MK-677 users speak up!!!!!


New member
I've been on 20mg of MK-677 in pill form about an hour before bed for a week now and haven't noticed anything - zilch, nothing! I've read quite a few logs and seems most folks rave about the awesome sleep and increased hunger.

Does it take time to kick in? should I up the dose to 30?

Looking for input from those who have tried MK-677 and their experience.

FYI - I'm not on anything else, just a TRT dose of Cyp.
It could be you have some bunk gear. I have never seen MK677 in pill form, only liquid. I know people love sarmssearch (there are two S's in the middle). There is a 30% off code for forum members, forum30 I believe it is. If it does not work, look in the prohormone subform and many people there have the code in their signature line.

I have yet to try it.
just like how HGH use it takes months to notice results, so too do you need to give this compound time, and sides are not always a good indicator of if something is good or not.. they are sides... some get them moreso than others.
i dont know what you used or its quality but i vouch for RUI and would highly rec them for MK research and see if results or sides differ. but as i said GH geared compounds tend to take some time to see the results. sides can be sooner sooner, but again not a perfect way to judge something you have never used.
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