Making an Oil based inject with test base


New member
How would I get the test base to dissolve, would some BA and BB be alright as a solvent, or do I need some sort of super solvent? Also, if Ba and bb are fine, what mg/ml concentration could I go for (higher the better)
5%ba and 15%bb will work at 100mg/ml. you may be able to get it work with less solvent but it will work at these ratios. normally the no esters are tough to get pain free at much higher than 100mg/ml. you could try and if it is unbearable just add sterile oil and cut it back.
I did this, but after it was filetered it only took 5 minutes tops to crash and no I have heated it pretty hot and it is still crytalized as fuck. All the powder seems to be stuck at the sides of the vial now too, not the oil.
it could be the powder. worst case now is that you wil have to heat it everytime before administration. this is no biggy as i heat everything i do on a hot plate just to make it flow better. if you want add another 2% ba and see what happens. let me ask you a question if i may or better yet lets see if you followed this procedure.

add powder to vial/beaker/cylinder. add ba and bb then heat til it all melts together. add oil and heat some more and stir/shake to make sure it is mixed thouroughly. let cool abit and filter. bake in oven on 250-275f for one hour. let cool to room temp and see if it holds.
I put the powder in, the the BA and BB. Swirled it a bit, but then just put the oil in. Heated it until it went clear (1 min. in microwave) then ran it through the filter into the vial. I didn't bake it after, but it is REALLY crystalized, and heating up again did absolutely nothing. It crytalized all over the vial and almost "left" the oil.
i always get hormone and solvent to clear before adding oil. seem to get more consistant results. i dont use a micro wave either. i dont trust them. asperate the vial and put it on the eye of the stove on med high til it clears (about a min usually). let cool a bit and shoot. if its for personal use it is still test wether it holds or not.