massive traps??????

yea grafix, im a huge fan of all olympic lifts but especially high pulls.
Do not do them though unless someone shows you proper technique or you see a video of it, i will look for one for you. They are really nothing like an upright row because of the way your body os positioned and various other things, but from far away it could be viewed as that. Basically you start out in a hang clean position, back arched , grip the same as a clean, then you pull up like your going to do a clean (very explosive as stated) you stop when your hands reac hyour pecs though and bring it back down. It sounds easy here but get someone to show you. With olympic lifts, if you do them wrong you will get yourself hurt, usually rotator cuff injury if done improperly
i also tried do cable rows, but instead of using handles, tey a rope, and bring it up to your head, and spread handles outward as you bring it up. Killed my traps.
I have to agree, i find the only time feel my traps have been worked hard is from explosive movemnts, the best I find are power cleans, and power snatches and there variations, I also find deads with a shugs at the top of the movement to be extremely effective.
DEADLIFTS and if for some odd reason you dont want to do those are your on crack and u think that deads wont give you massive traps then do hang cleans.
needsize said:
DEADLIFTS, if you want massive traps you have to do heavy deads, look at powerlifters and strongmen, they have crazy traps and thats where they come from

Took the words right out of my mouth.