My Bulk Cycle- Phase II

Day 36- Sunday

Tren- 75mg
Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- ate pretty good today. Don't think I wuite hit my calorie limit though.

Comments- Nothing really to say....
Day- 37 Monday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Quads/Hams

Lying Leg Curl- 80x15; 100x15; 120x10; 130x8
DB SLDL- 85x12; 100x10; 110x10
Seated Leg Curl- 240x15; 285x10

Front Squats- 135x10; 185x10; 235x8; 275x6
Lying Vertical Leg Press- 270x12; 360x10; 450x10
Leg Ext.- 240(stack)x12; 240(stack)x12

Diet- Got all meals in.

Comments- Workout today was pretty good. Knees were bothering me a little, but not too bad! I could have gotten a couple more reps on some of those front squats but the bar kept wanting to roll off my shoulders.
Felt kind of tired today for some reason. I got like 9 hours sleep so it is not from lack of it!
Day 38- Tuesday

Tren- 75mg
Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- got all meals in!

Comments- Nothing really to comment on. Me and my GF went looking for an Apt. I think we found one. We will find out in a day or 2 if we will be moving in on the 1st!
I am pretty excited about that, finally moving out of my paretnts house......again!!
Day 39- Wed.

Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x12; 85x10; 100x7
Bent DB Lateral Raise- 30x12; 35x12; 40x10; 45x10
Upright Rows- 75x12; 115x10; 135x10; 155x6

Close-Grip Bench- 135x12; 185x10; 235x10; 285x5
Lying DB Ext.- 30x12; 35x12; 40x10; 45x8

Diet- Got all meals in

Comments- Workout was decent. I talked a little too much in between a couple of sets.
I found out that I am getting laid off by the end of the year, so that sucks. Thsi happens on the same day my anf my GF sign a 6 month lease for our new Apt. So this kind of sucks!! Oh well.....
Day 40- Thursday

Tren- 75mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Back/Traps

Bent BB Row- 135x12; 225x12; 315x7; 335x6, 225x10
Iso-Hammer Row- 135eax12; 160eax10; 185eax8
Pullups- BWx10; BW+10x10; BW+25x6
Seated Cable Rows- 190x10; 230x6(Slow Reps)

BB Shrugs- 225x10; 275x10; 325x8; 375x6
DB Shrugs- 100x12; 130x10; 140x10; 150x10

Diet- Got all food in

Comments- Pretty good workout. My shoulders are hurting for some reason. I think they are still sore from doing front squats on Monday.
Diet is usually:

630A - Breakfast Shake(16oz water, 1.5c oatmeal, 2tbsp Flax Oil, 2 scoops of Protein)
800A - Protein Bar or PBJ Samich(Sandwich)
930A - 10oz Steak, 4oz Potatoe, Brocolli
1130A - 2 scoops of Protein in Water or 1tbsp of PB
1230P - 10oz Steak, 4oz Potatoe, Brocolli
230P - 2 scoops protein in water
330P - 10oz of Ground Beef, 4oz Potatoe
700P - post Workout Shake
830P - 10-12oz Ground Beef
1030P - 2 sccops protein in water
100A- 1tbsp of PB or 2 scoops of protein

That is pretty much an everyday occurance. once in awhile it will differ slightly.
Day 41- Friday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- got all meals in

Comments- Not much really to comment on. So far no problems, which is a good thing.
Day 42- Saturday

Tren- 75mg
Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Incline DB Press- 60x12; 80x12; 100x10; 120x10; 130x6
Decline DB Press- 80x10; 100x10; 120x7

Superset< Flat Smith Press- 185x12; 235x10; 285x6
Cable X-Over - 100x10; 100x8; 100x8

Standing BB Curl- 85x12; 105x10; 125x10; 145x7
DB Hammer Curls- 40x10; 50x10
Seated Concentration Curls- 35x10; 45x8; 45x8

Diet- Got most of my meals in. It was hard to really keep track. We went to a wedding....

Comments- Workout was good. Tried doing the DB Declines, what a pain in the ass! I also am going to try a little new approach to working biceps. I am going to start going heavier with my sets. Maybe that will help them get better.
Day 43- Sunday

Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- I got most of my meals in. It was my sons 6th B-day today. So we took him to Chuck E. Cheese's, so I had plenty of pizza and cake. So I am sure I got all my calories, just not the right kind!LOL

Comments- Not much really to comment on. Like I said it was my son's birthday, so that was fun. It was a long day, so I was very tired!!
Day 44- Monday

Tren- 75mg
Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Legs

Front Squats- 135x12; 185x10; 235x10; 285x5(Bar was rolling off)
Leg Press- 600x15; 690x12; 780x10; 870x6, 600x10
Leg Ext.- 240x12; 240x10; 240x8

SLDL- 135x12; 225x10; 275x10; 295x8
Lying Leg Curl- 90x15; 110x12; 120x8

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Workout was pretty good. Knees are still hurting pretty bad. I have not really gained any more weight. So I am adding 2 more pounds of ground beef this week. So that means even more food!
Hopefully that will do the trick!
Day 45- Tuesday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- all meals in

Comments- Not much to comment on. I started packing today, and will continue the rest of the week little by little. We are moving on Saturday, so i am excited about that.
I am still planning on getting all of my gym time in this week, so hope it works out that way!
Day 46- Wed.

Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg
Tren- 75mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps

Seated Military Smith - 135x12; 185x10; 235x10; 285x5
Bent DB Lat. Raise- 30x12; 35x10; 40x10; 45x10
Upright bar Rows- 115x10, 135x9; 155x6, 115x8

Decline Close-Grip Bench- 135x12; 185x10; 235x10; 285x8
Rope Pulldowns- 80x12; 100x9; 100x8

Diet- Got all meals in

Comments- Workout was good. Quick and intense. I have been having trouble sleeping, cuz i have been busy packing and getting ready to move this weekend. So my workouts and strength is suffering a little.
Day 47- Thursday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Back/Traps

Deadlift- 135x10; 225x5; 315x5; 405x3; 500x1; 550x0(failed, tried 3 times)
DB Rows- 110x12; 130x10; 150x10
Pulldowns to Front- 180x12; 200x10; 220x8; 240x7

Hammer Shrugs- 200x12; 290x10; 380x8; 400x6
DB Shrugs- 120x10; 140x8; 140x8

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Workout was OK. I was dissappointed that I missed the 550 pull. I think it is because i have not been sleeping very well getting ready for the move.
So i will try again next week.
Day 48 & 49, Friday & Saturday

Tren- 75mg(Fri)

Bromo- 2.5mg(Fri & Sat.)
Nolva- 20mg(Fri & Sat)

Training- Days Off

Diet- Diet was so-so. We were moving, so we were pretty busy. I ate as much as I could, but I still came up pretty short on calories. I ate a lot of BK to try and make up for the calories though!

Comments- Not much really to comment on. Moving is a pain in the ass. I have been pretty damn tired!
Day 50- Sunday

Tren- 75mg
Test- 300mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Incline DB Press- 60x12; 80x12; 100x10; 120x9; 140x8
Hammer Bench Press- 180x10; 270x8; 320x5; 320x5
Weighted Dips- 45x10; 55x8; 65x7
Cable X-over- 60x10; 60x10; 60x6

Standing Bar Curl- 85x12; 105x10; 125x10; 145x6
DB Preacher Curl- 40x10; 45x10; 50x8
Double Bi Cable Curl- 40x10; 40x10; 40x6

Diet- Again, Diet was so-so. I was busy again with the move, so it was hard to stop and eat.

Comments- Workout was pretty damn good. I originally went to the gym kind of depressed because I lost a few pounds due to not eating. But when I started lifting and seen that my strength had gone up a little I got pretty excited.
Day 51- Monday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Quads/Hams

Hack Squat- 90x12; 180x10; 270x10; 360x10; 450x6
Leg Press- 600x12; 690x10; 780x10; 870x8
Leg Ext.- 240(stack)x12; 240x12; 240x10

Lying Leg Curl- 90x15; 110x15; 130x12; 140(stack)x8
Standing Leg Curl- 80x12; 90x12; 100x10

Diet- Again Diet was OK. I should have eaten more though.

Comments- Workout was real good. Strength went up a little. Tommorrow I will be back to work and back to my regular eating schedule. So I should start to put that weight back on.
Day 52- Tuesday

Tren- 75mg

Bromo- 2.5mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- Got all meals in!

Comments- Not much to say. I am glad to get back on track here.