Metribolone (oral tren)


I have a gram or so of this laying around. I am looking for ideas to get it into a 2mg/ml solution. More ideas the better. I appreciate any advice.
i believe i'll do mine @ 1-2mg/ml in either 151 or everclear 190.
i'm pretty sure it should go into solution like that.
Since nobody has played with this, i decided to go ahead and make it like an injectable, but without filtering. I went with 10%ba and 10%bb, i think it should hold fine. I will update.
Of course i will have blood work done. I only plan on running 1mg/day for 2 weeks max...
NYCEE said:
Of course i will have blood work done. I only plan on running 1mg/day for 2 weeks max...
While I don't want you to hurt yourself, I must confess that I look forward to seeing your results.
Yea me too i am interested is seeing what this compound is about. Maybe it's all hype... I'm also on liv52, tylers and milk thistle... I will probably try this stuff in a few weeks, i will post the results.
Home chemists.... fuckers are always thinking of new ways to create the perfect cocktail. lol

Be safe NYCEE, and keep us posted on the progress... or the steady decline of your failing liver. hahahaha j/k bro.
I'm probably going to actually start at like 500mcg's then go from there, just feel it out. I took some today to give it a taste, i never realized how bad a bb ba and oil combo tasted till now. It made my mouth numb.

I'll definitely be safe guys, and i will keep u posted.
tman55 said:
agreed. the stuff is too harsh imo

do you know this from first hand experience? or from somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody that might have taken it years ago?
OC Cartel said:
do you know this from first hand experience? or from somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody that might have taken it years ago?

Hearsay for sure.
OC Cartel said:
do you know this from first hand experience? or from somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody that might have taken it years ago?
Everybody with first hand experience died.
There were actually a few guys on elite who said they have used it and loved the stuff.