Melatonan II cycle


New member
Melanotan II cycle

I just thought I'd make a log because not a lot of people seem to have used this quite yet. I'll post pics and keep updated to how the injections go and sides if any.

I'll be running it for 2 weeks or so @ 1mg ED. I'm going to consider splitting up the injections to 2 times a day, depending on how the sides are (nausea and spontaneous erections occur post injection, nausea varies from mild to vomiting for some, erections are said to last 90-200 minutes).

Injections via Sub Q w/ Slin pins.

I'm pretty much just going with the flow.
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Day 1

Did my first injection about 40 min ago. About 5 minutes after I felt slightly nauseous, but nothing close to vomiting. I checked the mirror about 30 mins after injecting and my face was flush red! was weird.

No post-injection spontaneous erection however, it's a little disappointing actually! Then again a 2 hour erection with nobody to share it with isn't ideal.

Obviously no results yet. I feel no need to split up the dosages because I have no real negative sides.

that's all to report for now...
Day 2

Injected a little over 1mg today, seeing as yesterday wasn't so bad. The nausea was a little worse this time around, probably dosage related. Again face went red and no spontaneous erections post injection...

I think last night it may have come while I was sleeping, about 1.5 hours post injection, but it was hard to tell cuz 1) i was half asleep and 2) you get spontaneous erections while you sleep anyways so...

I injectied in my calf with no glitches. I also have Aflutop that I was considering running to help with my shoulder, but I don't seem to need it anymore. For this reason, i'm not going to run it because it's expensive and hard to come by. I'll save it for when my joints are bad again - they are pretty well healed, though my shoulder was giving me a little trouble last workout. I'll just watch it and cycle with it if joint conditions worsen. It's normally a 21 day cycle consisting of 1 amp/day.

Still no results that I notice.

That is all.
One thing I have noticed is that thought I do'nt get the spontaneous erections, I can hard very very easily - i mean, all I have to do is brush up against a table the right way and it's launch time lol! (That is about 30min - 3 hours post injection).
Again, injected just over 1mg, in my left Calf. It was a concerning injecting, it was painful going in. Now that I'm finished injecting I'm thinking that I should have stopped and switched locations, there is minor pain in the area right now. The injection just didn't feel right. I will be dropping the dosage to about .7mg ED from now on. I just wanted to front load (as it says you should).

One thing I neglected to mention, immediately post injection I get a little sweaty and clamy. I'm sure this will be accompanied by slight nausea as usual, no biggie.

Results: I think I might be starting to see my face darken slightly, it's hard to tell though. I'm sure by day 10 I will know for sure.

I have 2 kits, and I'm thinking that I will only run 1 right now and see what happens. They are freakin expensive. I'll run the next one during the summer.
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Yesterdays worries have faded as my calf seems find today. Injected about .7-8 mg today in my quad. No problems. Nausea has become almost non existent. Again, I think I have a little tan but noth significant yet...I am not tanning artificially or naturally, only MTII.
LiftTillIDie said:
Remember that time you posted one bad pic and then said you would post more but never did? ;)

Yes lol, I was supposed to get around to in New Years weekend but never did, just got drunk. They'll come soon...nothing excited about anyways. Maybe I'll just take them after MTII
good thread. I have a kit I'll be trying soon.

everywhere I've read stated the difference between tanning and not tanning while on makes a big difference
ive have never been tan in my life. just red. i dont get tan period.

since i started using it, my mother bitches that i look black. Even when i stop and then start again the results come even quicker.
Injected as usual last night.

I'm starting to notice my skin is a little bit darker on my face. I have also noticed some more beauty marks (black freckles?) appear. Not a lot, proably 5 or 6 o my whole body. My legs are still white.
if your not tanning i would. I noticed the same thing with the beuty marks. Alos some of my beuty marks got much darker. Its worth it thou, im very dark.
it builds up thou. i think this might matter because i ran kits like a month or two ago and then this time when i got to my second miligram i was already really dark to the point my mother was bitching about it. the first time i didnt see anything till the second kit.

by the way how much did u pay for them? just curious, i think its okay to talk about price since its a research chem sold on sites.
simpllyhuge said:
by the way how much did u pay for them? just curious, i think its okay to talk about price since its a research chem sold on sites.

I bought it from Ology, which was $105/kit. I really haven't looked around, but I hear that this is a little pricey. It doesn't bug me because I'll pay a little more when ordering from a legit source because the product, shipping, etc etc, is just much better. My only beef with the product is that it's "underdosed". The average dose is .01mg / kg and most people in BB'ing/PL'ing are above 200lbs so a 10mg Kit is just short of the required dosage! 15g would be much more like it.
you totally lost me? what about 15 grams im confused.

i run a mg a day.

i wounder if their is a topping off point where it can get dangerous? like what if i was to run it at 1mg a day for 4 months straight?
outlawtas2 said:
I just thought I'd make a log because not a lot of people seem to have used this quite yet. I'll post pics and keep updated to how the injections go and sides if any.

I'll be running it for 2 weeks or so @ 1mg ED. I'm going to consider splitting up the injections to 2 times a day, depending on how the sides are (nausea and spontaneous erections occur post injection, nausea varies from mild to vomiting for some, erections are said to last 90-200 minutes).

Injections via Sub Q w/ Slin pins.

I'm pretty much just going with the flow.
Very nice log outlaw,i'm very curious to see the results(negs,side effects).