My Bulk Cycle- Phase II

Day 64- Sunday

Tren- 75mg
EQ- 200mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- Got most meals in, I was only up for about 7 hours or so....

Comments- Well got out of bed about did not do too much....
Day 65- Monday

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Legs

Hack Squats- 180x10; 270x10; 360x10; 450x6
Leg Press mach.- 270x12; 315x10; 360x10; 405x10

SLDL- 135x12; 185x10; 225x10

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Well I had a major headache before even going to the gym. Thought I would work thru it. Well after the hacks I was getting really dizzy. I busted out 2 more exercises, but was feeling like shit, thought i was going to pass I just ended it and went home.
Day 66- Tuesday



Training- Day Off

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Well this will be my last week of the cycle. Not exactly what i was expecting from it. Oh can't gain 20 pounds on EVERY cycle!!LOL
My strength did finally go up at the end, so that was good.
Tomorrow I have my final injection of EQ, I did my last inj. of test on Sunday. And my last injection of Tren will be this weekend. Then I start Clomid on Oct. 29th. Then the fun of retaining what little gains I made!
Day 67- Wed.

EQ- 150mg(Last of it)

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps
Seated DB Press- 70x12; 90x10; 110x6( ); 130xFAILED; 100x10
DB Lateral Raise- (55x12; 40x10; 30x10)=1; (60x10; 45x9; 30x10)=1

Seated DB Overhead Ext. - 70x12; 85x10; 100x10
1-Arm Cable Pressdown- 40x12; 45x10; 50x9

25min. Bike

Diet- All MEals in

Comments- OK, well I was PISSED last night that I missed the 130's. Here is what happen. When I got to the 110's, I asked for a spot. I needed help getting them up. I picked some guy that looked like he had decent size. He sure was walking around liek he was the shit! So anyways, I kick up the right side on my own, then I go for the left, and he can't even pick up the fucking weight...what a fuckign PUSSY! After about 3 attempts i finally get it up...with no fucking help from him! So now I am completely drained. I managed to rep out 6, when I was supposed to get 10. Then I decided to redeem myself and finally go for the 130's....well I get a bigger guy to help this time. But by now I was already drained. i couldn't even get the fuckin weight up, this time it was me, not my spotter.

So yeah, I kind of had a shitty workout after that incident!
Day 68- Thursday

Tren- 75mg

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Back/Traps

Deadlifts- 135x12; 225x10; 315x10; 405x10; 500x3
T-Bar Rows(Weight in middle) 290x10; 335x10; 380x6
Hammer Iso-Row- 90eaX15; 135eaX12, 180eaX10; 205eaX8
Pullups- BWx10, BWx8

DB Shrugs- 100x12; 120x10; 130x10; 140x10

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Very good workout today. It made up for last nights shitty one! Lower back was getting really tight on me.
Day 69- Friday

Bromo- 2.5mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Not much to really comment on.....
Day 70- Saturday

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- Most of the meals in.

Comments- Kind of tired today. Had to get up early and do some things
Day 71- Sunday

Tren- 75mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Incline DB Press- 70x12; 90x12; 110x10; 130x9; 150x4
Weighted Dips BW+ - 45x10; 70x10; 80x8; 90x6

*Flat Db Press- 70x10; 90x10; 110x6
*Incline DB Flys- 45x10; 55x10; 55x8

Standing DB Curls- 30x13; 40x10; 50x10; 60x8
Standing Bar Curl- 80x12; 110x10

Diet- So-So today, could have probably ate more, but was not around food that much.

Comments- Workout was really good today. I finally took some pics. Not real happy with the way they came out. But I will post them anyways......
Not really much weight gain. Probably a total of about 10 pounds. And right now, i feel like I am putting on more fat than anything else. So needless to say I am not completely happy with the way this cycle turned out. I should have just stuck with my normal Test/Dbol cycle. I would have probably been happier witht he results.
But oh well, what is done is done. I have 1 more Tren Injuection, then I am thru. I start clomid on the 29th.
Day 72- Monday

Bromo- 2.5mg

Training- Legs

Lying Leg Curls- 50x20; 60x20; 60x20; 60x20; 60x20; 60x20

Leg Ext.- 140x20; 150x20; 140x20; 140x17
Smith Mach. Squats- 110x20; 130x20; 130x20; 130x20
Leg Press- 360x20; 360x20

Diet- All meals in

Comments- OK, I know by looking at the weights I used today it looks like I was being a pussy. Well let me just tell you that this was one of the BEST workouts I have had! OH MY GOD, I could not walk after this.

I worked out with this new guy today. He is about 45 or so, big mofo! Weighs about 275 and solid! Anyways, he has been telling me about this program he does and asked me if I wanted to try it. Well I went for it. It is basically using fairly low weight, high reps, but VERY slow rep speed. Really feeling the muscle work. Relaxing all the stabilizing muscles and truly just using the primary muscle for all the work.

I am going to try this with other body parts and see if I can see a difference. He says that after about 6 weeks of this I will actually look better, more vascular, better seperations, etc. Also I will not have the joint pains I do now, which is a big plus for me.
Day 73- Tuesday


Training- Day Off

Diet- Got all meals in....

Comments- Nothing much happened today. just spent time with my son.
I take my last shot tomorrow(was actually supposed to be tonight, but forgot) and that will be the end of the cycle. Oh well.....
I am glad I have Thanksgiving and Christmas to eat like crazy. Maybe I can get still get to 245 by the end of the year if I try real hard.....
Day 74- Wed.


Training- Back/Traps

T-Bar Rows(Weights in Front) 90x12; 135x10; 160x8; 160x8
DB Rows- 100x10; 120x10; 140x10; 140x10
Pulldowns to Front- 180x10; 195x10; 210x6; 210x8
Pull-ups- BWx5; BWx4 - Held these at top for 3 seconds on each rep

DB Shrugs- 100x10; 120x10; 140x10; 150x10

Diet- All Meals in

Comments- Workout today was pretty good. Got to meet and workout with Zara. Very nice guy...shredded as all hell! Pictures def. do not do him justice! He is pretty damn strong for being so light. I was damn impressed, I think he actually did more reps than me on the pulldowns and pullups!
Can't wait for him to make the trip down again.
Day 76- Friday

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Nothing really to comment on today!
Day 77- Saturday

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps

Incline Smith Press- 135x12; 185x12; 235x10; 285x10; 335x6
Flat DB Press- 80x10; 100x10; 120x8; 130x7

*Incline DB Flys- 45x12; 60x10; 75x10
*Chest Press Mach.- 200x8; 200x7; 200x8

Standing Bar Curl- 75x15; 105x10; 125x6
Preacher Bar Curl- 75x12; 95x10; 105x10; 115x8

Diet- Got most meals in. I was pretty busy working on my car, so I did not get all the meals in.

Comments- Workout was pretty good. Felt fairly strong, even though most of the anabolics have cleared the system.
Day 78- Sunday

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- Did not get all melas in. Ate quite a bit, but not enough.....

Comments- Nothing much to say. Was busy cooking today, playing with my son, etc.
Day 79- Monday

Clomid- 300mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Legs

Lying leg curl- 60x20; 60x20; 70x20; 70x20; 80x20; 80x20

Leg Ext.- 150x20; 150x20; 150x20; 150x18
Smith Squats- 185x20; 185x20; 185x20; 185x20
Leg Press- 360x20; 450x20; 450x20; 450x20

Diet- All meals in....

Comments- Worked out the same as last week. Slow/high reps, low weight. Really feeling the muscle contract on each rep. Absolutely KILLED my legs. They were SO pumped it was crazy. The guys in the gym were tripping out!!LOL
It was hard getting to sleep last night because my legs were still twitching!
Day 80- Tuesday


Training- Day Off

Diet- All meales in

Comments- Not much to comment on. Ate quite a bit today. Just spent some time with my son after work.....
Day 81- Wed.

Clomid- 150mg

Training- Delts/Triceps

Military Smith Press- 135x12; 185x12; 235x8; 265x6 <- All fairly slow reps
Bent Lateral Raise- 30x12; 35x12; 40x10; 40x10; 70x10; 70x10
Machine Laterals Standing- 100x12; 110x10; 150x10; 170x7

Skull Crushers- 140x12-3 sets
DB Kickbacks- 35x12; 40x10
Bench Dips- BWx10; BWx10

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Workout was pretty good. The guy i was going to train with today came in late(During bent laterals). So he showed me a better way of doing them. That is why there is such a dramatic increase in weight. Everything was good form, a lot was with fairly slower reps. That is why on some exercises the weight is a little lighter.
Day 82- Thursday


Training- Back/Traps

Deadlifts- 135x10; 225x10; 315x10; 405x10
Hammer Rows- 100eaX10, 145eaX10; 190eaX9; 235eaX6
Supported T-Bar Rows- 70x10; 95x10; 120x7
Pull-ups (3 sec. hold at top) - BWx6; BWx5

DB Shrugs- 100x12; 110x10 <- Neck was bothering me

Diet- All meals in

Comments- Todays workout was not bad considering I have had a kink in my neck since the day before. Strength is still fairly there. Haven't lost any real noticeable strength so far.
My GF is sick, so I HOPING I do not get it. Getting sick post cycle is the WORST. It is just not a good time to be getting sick. That is a quick way to lose all the gains from the cycle!
Day 83- Friday

Clomid- 150mg

Training- Day Off

Diet- All meals in.

Comments- Today was Halloween so I dressped up as the Hulk, painted myself green and everything. Ate a bunch of junk as usual!!