mixing propionate with Enanthate??


New member
hi guys..
does anyone has experince from mixing the 2 of them .. am intrested in making some testeviron .. and was woundering how it works,,
works the same as any other conversion. You just use some of this and some of that.

OK, lets say you wanna make an enan/prop blend at 250mg/ml with 175 from enan and 75 being from prop.

Heres the breakdown for 40ml of 250mg/ml conversion.

Concentration (mg/ml) 250
Weight (mg) 10000
Specific Volume 0.8
Desired BA% 2
Desired BB% 20

Oil Volume 23.20
BB Volume 8.00
BA Volume 0.80
Powder Volume 8.00

Total Volume 40.0

So, all you do is figure out how much enan and prop you need out of the 10g total you need for the mixture. So, 75mgx40 = 3000mg or 3g of Prop, and 175mgx40 = 7000mg or 7g of Enan.

Weigh out those amounts and do the conversion like you would any other one. Viola!!
ok that was a bit confusing .. heheh .
lets do easy numbers,,
let say i want to make 10 ml oil .. 175 ent 75 prop ..

uselly i put 4% ba and 15% bb in my oils,,

how do i start now.. .. they have difrent melting point....

......... can you explain the naking proces plz..
Geez he laid it all out for you there bro, 2/20 BA/BB is the way to go anyways in this case, especially with prop in there, prop can get finicky.
ok that was a bit confusing .. heheh .
lets do easy numbers,,
let say i want to make 10 ml oil .. 175 ent 75 prop ..

uselly i put 4% ba and 15% bb in my oils,,

how do i start now.. .. they have difrent melting point....

......... can you explain the naking proces plz..

who cares about their MPs. You overthink everything you do bombom.

If you want 10ml of it, divide all those numbers by 4.

If you can't do simple math, you need to give up on home brew. In the meantime, i have a sticky in the top of this forum with a conversion calculator which will do all the math for you.

That's if you're not Corky.
or just do like i do.. dump everything in the blender and hit liquify.. toss in some extra virgin olive oil and some lupini beans and throw that shit in your salad.. gain 25lbs in 3minutes.. bombom your overthinkin this shit pal.. its very simple math dont try and make it more confusing than it is.. i barely got through highschool and even i can do it with no issues.. do the math, mix wets,add powder,cook then filter..

10ml ent/prop
5.8ml gso (personally id fitty/fitty with eo) Smoooth
2ml bb
.2ml ba
2g powder (divide ent & prop however youd like )
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hahah alright guys.. no overthinking .. thanks..
i will do it ,, as simple as it sounds..
1 more question .. the nalgene filters .. if you have like a 100ml filter,, can you still run like 150ml through it .. or use new one for the 50ml i had left..
i use the usual nalgene filter but i put a glass microfibere filter in it to make the oil realy clean before use,,

thanks guys
im actually considering this same blend.. i would like to do it @ around 300mg/ml... im thinking 200 test E amd 100 test P... this will be my first brew using EO.. my concern is what filter to use..(and the pain factor) i use the millipore stericups for my brews.. but have only made test E & P in grapeseed only and not as a blend... i tried to search for some feedback.. but either i looked in the wrong threads.. or im just overlooking that info..
Propionate is a ED EOD max span between pins. Enan is certainly not even a EOD and way more a E3D, E4D pin.

Sounds to me like some serious hormone build up starting week 3 on out. Watch your BP and sides weeks into that shit.
Propionate is a ED EOD max span between pins. Enan is certainly not even a EOD and way more a E3D, E4D pin.

Sounds to me like some serious hormone build up starting week 3 on out. Watch your BP and sides weeks into that shit.

I usually do 1g per week so no big deal for me.
The point is to hit it eod. So it'd be 525mg/ml a week of E and 225mg of prop a week. That how I've ran it anyway. Lots of mixes like that. Test Acetate is an ED pin along with base. Prop is eod, you could push every 2 days if you wanted.

I liked the 200mg E/50mg P mix, 100mg p would be better.
IMO I would not mix these two powders.

The guys are right, prop is EOD, and E is say e3-5 day, shit you can run it every 7 if you wanted with little to no issues.

Just too much between esters, when you stopped you would have rebound between your prop clear and E clear.
I would run the 2 hormones as seperate batches. Front load with the prop, and run the E as the base.

Just my 2 cents.
IMO I would not mix these two powders.

The guys are right, prop is EOD, and E is say e3-5 day, shit you can run it every 7 if you wanted with little to no issues.

Just too much between esters, when you stopped you would have rebound between your prop clear and E clear.
I would run the 2 hormones as seperate batches. Front load with the prop, and run the E as the base.

Just my 2 cents.

x2x....this is the route id take.