My experience with Insulin.


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Just thought I would let you guys know that I started using Humulin-R 8 days ago. Im only using 10 iu post workout. I then follow that up with a carbo-force with 3 scoops of Cyto-Pro along with 10g of creatine and 10g glutamine. About 1 and half hours later I consume the same exact shake. 1 hour after that I usually have a small bowl of oatmeal with raisens and a can of tuna. Here is the interesting part. Since I have started using the Insulin 8 days ago, I am up 7 pounds! Keep in mind that I am not new to training or anabolics so this is a great gain in weight in only 8 days! One thing I have noticed is that I have a hard time about 35 minutes into my workout, it's not bad, I can just feel myself getting kinda tired. Other than that, everything is going great. Just thought I would keep you guys updated.
Are you sure you need that much food? I just finished 4 weeks of the same dose scheme as you 10 Iu post work out.

Usually right after shooting I'd drink about 80-90 gr of simple carbs.
Then in about 45 minutes I'd have another 60 gr of carbs and 50 gr of protein.

Then about another 45 minutes and I'd have a bottle of gatorade, oatmeal and some chicken breasts.

Have you noticed any extra fat gained or has it been muscle? Not to mess with something that isn't broken but you may try cutting back just a little to be sure. How is the strength going? I was able to add about 10-20 lb on core lifts a week.
Yeah - I am using Humalin R post workout and then taking in 2 "carbo rush" drinks - I am on a 20 rep HIT program so I only workout 2x per week but I can tell you that it seems to aid my recovery miraculously - instead of feeling completely dead the next day I feel I at least can get around - really does seem to feed my muscles! I am using about 10 iu as well
elijah_123 said:
Are you sure you need that much food? I just finished 4 weeks of the same dose scheme as you 10 Iu post work out.

Usually right after shooting I'd drink about 80-90 gr of simple carbs.
Then in about 45 minutes I'd have another 60 gr of carbs and 50 gr of protein.

Then about another 45 minutes and I'd have a bottle of gatorade, oatmeal and some chicken breasts.

Have you noticed any extra fat gained or has it been muscle? Not to mess with something that isn't broken but you may try cutting back just a little to be sure. How is the strength going? I was able to add about 10-20 lb on core lifts a week.
no fat gain yet bro, really the only thing I have noticed so far is the scale says im 7 pounds heaivier. im sure the extra strength will come soon, although I am on test so my strenght is always increasing anyway. this the bridge that you were talking about before?
What else are you cycling along w/ insulin?
my lifts have definitely gone up but its hard to say if its the HIT program in part or the slin
Ok nevermind about the extra cals if your on test and maybe other stuff also. I was thinking slin alone.

The strength should be going up. At least for me it went through the roof and it was slin alone.

Can't wait to start the next cycle :) only a few days left.
HIT.... while "on"? I always thought that more volume would do you more good while "on". If your body is recovering quicker, push it more!
Do you believe your lethargy before workouts is a result of your post workout insulin use?

I ask because if you are just taking something post workout how or why would it affect you the next day before you train?

this subject I know nothing about (insulin use)

so please educate =)
OMEGA said:
Do you believe your lethargy before workouts is a result of your post workout insulin use?

I ask because if you are just taking something post workout how or why would it affect you the next day before you train?

this subject I know nothing about (insulin use)

so please educate =)
not sure bro, it's problly the extra weight that is kinda slowing me down. not sure though.
7 lbs is 7 lbs.............with more to come

=) as long as its there its worth the sacrifice.

maybe alittle ECA before workout could alleviate your lethargy.

however when trying to bulk caffenine decreases insulin sensitvity.........

let me find the post on it................
From TMAG...........

While there were several interesting topics presented, including a lecture given by a MD/PhD and research superstar Wim Saris who confirmed all of my incessant ramblings about the value of protein and amino acids with glucose and maltodextrin in a post-workout drink, the topic I found most interesting was the research presented on caffeine/coffee and insulin sensitivity.

For a while now I've been cautioning my clients and T-mag readers about the ill effects caffeine and typical thermogenic agents have on insulin sensitivity. Well, at the University of Guelph they've been investigating this issue intensively and here's what they found:

1) Caffeine intake (in all of its forms) decreases whole body glucose disposal (carbohydrate uptake) by 15-30%.

2) Caffeine intake decreases skeletal muscle glucose disposal by 50%.

3) When consumed with a standard carbohydrate breakfast, caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity, leading to large increases in blood insulin. But even in the face of this insulin surge, blood glucose doesn't disappear at a normal rate. When the body can't take up carbohydrates properly (as when drinking coffee), it releases loads of insulin to help out. However, the coffee actually prevents the insulin from doing this job and you end up with high insulin and glucose. That, my friends, is the serum profile of the obese, type II diabetic.

4) Caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity for at least three hours (this is the duration of the longest study they've performed), but the true duration of the effect isn't known. I speculate that it's at least five hours, the half life of caffeine.

In this case, many people are probably walking around all day with impaired insulin sensitivity. If you're a coffee drinker you should realize that you're living your life like a diabetic except during the times that it could actually be diagnosed. When you go to the doc to see why you're so fat or you feel like crap (if you have any glucose or insulin tolerance problems), what do you have to do? You have to fast overnight and avoid coffee! So 99% of your waking life you're functionally diabetic and that 1% of the time when it really matters and can be diagnosed, you're not. No wonder experts suggest that 50% of North Americans are diabetics who aren't diagnosed as such.

5) In one study, four groups were used to evaluate the effect of caffeine and glycemic index on insulin sensitivity.

• The first group got decaf and a low-GI breakfast. They saw a normal blood glucose and insulin response.

• The second group got decaf and a high-GI breakfast. They saw a bigger insulin and glucose response in the blood.

• However, when the low GI group got regular coffee with breakfast, their blood profile was worse than that of those who got the high-glycemic breakfast and decaf. Therefore coffee/caffeine can turn a low glycemic meal into a high glycemic meal!

• Finally, the group that drank coffee and had the high-glycemic meal ended up looking like diabetics.

6) One interesting hypothesis generated at the seminar was as follows: In terms of insulin sensitivity, caffeine alone is worse than coffee and obviously (as seen above) coffee is worse than nothing. However, some people believe that certain substances in coffee (specific quinides) can actually increase glucose disposal and improve insulin sensitivity. While the quinide content of coffee isn't strong enough to counter the effects of the caffeine, the quinides in decaf coffee may actually increase glucose and insulin tolerance. This hypothesis still needs to be tested and proper doses have yet to be discussed; however, keep your eyes out for this research in the near future.

So the final word on coffee and caffeine is this — stay the heck away from it! The only way to minimize the damage it causes may be to drink your coffee with a very low carbohydrate meal and eat only low carb meals for the next few hours after your coffee intake. I know, I know, it now sucks to be a coffee drinker! But giving up your java may bring you some great health and physique benefits.
OMEGA said:
Do you believe your lethargy before workouts is a result of your post workout insulin use?

I ask because if you are just taking something post workout how or why would it affect you the next day before you train?

this subject I know nothing about (insulin use)

so please educate =)

I only lift 2x per week (cardio on other days) - if you know about HIT and especially 20 reps each set, you cant do anything the next day - I am not working out I am just talking about getting around - the slin seems to restore muscle recovery faster - I just got off of 3 months of GH @ 8 iu ED and that had a different effect but you can tell the slin "feeds" everything - does for me anyway - first time with it - since I am only using it 2x per week, my weight has only gone up a few lbs but that is not exactly why I am using it...
I find humulin-r to be more anabolic than humalog, but sometimes i just dont feel like not eating fat for 6 hours, humalog seems to do the jopb almost as well. Like I said before, i was on 6 months straight, humalog post workout, with no problems, although i did seem a little desensitzed by the end. I plan on staying off slin for about another 3 months.
One thing you can do to, which i do if im using some humulin, is to mix humalog and humulin. That way, you get that quicker peak with humalog, yet get the anabolic effects of humulin. I would go 7iu humalog, 5 iu humulin.
Bouncer: what else are you taking besides the slin?

i dont think a single person out there really agreees with me on this but i think that taking in fat with slin or without doesnt add fat.
i think if anything its people taking in way too much carbs and then in turn that gets stored as fat.

i have no refrences in front of me so i apologize but i am pretty sure that whenever you eat normal fats(not omegas ,flax,mct) that it gets stored as fat then you burn stored body fat.

i think once you know your limit on carbs for the slin if you stay with that and eat CLEAN .. maybe a bit cleaner... fat gain will be very minimal..

some people have told me that i might just be lucky cause they swear that they blow up if they eat fat withthe slin.
bouncer, how long to you plan on running it. 4 weeks on 4 weeks off? i have just completed 4 weeks of slin. has your strength gone up as well?