Morning/Bedtime weight..........

Probably sodium. When on androgens and anabolics our bodies are a lot more sensitive to lots of things. Sodium is def one of those. I would try dandelion root and see if that curbs it.
Its weird...
My diet has been shit the last week or two, haven't done my food prep as I should and haven't really been obsessing with the scale either but noticed today I've lost a kg but I look bigger.
It could be fat because I finally have my six pack back(in the mornings at least before food lol...)

I'm starting to reach where I was before all the injuries so pretty happy for that, especially knowing I have this amazing blast coming up to push some of the stubborn fat away around my waist.
My love handles just won't go away....
Wrote it while i was tired and you didn't see the correction. Its supposed to be liters and not gallons.
Funny side fact... USA actually uses the metric system too but for some unknown reason...they use the metric system to base their imperial system on, makes a conversion based on metric to imperial and then your scientists have to convert back to metric again and when they fuck up, shits explodes and people die.
thats because they have mexicans doing the labs works.
Just curious, got a free scale the other week and been playing around with it and i've noticed i'm going a whooping 4-4.5kg(9-10lbs) difference between waking up and going to bed.
I would expect like a kilo difference, maybe two... But 4-5? Isn't that bit extreme?

this thread always gets me laughing. wish i could lose that much weight during the night without dnp or tren.
Wrote it while i was tired and you didn't see the correction. Its supposed to be liters and not gallons.
Funny side fact... USA actually uses the metric system too but for some unknown reason...they use the metric system to base their imperial system on, makes a conversion based on metric to imperial and then your scientists have to convert back to metric again and when they fuck up, shits explodes and people die.
thats funny!
Been crunching the numbers and i'm surprised it isn't an even bigger gap.
180/100/150 x4 is 1.72kg. Water is another 2.5kg. "Other liquids", easily another kilo. Total per day going in? 5-6 kilos. So my body is just fast at processing what I put in it.

Been seeing this girl for the past couple days and stopped eating regularly, i'm down to 65.1kg lol...
Max last week before bedtime was 70.5kg, so in a week i've fluctuated a whooping 5.4 kg.

Which looking at it from a percentage is fucking insane.

well a girl will mess up your diet for sure, as all they like to eat is pizza and chinese food.