycle of legal gears m1t, LGP 4AD+, masterdrol and formadrol. My friends brother tried m1t and put 90lbs on his bench in 2 weeks, so it must work. This might be the most extreme of cases, but if he can add 90 i know i can at least add 50.
I did a cycle of M1t in April, then I used protein factories post cycle after. Things went great for me. I love the shit, and plan on continuing my use of it. I upped the dose gradually through the cycle then tripidated off at the end. I had minimal side effects during the cycle. It really made huge gains for me. I have heard different things about the estrogen-esque effects. Luckily (knock on wood) I had none at all. It seems to me after reading so many posts that bottom line with this, is its like any Steroid, the effects are completly individual and with that in mind it is important that when you use it, you have a myriad of different game plans in order to recover (if needed). One buddy had some shit where the effects were more negative, and he did use nolva and it worked great. Another buddy used 6-oxo. Just have several choices for post cycle therapy (pct) in your mind. You never know how you will react on or off. I think its better safe than sorry.
r3ver3nd said:
Many many many many people have complained about estrogen symptoms while on M1T. It has been said that it converts to progestin, so nolva doesn't do shit for M1T related gyno. I, personally, would have nolva on hand for post cycle therapy (pct), but during the cycle I would take Vitamin B-6 to hope to fight it off.

But Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) is always a good idea ;) Cause M1T, from what I hear, is a badddddd motha

Well, m1t is 5alpha reduced (5alpha reduced dbol to be more specific) so I doubt it converts to estrogen.

but nolva will help with m1t gyno - it worked for me.