
I'd be your agent, but I have a feeling you're gonna be really pissed when you show up to the east side for your "photo shoot" lol
I'd be your agent, but I have a feeling you're gonna be really pissed when you show up to the east side for your "photo shoot" lol

And H2G wants me to be a stripper! Yuk i cant have old women on me and gay guys!:redhot: This is not what i had in mind lol

You seriously a gigolo?

I cant help but think of this:

I freelance a few times before. The first time was 19 and the lady was 53 yrs old. we talk, ate hangout, I laid pipe and after that she was spending on an ave. $950 a day on me for a couple of months.

She is dead now... Isn't that creepy?
I did this for years (helped pay for college). The first thing you need to do of course is build a portfolio. That means you need to link up with photographers willing to shoot you for free. If you're as good as you say you look, many will be willing to do this, as it will also contribute to their portfolio.

Once you build a port, submit it to agencies, and hope they like you.

So Dahurt

Forgive me for being slow and taking me days to figure this out. I'm getting old remeber have respect for your elders.

So I just had this huge brain fart and all of a sudden I put together Dahurt * Model * and SanFran????????????

Suddenly it poped in my old fart head :wtf:

Could this have been :gay2: porn? :molepoke:
So Dahurt

Forgive me for being slow and taking me days to figure this out. I'm getting old remeber have respect for your elders.

So I just had this huge brain fart and all of a sudden I put together Dahurt * Model * and SanFran????????????

Suddenly it poped in my old fart head :wtf:

Could this have been :gay2: porn? :molepoke:

:flame::elephant:....:laugh4: oyyyyee... phat you blew the mans cover...dahurt youve been exposed :rainbow:lol this all explains the diaper and the pants around the ankles
So im sitting here writting my bio for this modeling stuff which everyone wants me to do.. and i was think about adding i love my leg days at the gym were i squat were i have to crawl out of them gym and i also love to sit on my computer all day reading about AAS. But my most secret part of my life is pening myself in the ass which realy gets me pumped to hit the gym... long story short i never wrote a bio what should i put in this thing...

NOt everyone want u to!

This Phat guy wants u to jack an armerd truck remove the contents then deliver it in my door step! All tracable bill exchanged on your journey of course LOL
So Dahurt

Forgive me for being slow and taking me days to figure this out. I'm getting old remeber have respect for your elders.

So I just had this huge brain fart and all of a sudden I put together Dahurt * Model * and SanFran????????????

Suddenly it poped in my old fart head :wtf:

Could this have been :gay2: porn? :molepoke:

Haha no I modeled before I moved to CA. Annnnd I don't live in SF anyways! I've had plenty of offers to do that though...