Masteron makes me pee like crazy and sex drive is way too high.


New member
I'm currently taking test p tren a 50mg eod mast p 100 mg eod and so far I've experienced frequent urination and really saw no need to take arimidex. Sex drive is at an all time high. It's really bad to the point to where sometimes I feel like I can't get shit done or focus. It works great as an AI though. I hate the stuff but like it at the same time. I'm actually trying to lower my sex drive as I have deca and npp on the way but I've heard mixed stories on the npp deca dick thing so I'm not gonna get my hopes up. Masteron is a an awesome compound just wish I could turn the damn sex switch off and I'm sure the tren isn't helping either.
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Masteron is NOT an AI; never has been, never will be.

You're peeing like crazy because of something else, like water. You may not need an AI as you're only taking 150mg of aromatizing AAS, so that's quite the blessing in disguise. ;)
50 test p EoD?

175mg a week on average? that's not even a real cruise dose...

why is your TRT doctor giving you test prop for trt?
Green Day s "American Idiot" come s to mind.

Jesus forgive him as he knows not what he do-OBVIOUSLY.
( Ur not armed at work are you ?)
To take a 19 nor to lower your sex drive is as silly a remark to make as "my sex drives to high". U related to Gill ?
Deca s not a sex drive killer or sperm count lowering compound .

I got 11 years left on a 21 yr child support sentence to back this up. And love it b t w. FURTHERMORE----
If walking with wood s causing u problem s take the gum out of your mouth so multi tasking Is not taxing your STEROID FACTOID filled head, go jerk off, get on with whatever your losing focus on like reading more steroid profile s but seeing the Flintstone s in your minds eye.
Sorry---this thread was f n worthless.
Masteron is NOT an AI; never has been, never will be.

You're peeing like crazy because of something else, like water. You may not need an AI as you're only taking 150mg of aromatizing AAS, so that's quite the blessing in disguise. ;)

My brother Wit,

To me it sounds like he is sensitive to DHT, or derivatives (like Mast), and this could potentially be enlarging his prostate? Something to consider maybe no?

I'm pondering is the frequency to urinate is prostatitis related, because all signs indicate especailly while using the compound Drostanolone Propionate (dihyrotestostrerone (DHT)... The propanoic ester with that particular hormone as we know can m e t a b o l i z rather fast with a greater binding affinity, hard and fast to particular celluar groups/tissues..Initiating in prostatitis related issues, swelling, frequency to urinate, etc..

Your thoughts Wit?
Green Day s "American Idiot" come s to mind.

Jesus forgive him as he knows not what he do-OBVIOUSLY.
( Ur not armed at work are you ?)
To take a 19 nor to lower your sex drive is as silly a remark to make as "my sex drives to high". U related to Gill ?
Deca s not a sex drive killer or sperm count lowering compound .

I got 11 years left on a 21 yr child support sentence to back this up. And love it b t w. FURTHERMORE----
If walking with wood s causing u problem s take the gum out of your mouth so multi tasking Is not taxing your STEROID FACTOID filled head, go jerk off, get on with whatever your losing focus on like reading more steroid profile s but seeing the Flintstone s in your minds eye.
Sorry---this thread was f n worthless.
Im telling you for the last time, you missed your calling... Now go make some YOUTUBE vids with your rants, you would make a killing!
50 test p EoD?

175mg a week on average? that's not even a real cruise dose...

why is your TRT doctor giving you test prop for trt?
exactly man, I can count on one hand how many times I actually seen Test P prescribed in TRT... Actually, I'm lying, I seen it twice, this is my second time, outside of reading about it...
Well I'm going high Deca at 500mg a week since I got a free vial and NPP 100mg eod while keeping the Test low 250mg a week max and I'm almost out of Tren and mast which is making me hornier than usual so we'll see what that does. I'll let you know if it kills my sex drive or not. I actually might just stop the Tren and Mast and do a test with high Deca low test with Adex and see what that does. Either way I'll get back to you. But as a veteran you should know Deca dick exists so how am I an idiot? You may have been taking other compounds with it or taking higher Test than Deca.
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I'm 100 percent positive I'm urinating more than normal and I'm thinking this is also increasing the sex drive. I feel healthy no doubt but thinking about sex constantly. Masteron has gotta be the closest steroid to Viagra there is. I'm in pure Pornstar mode.
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Whole lot of dick speak going on.

I mean is it really so bad you cannot take it? Sounds like it would make for some awesome sex. I would go lay some pipe down hard then let the girls chat about, let word travel and maybe if you truly are in porn star mode it will be the time of your life.
If I was a Pornstar I would definitely be taking it on the regular basis. But I'm a Powerlifter not a Pornstar so this is going to be my last run for a while.
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Well I'm going high deca at 500mg a week and npp 100mg eod while keeping the test low 250mg a week max and I'm almost out of tren and mast which is making me hornier than usual so we'll see what that does. I'll let you know if it kills my sex drive or not.

Why so much Nandrolone? Between the decanoate 500mgs (62.00 ish x 5 = 310ish g/mol weekly with active hormone after it's cleaved )
Plus 100mgs EOD of NPP (80mgs ish xreaching the blood medium = 320ish g/mol weekly with active hormone after it's cleaved )

The decanoate (long ester chain/molecular weight) can and will build increasingly over time from prior administrations, yielding a 10 fold that can be ready and avail in the blood at any given time there after..You can yield over a 1000 g/mol of uncleaved hormone decanoic build-up within weeks..Not to mention, that's a considerable amount of 19nor (a close analog of progestin) which can have a negative correlation between you test/and sex drive..

Say the variables of test (a) and nandrolone (b) with the staggered ratio in favor to the 19nor, it will be contrary the relationship and binding with the properties of test and its primary functions...You increase variables (A) the negative effects of (B) tend to decrease, you decrease (A) and B increases..Progest is a precursor of testosterone and in dominance it can lead to a slew of sides...Progest can be a regulator, and even assist with test, or even convert into test, but to much can effect SHBG and lower free test levels, thus effecting testosterone main course of action and its primary functions as a sex hormone (effecting libido)

Now dont get me wrong, Progest is mistaken, and NOT entirely a bad hormone, but dominance and to much can be a major factor...
Lol that's what I'm aiming for to lower sex drive haven't you been listening? But I'll probably just do 100mg NPP eod and save the Deca for later. We'll see what 100mg NPP eod does for me first.
Lol that's what I'm aiming for to lower sex drive haven't you been listening? But I'll probably just do 100mg NPP eod and save the Deca for later. We'll see what 100mg NPP eod does for me first.

I don't think you get what I'm saying..
You could quite possibly crush your sex drive entirely along with any type of function of your pee pee
I just want to elminate the sex drive for a little while. Definitely going for NPP 100mg eod to start me off. I know you're not saying it will shut me down for good I'm still going to be running test with it.
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I'm 100 percent positive I'm urinating more than normal and I'm thinking this is also increasing the sex drive. I feel healthy no doubt but thinking about sex constantly. Masteron has gotta be the closest steroid to Viagra there is. I'm in pure Pornstar mode.

I don't see the problem. Jus sayin'
Well I'm going high Deca at 500mg a week since I got a free vial and NPP 100mg eod while keeping the Test low 250mg a week max and I'm almost out of Tren and mast which is making me hornier than usual so we'll see what that does. I'll let you know if it kills my sex drive or not. I actually might just stop the Tren and Mast and do a test with high Deca low test with Adex and see what that does. Either way I'll get back to you. But as a veteran you should know Deca dick exists so how am I an idiot? You may have been taking other compounds with it or taking higher Test than Deca.

I sense that you are confused by the difference between libido and erectile dysfunction. They are not the same.
It would suck to want to have sex but not be able to get it up. I know what you're saying man. I just want the desire gone for a while so I can put my focus else where if that's possible maybe not but we will see. I'm not going to force anything just run the NPP and Deca as prescribed and see what happens.