My cycle

A few reasons I'm waiting every 3 days is 1) it makes me a little sick any more often than that 2) i dont want to dry out my joints a lot 3) I'm keeping the bloat down even at e3d
Fullbody today. Last sets listed.
Incline 3x3 with 155
Squats 315x3
Pendlay Rows 175x3
DB Seated Military 2 sets of 50'sx5
Then some assitance work. Good workout. Injury is starting to feel a whole lot better. I even did relatively heavy cable crossovers for the first time in a long time today.
Couple more pics.
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Did a fullbody machine only day yesterday. I was in a hurry and relatively tired. So that was a quick workout and everything hit good imo. People were asking me in the gym how I was getting so much muscle so fast lol. Feels good to get those questions again.
Did Fullbody again but more free weights this time. Veins are starting to show on the fronts of my shoulders now, as well as my biceps and forearms. Everyone in the gym is like "dude what are you taking?" So i think it's working rather well. Only have a few more days of the dbol left. then just cyp the rest of the way. Feeling good. MMA class this evening. Then work 40 hours fri, sat, sun.
how did your cycle end up?

By the pics i saw, really think you should have got in shape first before even taking juice, you would be so much more prone to gyno at the moment...

Anyways by seeing you did not post to the end, you probably never even finished your cycle.
you wasted everyones time here.
how did your cycle end up?

By the pics i saw, really think you should have got in shape first before even taking juice, you would be so much more prone to gyno at the moment...

Anyways by seeing you did not post to the end, you probably never even finished your cycle.
you wasted everyones time here.

cycle is still going on. thanks genious. i'm on week 4. And it is a cycle after being out of the gym for a year with a torn pec/bicep/tendon. Instead of waiting another year, I am speeding things along just fine. My Dr. is even impressed considering this time last year I couldn't pic up a gallon of milk with my left arm. Thanks for your reading skills though.
switched over to arimidex from the aifm. aifm was making me sick to my stomach for some reason. took first dose of arimidex tonight. Unfortunately my Arimidex is 1mg capsules. So I will be taking 1mg eod.
Incline Bench 95x10 115x10 135x5
Flat DB 3 sets of 25'sx10 (the hardest exercise for me to do with the tear)
Squat 135x10 185x10 205x10 225x5x3sets
Tricep Dips 3 sets of 10
SLDL 135x10x3 sets
Reverse Grip Bench Press (first time trying these, not as much pain as regular) 65x10, 85x10, 95x12 <- could go more, but I dont want to be in pain so I'm taking it slow.

Then I did delt work, all 3 heads. Some DB rows. And a quick bi/tri workout. Also did some abs. That was that.
Back in at 5pm to spar and teach MMA class.
Weight is 223. Starting to noticeably lean out now. Not sure that I will take Dbol again after reflecting on the cycle to this point. I'm having a lot less lethargy and sides now that I've finished the dbol portion of the cycle. I feel just good overall with just the test cyp.
Did a little empty stomach cardio this morning. 2 miles. First long distance I've ran since I began the cycle. Wasnt affected too much. Nothing like I've read where people's legs and knees get so pumped they cant run,etc. Then did some plyos after the run. Felt good. Next competition is in 8 weeks so I had to gauge a bit of my cardio. Long distance is ok. Sparring 20 rounds of so is ok too. Now time to buckle down on diet, training and cardio. Maintaining 227lbs currently. Still have 6 more weeks on the test too.
Had a nice workout this morning. All reps were slowww and controlled. Had a lot of "time under tension". Each rep took around 8 seconds or so.

BB Squats 225x20
Immediately followed by DB pullovers 55x10
BB Squats 225x15
Immediately followed by DB pullovers 55x10
Hamgstring curls 80x10
Incline BB Bench 115x10
Machine press 110x10
Lat Pulldown 100x10
Tricep Dips BWx12
Negative 5 second Chinups BWx5
DB Military press 2 sets of 30'sx10
Machine Curls 70x10
Calf Raises 45x20

This workout drained me. HIT Inspired workout.
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My chest strength is hit or miss right now for some reason. I'm sure adapting after the injury still.

Incline BB Bench 135 3x3
DB Flat Bench 30sx10 x 3 sets
DB Incline 30'sx10 35sx8 45sx6
SLDL 115x10 135x10 155x10
Pendlay Rows 115x5 135x5 155x5
BB Shrugs 155x10 135x12 115x20 <-drop set, just rested to remove the plates
Nautilis leg extension/press supersets 90x12/120x10 x 3 sets
Calf Raises 140x10x 2 sets then 140x15 + 10 sec static hold
Medium Width Lat Pulldowns 100x10 120x8 130x6
Seated DB Military 30sx12 35sx10 45sx8 50sx6
Lateral Delt Flyes 20sx10 25sx8
Front/side/rear delt flyes 15s to fail
DB Curls 25sx10 30sx10 40sx8
Tricep pressdown 3 sets of 100x10
Single DB Tricep overhead extension 45xfail
Hanging leg raises 30,20,10
Workout looked like this

Decline DB Bench 25sx12, 30sx12, 40sx10, 50sx8
Incline DB Bench 30sx10 40sx8
Flat Db Flyes 10sx12 15sx8 (really tough on the injured area still)

DB Concentration curls 35sx10 40sx8 (2 forced reps on the end)

BB Curls 85x8

DB Military Seated 40sx10, 45'sx8, 50'sx6

Side Laterals 25sx10 30sx8

Low Cable Delt raise 20lbs/side x8 reps/side

Reverse DB Flyes 20sx12 25sx8
Today did Back, Legs and Tris.

Leg Extension 100x15 130x12 160x10
Leg Press 250x12, 340x12, 575x10
Hack Squat 255x10 345x10
Leg Curl 80x10 100x10
SLDL 135x10 185x8
Calf Press 345x3 setsx10 reps (only rest was 10 second static hold between sets)
Calf Raises 90x12

DB Pullovers 30x12 40x10 55x10
Close Grip Pulldows 70x12 100x10
Wide Grip Cable Rows 70x12 100x10
One Arm DB rows 50x12 70x8
BB Deadlifts 185x10 235x6

Tricep Pressdowns 110x10 120x8
Skull Crushers 65x8x2 sets
Seated DB Overhead EXT 45x10x2 sets

Good workout today.
Workout 9-26-11

DB Decline Bench 35sx12 50sx10 60sx7
DB Incline Bench 35sx10 50sx6
Flat DB Flyes 10sx12 15sx8
DB Shoulder Press 35sx12 45sx10 50sx8
Side Lateral Raises 15sx12 25sx10
Low Cable Delt raise 20x8
Reverse DB Flyes 25sx12 40sx8
DB Concentration Curls 30sx12 45sx6
BB Curls 95x6
Ab Machine 3 sets of 100x10
Workout 9-27-11

DB Pullovers 35x12 50x10 70x8
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns 90x12 120x10
One Arm DB Rows 55sx12 75sx10
Wide Grip Low Cable Row 100x12 140x10
BB Deadlifts 135x10 205x8 235x5

Leg Extensions 90x15 130x12 170x10
Leg Press 350x12 440x10 530x10
Leg Curl 80x12 (slow to failure)
Calf Raises 80lbsx50reps (slow, very fatigued calves)

Standing Single DB Tricep Overhead Ext 50x12 70x10
Tricep Rope Pressdowns 90x15 100x12

Forearms 100 reps per side with the standard grippers
150lb grippers x10 reps per side with 10 sec static hold at the end
200lb grippers x5 reps per side with 10 sec static hold at the end