Mr muscle research


New member
Hey guys/gals I've been given the opportunity to do a review of the Pump Juice Exteme. I am not being paid to do this but was given a free tub to do this review.
I've never used any products from so this will a first.

Current prework out supplements that I am taking:
MTS Nutrition ruckus
MTS Nutrition vasky
MTS creapture creatine
I will discontinue these product for the duration of this review.
First day was saturday. It was a rest day but I needed to get some cardio in. So I did a test run.
Taste: 6/10 . Wasnt all that bad maybe a little bitter. And not what I was used to. I will revist the taste and review after a week or so.

Mixing: used a basic shaker cup with 12oz of ice water, blending well with no residual powder.

I drank this on the way to the gym. With in 10-15 mintues I started to feel it kick it with some slight tingle. Im not a fan of the tingle but this too wasn't bad.
Within 20-25 minutes I felt a smooth but rapid increase in my motivation without any kind of jitters.
30 mintues of eilptical and notice that my strides per mintue had increased by 10 to 15 for the duration.
First day was saturday. It was a rest day but I needed to get some cardio in. So I did a test run.
Taste: 6/10 . Wasnt all that bad maybe a little bitter. And not what I was used to. I will revist the taste and review after a week or so.

Mixing: used a basic shaker cup with 12oz of ice water, blending well with no residual powder.

I drank this on the way to the gym. With in 10-15 mintues I started to feel it kick it with some slight tingle. Im not a fan of the tingle but this too wasn't bad.
Within 20-25 minutes I felt a smooth but rapid increase in my motivation without any kind of jitters.
30 mintues of eilptical and notice that my strides per mintue had increased by 10 to 15 for the duration.

nice ill be following.. what flavor were you sent?
Okay guys, I was trying to do this review following the directions of 1 scoop. But Ive had to increase it to 1.5 scoops. ( IM A STIM. junkie) I work out at 4:30am so I need the extra kick.
This mornings workout was legs. Taking 1.5 scoops. The kick in is noticable and smooth. No jitter.
Endurance and focus are on point.

I really feel that I was able to get one more rep on all exercises done today.

I will give a better review on lifting with volume in the near future, want to make sure its not a paclebo effect.
To this point Ive been happy with this product.
Ive taken this product for 7 days now. Still undecided on the taste, more the after taste than the actual flavor.
Im up to 2 scoops pre work out. I really think that just personal preferences for stim. I highly recommend to start out as directed on the label and work you way up if necessary.

Yesterday was chest and BI's day. I still feel this product gives you the endurance and focus to push one or two more reps outs per set.
The PUMP comes on alot sooner than Im used to and it feels good.
Shoulders and calfs today. 2 scoops 30 minutes pre work out. Its still comes on smooth, the more you work the more reps you want to do.

Did a high volume shoulders workout supesetting cablemachine with dumbbell workout. The pump was so intense at one point I didnt know if I was going to be able to finish the work out. Was able to push thru and glad I did.

I have already recommended a few buddys to look into this product.
Today's workout was legs. 2 scoops 30 minutes pre-workout. Taste is growing on me, really not bad.

My mental focus throughout the work is on point. This product comes on so smooth you dont realize you took a high stim pre-workout. Just enough tingle to let you know its working.
Still finding ways to push more reps outs on every set.
The pump is strong reguardless of what body part you are working out.
Not a whole lot more positive I can say about this product.
Ive been impressed with it, really only 2 negatives that I have, one would be needing 2 scoops to get the stim.level that I am used to.
And the second is very minor but when you get to the bottom of the tub i was having a hard time getting the scooper out and filled. Stubby fingers? Fat hand??? Idk.
If the mouth was just a little bit bigger.
Definitely want to thank those that made it possible for me to do this online log/ review. I will probably be buying e6this product in the near future and give it a longer term review.