My brother Wit,
To me it sounds like he is sensitive to DHT, or derivatives (like Mast), and this could potentially be enlarging his prostate? Something to consider maybe no?
I'm pondering is the frequency to urinate is prostatitis related, because all signs indicate especailly while using the compound Drostanolone Propionate (dihyrotestostrerone (DHT)... The propanoic ester with that particular hormone as we know can m e t a b o l i z rather fast with a greater binding affinity, hard and fast to particular celluar groups/tissues..Initiating in prostatitis related issues, swelling, frequency to urinate, etc..
Your thoughts Wit?
DHT DOES increase healthy prostate generation, but it has been found that abnormal growth (and irritation) is largely caused by estradiol. This is actually where the unfortunate misconception that androgen blocking agents would be beneficial for men with prostate cancer, as they would see a noticeable decrease - but it turns out - it was only because the volume of estradiol would decrease at the same time.
The problem here is that OP does not get blood work done, so it's very difficult to give any sort of meaningful advice.
I thought peeing frequently was a good thing? I know that when I was on Test, Tren and Adex it was harder to urinate and more water retention. Now I'm on no AI and still getting rid of that extra water through urine thanks Masteron. It's really lowered my water retention by a long shot and I don't think my health is a concern I feel great. But like Halfwit said it could just be the water intake and how drinking I'm it.
Here's my idea; you've been on a lot of gear for a long time, and often would not take an AI. This has led to a significant amount of water retention, which is now leaving your body as you're no longer on such high estradiol increasing compound doses.
Libido is SUPPOSED to be insane on AAS! You didn't likely have this as you had high estradiol for so long. Remember how I would constantly tell you to get a blood test? This is why.
You're actually feeling like you're supposed to, urination and all. I wouldn't go adding in nandrolone to kill libido btw; that may make things worse - and IF you do get the chance to plug a glory hole - the limp dick fairy will likely cock block you.
High water intake will eventually tell your kidneys that they can stop holding onto water, and you'll urinate more and sweat more. This is healthy. If it is prostatitis, it's usually the urge to urinate in the middle of the night, just to release a few drops of piss. Even worse, if it was advanced - you'd have difficulty urinating at all, even though your bladder is quite full.
I still strongly recommend a blood test. I understand guys that live in areas where this is not possible, but they are a bit more proactive and conservative in their AAS use.
My .02c