My Bulk Cycle- Phase II

Not really. I know I lost a few pounds over the weekend from not being able to eat a whole lot.
I am probably still sitting at 235 right now.
Day 53- Wed.

Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x12; 85x10; 100x10; 110x6
Reverse Pec Deck- 120x12; 140x10; 150x10; 160x6
Standing 1-arm lat. Raise- 50x10; 60x10; 65x8

Close-grip Bench- 135x12; 185x10; 235x10; 285x4
Lying DB Ext.- 30x12; 35x10; 40x8

Diet- All melas in

Comments- Workout was pretty good. I was talking a little too much in between sets. I saw a couple guys that i have not seen in awhile, so....
My last set of DB Presses sucked. The first guy I asked to spot me, could not even help me get the weight in position, he was too weak. So I had to stop and regroup, then get soemone else. So that took a lot of my damn energy!
Day 54- Thursday

Tren- 75mg
Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Back/Traps

Deadlifts- 135x10; 225x5; 315x5; 405x5; 500x2; 550x1(New PR!!); 315x5
T-Bar Rows- 90x12; 135x10; 160x8; 180x7
Pulldowns to Front- 180x12; 200x10; 220x10; 240x8

DB Shrugs- 100x12; 120x10; 130x10; 140x10; 150x8

Diet- Got all meals in!

Comments- Workout was great! Finally hit that damn 550 on DL! Now that I moved and not having to commute I get to sleep is SOOO much better!
Workout looks kind of short on paper, but I will tell you that I was THRU!
Day 55- Friday

Bromo- 2.5mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Nothing really to comment on.
Day 56- Saturday

Tren- 75mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Incline DB Press- 60x12; 80x12; 100x10; 120x10; 140x9; 150x5(New PR!)
Hammer Bench Press- 180x12; 270x8; 320x5
Decline Smith Press- 185x10; 235x8; 285x5
Pec Deck- 150x10; 170x10; 190x8

Standing bar Curl- 85x15; 105x10; 125x10; 145x5
1-arm Cable Curls- 35x12; 40x10; 45x8
Standing DB Curls- 50x8; (60x5-45x5)

Diet- Was OK, got most meals in!

Comments- Todays workout was pretty awesome! I was STOKED to get the 150's on Incline! The guy spotting me was really impressed!
Today was the audition for that movie. It was really quick. I was the first one there. I am almost positive that I will be in the shot. It is whether I will have a speaking role or not.
Day 57- Sunday

Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- was pretty good. I ate a lot of stuff that I probably shouldn't. We made Enchiladas, Spaghetti, and a pizza(3 seperate meals). They were all damn good though!!

Comments- I found out that I will not be able to run the Tren for the full 12 weeks like planned. I don't have enough. So 10 weeks is all that I will get out of it. So that means that this cycle is coming to a stop in about 2 weeks.
Thanks beast!

DB- No I haven't felt any sides from the Bromo at all. A lot of people say they get sides, so they split up the doses. I just take the whole pill every morning, with no problems!
Day 58- Monday

Tren- 75mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Quads/Hams

Hack Squat- 180x12; 270x12; 360x12; 450x8; 560x5
Leg Ext.- 240x15; 240x12; 240x12
Leg Press Mach.- 225x12; 270x12; 315x8

Lying Leg Curl- 100x15; 110x15; 130x10; 140x8

Diet- Got all meals in.

Comments- Workout was good. Felt pretty strong on legs, knees were not giving me too much trouble. I was a little tired from the night before. I did not get a whole lot of sleep......
Day 59- Tuesday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- Got all meals in....

Comments- Nothing really to comment on. I went to see my son today, spent time with him. That was about it. When I got home the GF was waiting for me in the bathtub with the candles going..........
Day 60- Wed.

Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg
Tren- 75mg

Bromo- 2.5mg

Training- Delts/Triceps

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x12; 80x12; 110x10; 120x8(New PR!)
DB Lateral Raises- (55x10, 40x10, 30x8); (60x10; 45x10; 30x10)

Tricep Front Dip Machine thing- 90x12; 135x10; 180x8
Cable Pressdown- 30x12; 60x10; 90x10- all real slow

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Well todays workout was pretty damn good. My strength is going up like CRAZY! My freaking delts were on fire doing those SS of laterals. I saw them in the mirror, I don't think they have ever been that PUMPED!
Yeah, I was suprised myself.
I was also amazed that it actually felt kind of easy.....
I will probably go for 130 next week!
Day 61- Thursday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Back/Traps/Rear Delts

Bent DB Rows- 80x12; 100x10; 120x10; 130x6
Hammer Rows- 135eax12; 160x10; 185x8; 185x8
Front Pulldowns(Closegrip) 190x10; 210x8; 210x6

DB Shrugs- 100x12; 120x10; 130x10; 140x10; 150x8

Reverse Pec Deck- 120x12; 130x10; 140x10; 150x8

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Workout was good. Tried the Bent DB Rows as per Magnum's referral. They are pretty good. Kind of harder. Lower back was hurting more than with regular BB Rows. I could not get the full cintraction at the top liek he was saying. Maybe my DB's are a little wider than his. I dunno?
Day 62- Friday

Tren- 75mg
Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Not much to really comment on today.
Day 63- Saturday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Flat DB Press- 70x12; 90x12; 110x10; 130x10; 150x5
Incline Smith Press- 185x10; 235x8; 285x5
Hammer Decline- 90eaX10; 135eaX8; 160eaX7

Standing DB Curl- 30x10; 40x10; 50x9; 60x5
Standing Reverse Bar Curls- 80x10; 90x10; 100x8
DB Preacher Curl- 45x10; 50x10; 55x8

Diet- All Meals In- plus a lot extra while shooting for the movie.

Comments- Workout was good. Felt a little weak. I dropped a little bit of water, for the movie. So I think it drained me a little from strength.
Today was the filming for the movie. I got there about 9pm, and was there until 8am. So about 11 hours of work!
It was pretty fun. LOTS of curls(that was one of the shots), I must have done about 200+reps of preacher curls.....