Training- Day Off
Diet- not so good!
Comments- I woke up after being sick on Sunday night with food poisoning. Felt a lot better. I ate my normal meals in the morning. At lunch I was in the middle and couldn't eat anymore. I threw EVERYTHING up. Went home early and took some meds. Felt a lot better. A few hours later I ate, then went back to bed! Kind of a sucky day!
Insulin 5iu's
Training- Legs
Lying Leg Curls- 60x20, 60x20, 70x20, 70x20, 80x20, 80x20
Leg Ext. - 130x20, 140x20, 140x20, 140x20
Smith Mach. Squats- 135x20, 185x20, 185x20, 205x20
Diet- So-so. Better than yesterday, but could have been better!
Comments- Well felt a lot better today. After the workout and the insulin shot I felt really stuffed for some reason. I could barely eat my next meal. I had to wait a few hours before I could eat.
Insulin- 6iu
Training- Delts/Triceps
Hammer Military Press- 180x12, 230x10, 250x6, 250x8, 270x5
Bent DB Laterals- 40x12, 50x10, 60x10
Side DB Laterals- 35x12, 45x10, 55x8
Hammer Rear Delts- 35eax10, 45x10, 45x8
Close-Grip Bench- 135x12, 185x10, 235x8, 255x3
Tricep DB Kickback- 30x12, 35x10, 40x10
Diet- All meals in
Comments- Well feeling a lot better since being sick on Sunday/Monday. Almost 100% now.
Thanksgiving Day
Training- Day Off
Diet- Ate quite a bit of food today. Lots of bad food too!!LOL
Comments- Had a good Turkey Day. Spent a lot of time with the ole family.
Insulin- 8iu
Training- Back
Bent BB Rows- 135x12, 185x10, 235x10, 285x6
Hammer Low Rows(EA.)- 90x10, 115x10, 135x8, 155x7
Pulldowns to Front(widegrip)- 155x12, 175x10, 195x8, 205x8
Seated Cable Rows(closegrip)- 150x12, 180x10, 210x8
Diet- most meals in
Comments- Todays workout was pretty good. First time doing BB Rows in months, so that felt good.
Went shopping today for all the sales. Bought a surround sound system for the Apt. Got a real good deal on a Kenwood 600 watt system, only $197.
Training- Day Off
Diet- all meals in
Comments- Sort of a lazy day today. Didn't do too much at all.
Insulin- 10iu
Training- Chest/Biceps
Incline DB Press- 70x12, 90x10, 110x10, 130x4
Flat DB Flys- 45x12, 55x10, 65x8
Decline Smith Press- 135x12, 185x10, 235x10, 285x6
Hammer Bench Press- 180x12, 220x8, 270x6
Standing Bar Curl- 80x16, 100x12, 120x10, 130x6
Seated DB Curl- 35x12, 40x10, 45x10
Hammer Preacher Curls- 70x12, 85x9, 85x8
Diet- All meals in
Comments- Workout was very good today. Felt a little weak on some of the presses, but all in all it was good. I haven't really felt any effects of the insulin. I am begining to think i may be insulin resistant.