Me in april 09

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Project "AlphaMale"
What's up?
All right, I did a natural cycle at the beginning of this year which lasted 14weeks, then I keep the maintenance on my body. So next month, new year, new cycle. I'm gonna go hit this cycle raw dog doggy style with an AAS stack. I call this Project"Alpha Male" So now I'm gonna do like this year as far as the maintenance is concern. I will be complete In March of the cycle. Details of what I'm doing and everything I will post in a journal later

This is me when I was done in April of 09. It's alright
to tight curvix and neck... how it's possible???

aswell natural it have to be big as your arms...
this wouldve been a nice photoshop job, but you fucked up and made your right forearm swollen to the wrist!! lol

this wouldve been a nice photoshop job, but you fucked up and made your right forearm swollen to the wrist!! lol


I was thinking the same thing... His hands and forearms look fat as fuck. Not to mention he has a pencil neck for being that big.
LOL wow you fellas just called TRUTH hahahahahaha

if you're gonna claim you're natty & do a lousy photoshop job don't expect the animals here to let that pass-- you couldve at least fixed your forearms & thickened up that neck hahahahahahaha
The walls are distorted in the background the hallway looks like its melting. I usually use paint to get the same effect, just draw a huge stick figure and copy paste my head.
I thought something looked weird there. maybe he meant he wants to get bigger and look that way? just trying to help a retard out.
I came here to post about the blatant photoshop fuckup.

I'm glad everyone else notices that hilarious shit too.
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