Yea, because the links I posted, especially the one interviewing Alan Aragon, Layne Norton, Will Brink and Jamie Hale mean nothing. I already "backed up" my post last week. If you'd like, I'll give something else from valued people
" When eating any carbohydrate (simple or complex), it is beneficial to add
1-2 servings of good fats (almonds, peanut butter, avocado, flax oil,
reduced fat dressing) to reduce insulin release. Fats will bind with
carbohydrates in the stomach and release smaller amounts into the intestine. This smaller (bolus) amount of digested good carbs will indicate
a smaller need for insulin. Therefore, reducing chances of excess fat
Look at the meal plans here
Here too. " When you combine fat and carbohydrates, the fat encapsulates the
carbohydrates and slows down digestion, minimizing the insulin spike.
When you combine protein and carbohydrates, it sends insulin skyrocketing and can lead to the last thing you want when dieting, fat storage!
We like to refeed with starchy, nutrient-dense carbohydrates and
good fats with no protein every third day depending on caloric intake."
And yet you have not "backed up" your claim. So until you can please do not say that combining fats and carbs is bad and that is fact.
I'm glad you like to quote and such, it is pretty funny considering you are trying to make an argument that essentially says eating pizza is more healthy than say eating a steak by itself or chicken breasts.
That is essentially what you are saying right: Ice cream > Fruit, Pizza > Eggs, Fried Chicken > Baked Chicken ?
There are alot of Fatasses out there that believe this, or are just to lazy to actually understand the mechanisms of our mitochondria that synthesize adipose tissue and lipid metabolism and true macronutrient seperation. Here is a little bit of fact:
Insulin promotes synthesis of fatty acids in the liver. Insulin stimulates synthesis of glycogen in the liver, but when glycogen accumulates to high levels (roughly 5% of liver mass), continued synthesis is suppressed.
When the liver is saturated with glycogen, any additional glucose taken up is forced into pathways leading to synthesis of fatty acids, which are exported from the liver as lipoproteins. The lipoproteins are ripped apart in the circulation, providing free fatty acids for use in other tissues, including adipocytes, which use them to synthesize triglyceride.
Insulin inhibits breakdown of fat in adipose tissue.
Insulin facilitates entry of glucose into adipocytes. By these mechanisms, insulin is involved in further accumulation of triglyceride in fat cells.
From a whole body perspective, insulin has a fat-sparing effect. PERIOD. Not only does it drive most cells to preferentially oxidize carbohydrates instead of fatty acids for energy, insulin indirectly stimulates accumulation of fat in adipose tissue.
SO basically, eating carbs = insulin production = fat storage AND the body goes into a stage where if there was no insulin in the bloodstream, it would be burning FAT for fuel, but insted it burns the carbs AND stores the extra fat floating around. So, if you INCREASE the Fat while increasing the Carbs, you are essentially telling your body to stop burning Fat, start storing fat from BOTH the carbs and extra fat you are eating.
Please explain why Pizza > Chicken? Pizza > Fruit?

This has to be good....