My Bulk Cycle- Phase II


New member
Well the shutdown lost all my info for the first few weeks. So I will have to start this at like day 18.

The cycle I am running is:

1-12 Tren 75mg/EOD
1-10 Test Cyp. 600mg/week
1-10 EQ 400mg/week

Before cycle weight= 225lbs.
Goal weight = 245+
Day 18- Wed.



Training- Delts/Triceps

Seated Smith Press- 135x12; 185x12; 225x10; 275x5
Seated Bent Lat. Raise- 30x12; 35x12; 40x10; 45x8
Standing 1-arm Lat. Raise- 40x12; 50x10; 60x9

Close-Grip Bench- 135x12; 185x10; 235x8
Cable Pressdown- 80x12; 100x10; 120x8

Diet- Got all meals in.
Day 19- Thursday


Training- Back/Traps

Deadlift- 135x10; 225x10; 315x10; 405x8
DB Row- 110x10; 130x10; 150x10
Pullups- BWx10; BW+10x8
Cable Rows- 160x10; 200x10; 220x6

BB Shrugs- 135x12; 225x10; 275x10; 325x8

Diet- All In!

Comments- Pretty damn good workout. Felt pretty strong. I would like to add another couple reps to that last set of DL's!!
Day 20- Friday


Training- Day Off

Diet- All In!

Comments- Not much to comment on!
Day 21- Saturday


Training- Chest/Biceps

Flat DB Press- 65x12; 80x12; 110x10; 130x6
Incline Smith- 135x12; 225x10; 275x5; 225x8
Decline BB Press- 185x10; 235x8
Incline DB Flys- 45x10; 55x8; 55x8

Standing BB Curl- 85x12; 105x10; 105x10
Standing DB Curl- 40x9; 45x9; 50x6

Diet- Today was OK, I could have eaten more though.

Comments- Todays workout was so-so. I just was not feeling strong today!
Day 22- Sunday

Tren- 75mg
Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- Today was pretty good. I got a lot of food in today.

Comments- Today we went to a wedding reception, so I ate a lot there.
Things are going good so far. This is the end of week 3. I am a little disappointed that I have not gained more weight. Oh well, the test is really kicking in now, so things should start picking up!
Day 23- Monday


Training- Legs

Leg Ext(Warm-up) 90x20; 100x20; 110x20
Squats- 135x12; 225x12; 315x12; 405x6**
Super Leg Press- 250x12; 32-x12; 400(stack)x10
Leg Ext.- 120x15; 140x15; 150(stack)x12

DB SLDL- 80x12; 90x10; 110x10
Standing Leg Curl- 80x15; 90x12; 100x10

Diet- Got most meals in.

Comments- Knees were KILLING me today. That is why I had to cut the squats short. They have been really hurting lately. I think I am going to go to the doctors pretty soon!
Day 24- Tuesday


Training- Day off

Diet- All meals in.

Comments- Nothing really to comment. Except that even thouogh I have been eating like a freaking madman, I need to step it up another notch this week!
Day 25- Wed.



Training- Delts/Triceps

Seated Smith Press- 135x12; 185x12; 225x10; 275x8(added 3 reps since last week)
Seated Bent Lat. Raise- 35x12; 40x10; 45x9
Standing 1-arm Lat. Raise- 50x12; 60x10; 60x10

Close-grip Bench- 135x12; 185x10; 235x10(added 2 reps from last week); 265x6
Cable Pressdown- 80x12; 100x10; 120x6

Diet- Got all food in. It has been hard though. I am eating so damn much. I am even gagging when I eat now. I just feel so full, then I eat more!!LOL

Comments- Very good workout today. Strength is really starting to go up now! I can tell my weight is going up as well. The only downfall is that my BP was a little high today. Hopefully it will go down tomorrow.
Day 26- Thursday



Training- Back/Traps

Deadlifts- 135x12; 225x10; 315x10; 405x8
T-Bar Rows- 90x12; 135x10; 160x8; 170x6
(Plates loaded in front)
Hammer Front Lat Pulldowns- 90eax12; 135eax8; 135eax8
Pullups- BWx10; BW+10x8

DB Shrugs- 100x12; 120x10; 140x8; 140x8

Diet- Got all my meals in! It is getting really hard though. I am gagging and about to puke at the end of my meals. I am just trying to shove as much food in as I can!!

Comments- Workout was good. I was hoping to get the full 10 reps on the last set of Dl, but maybe next week! I did not sleep very well last night. So that did not help my workout.
I am feeling some of the side effects of Tren. I am real moody lately. Little things set me off, especially with my GF. I also notice my BP has gone up. I have not checked it yet though.
Other than those little inconveniences all is good!
Day 27- Friday


Training- Day Off

Diet- Got all food in. I was eating like crazy today. I even had 2 Boston Market Meals!

Comments- Not much to really comment on.
Day 28- Saturday

Tren- 75mg
Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- Not that good. I tried to eat as much as I can, but I went to a wedding. So it was hard to get enough food.

Comments- Not much happening. I went to that wedding. Danced for a few hours, so got plenty of cardio in!
Day 29- Sunday

Weight- 232lbs.

Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Incline DB Press- 60x12; 80x12; 100x10; 120x8; 130x7
Flat Smith Press- 185x10; 235x10; 285x8; 335x3
Weighted Dips- BW+90x8; BW+115x6
Incline DB Flys- 45x12; 55x10; 65x10

Preacher Bar Curl- 75x12; 95x10; 105x8

Diet- Got most of the meals in!

Comments- I was a little disappointed about what the scale read. I am leaning out a little bit though. So I guess it is alright. So far that is a 7lb. gain. But it is 7 solind pounds.
I took pictures, so I will post them in a few.
Day 30- Monday

Tren- 75mgs
Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Legs

Seated Leg Curls- 210x15; 240x15; 285(stack)x10; 285x8
DB SLDL- 80x12; 90x10; 100x10

Hack Squats- 180x10; 270x10; 360x10; 450x6
Paramount Leg Press- 149x10; 208x10; 208x9
Leg Ext. 200x15; 240(stack)x12

Diet- All good!

Comments- I tried something a little different today on legs. I did hammies first, then quads. It was definitely something new! I will probably do that every few weeks. I would like to get my hammies up to par w/ my quads.
Day 31- Tuesday

Bromo- 2.5mg

Training- Day Off

Diet-All in! For some reason I felt like I did not eat enough!

Comments- Nothing much to comment on. I am really tired today. I need to get some more sleep I think!
Day 32- Wed.

Weight- 235lbs.

EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps

Seated Military Smith Press- 135x12; 185x10; 235x10; 285x8; 305x3
Seated Bent Lat. Raise- 35x12; 40x10; 45x10; 45x10
Standing 1-arm Lat. Raise- 50x12; 60x10; 60x10

Close Grip BP- 135x12; 185x10; 235x10; 285x4
1-arm Cable Pressdown- 80x12; 95x10; 110x8

Diet- Got all meals in!

Comments- Well todays workout was very good. Felt strong and intense!
I am glad my weight is going up a little more. Finally hit the 235 mark!
Day 33- Thursday


Training- Back/Traps
Deadlifts- 135x12; 225x10; 315x10; 405x9; 465x5
Hammer Iso Row- 90eaX12; 135eaX10; 180eaX8
Supported T-bar Rows- 90x12; 135x10; 160x8; 180x6
Pullups- BWx10; BW+10x8

BB Shrugs- 225x12; 275x10; 325x8; 325x8
Shrug Bar- 140x12; 190x12; 240x10; 290x8

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Workout was pretty good. I was feeling real tired in the beginning, but I quickly got pumped up. I need to start getting some more sleep!
My shoulders are sore from yesterdays injections. That is why I don't like doing spot injections....oh well!
Day 34- Friday

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- All meals in!

Comments- Not much to comment on today!
Day 35- Saturday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Flat BB Press- 135x12; 225x10; 315x5; (315x3; 225x4; 135x7)
Incline DB Press- 75x10; 90x10; 110x6
Cable X-Over- 80x10; 100x10; 120x8; 120x8

Standing DB Curl- 30x12; 40x10; 50x9; 60x7
Preacher Bar Curl- 75x12; 95x10; 115x7
Standing DB Hammer Curl- 40x10; 50x9

Diet- Got most meals in. Probably could have ate more!

Comments- Workout was pretty good. Nice and intense. I can tell my temper has gotten worse. I am gettign set off by little things. Especially when me and my GF fight!