My feet fall asleep when I run


Well-known member
I wouldn't really run unless I had to but you have to in fire academies. I went to one on my own money and will need to go again if I get the job I want.

Here is the problem, after about 2-3 miles, my feet begin to fall asleep. Keep going and I get totally numb from mid calf down. This is a real bitch if you have to run stairs immediately afterwards.

When I lived in Venice years ago I used to run on the bike trail on the beach. I could go 6 miles before the feet went numb. Maybe it took longer because I was only about 175 lbs. then, and I'm 200 now.

I'm running a little now and it seems to be not as severe as when I was in the fire academy last Spring. However, I was cycling then and was about 10 lbs. heavier.

I'm thinking it may be a circulation problem. Are my calves getting so tight that they are cutting off blood to my feet? Maybe I have flat feet or high arches or something and need to see a podiatrist?

Any help?
lol,I seriously doubt that it would be caused by the calf muscles cutting off the blood however you could be on the right track about your arches.
I ahve never heard of this before.It doe sound like circulation. Or you could give the podiatrist a go
my brothers hands would fall asleep all the time driving and i got him to take 1000 mg of flush free niacin for a few days until it stopped and then he went down to 500 mg ed for maintenence , no promise but it might help ,its cheap and its good for your cholesterol to
I get the numbness feeling also in my feet, but when I do eliptical training for cardio. It sometimes only takes about 20 minutes to start up. It is really weird, definitely circulation. I just ignore it for the most part, probably signs for a heart attack down the road though with my luck.
Trev, from the limited info you gave us........

What you are describing probably has to do with circulation. I guess other areas of concern to rule out would include diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and possibly peripheral neuropathy (a problem with the sensory nerves in your feet). The fact that you have had it for a few years increases the probability that it's a circulation prob. (Many of the foot problems that occur in diabetes result in the same symptoms, and are due to damage to the circulation rather than to the nerves, but that's another story). Everyone begins to form plaques in their circulation, especially at branches of the arteries, starting in childhood. This is called atherosclerosis. It becomes a problem when the plaques get large enough to block or slow the normal circulation to a body area. High blood cholesterol is a prime culprit in this process. It typically takes many years to develop any symptoms in this disease process but IMO, AS can increase this as we "manipoulate our lipid levels" with AS use. It may have become significant enough to cause the symptoms that you describe.

Ask your Doc to order some blood work that includes a "lipid panel" to check the cholesterol in your blood, particularly the LDL (low density lipoprotein) or what is called the "bad cholesterol". If the LDL is elevated then you may be actively depositing cholesterol in your arteries and worsening your circulatory status.

The other lab test that should be checked is the hemoglobin A1c, which measures the amount of sugar attached to the red blood cells, and is a fairly accurate indicator of diabetes. I keep referring to Diabetes Trev because Adult Onset Diabetes is so much more prevelant today than most think.

If these tests show no abnormality, you may have a form of peripheral neuropathy. The extremely slow progress of the numbness suggests that this is unlikely to be a serious problem, but it IMO warrants a visit to a neurologist.

Another remote possibility is a disc problem in your back bro. Obviously many bb'ers suffer this as a result of heavy squating with improper biomechanics. Have your Doc order an EMG to look at the integrity of the nerves. This can also help determine if there is nerve damage from the disc disease. Talk to your doctor about getting a neuro referral and possibly an EMG.

Keep me posted Trev....:(
Wow that sounds more serious than I had thought. I'll have to look into it. BTW when I lived in Venice and had the problem when running, that was before I cycled so I doubt that has anything to do with it. My cholesterol has been good when off cycle and relatively bad on - no big surprise. I have been taking polisocanol and other supps recently to control it. I have at least one old lab report, I could check on the values and post them.

My diet and weight are good and I exercise like crazy so if I have diabetes its something out of my control. That possibility seems remote. I don't have any diabetics in my family.

It could well be something to do with my back. I haven't had an x ray of it in a while but I do have a spodylolisthesis / spondylosis at L4. I was probably born with it but was asymptomatic until 1989 when I was hit by a car when riding a bike. I've had all sorts of therapy. That problem is the main reason I dislike running. It is generally painful.

Thanks very much for your advice.
I found two sets of lab reports in a drawer. One was from a blood sample drawn on 1/22/2002 in connection with an application for a life insurance policy. I had just come off a cycle and my liver values and cholesterol were high. My BP averaged 120/80 and my resting heart rate was 60. I weighed 196 at 6'0". There are all sorts of values here, I'll list some.

Glucose (mg./dl) normal 91 usual range 60-109
Frocosamine (mmol/l) normal 1.4 usual range 1.2-2.0
Hb A1C no value listed - why wouldn't they test for this?
BUN (mg./dl) normal 25 usual range 9-25
Bili. Totl normal .7 usual .2-1.5
AST (SGOT) abnormal 42H usual range 0-33
ALT (SGPT) abnormal 81H usual range 0-45
GGT (GGTPP 70H usual range 0-65
Albumin normal
Globulin normal
chesterol abnormal 235 H normal range 140-199
HDL normal 44 usual range 35-80
LDL (calculated) abnormal 170 H normal range 0-129
LDL/HDL ratio normal 3.88 usual range 0.9 - 5.3
Triglycerides normal 101 usual range 0-150

The next test was required before I entered the fire academy. I only have the lipid values for this. It was done on 1//03. Again, this was right after I finished a cycle, even closer to the end this time.

Cholesterol total abnormal 212H normal range 100-199
Trygylcerides normal 103 normal range 0-199
HDL normal 42 normal range 35-150
LDL abnormal 149 H normal range 62-130
Chol/HDL ratio 5.0 (average risk of cororary heart disease)
VLDL, Calculated 21 (20 desireable, 21-39 borderline)

Does any of that help?
Hb A1C no value listed - why wouldn't they test for this?
It's more of a specific test Trev....don't sweat it.

Besides your liver and and lipid assay, the resuts posted are otherwise "normal". And, the lipid and liver results are actually not too bad and somewhat expected for someone at the end of his cycle.

You stated you have a Spondylolisthesis. Any Chiropractic Physician and/or Orthopedic Physician and/or Neuologist could evaluate the potentiality of this being the origin of your complaints. Spondylolisthesis causing lower extremity radiculitis is common (depending upon the severity and positional translation of disc movemnent involved) and COULD result in what your describing Trev.

I hate to keep playing the "guessing game" with you here brother because there are so damn many things it "could be". It could even be something as simple as improper stretching of your lower back and legs prior to exercise, the support and/or comfort of your just goes on and on :(

Here's a good starting point for you explaining the "cause and effect" of a secondary diagnosis of CED: Cauda Equina Syndrome related to Spondylolisthesis. Ping me when your finished reading if you have any questions bro. I'll be more than happy to help :)
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Oh yea, before the first test my cycle included dbol and winstrol. Before the second one, it was anadrol, winstrol, and anavar.

BTW I ran 2.5 miles today and experienced no numbness even after the run, I got some after the run last weekend. Even that was an improvement over earlier weeks, when it would start before the run was over.

Two possible explanations:

1) I just replaced my old, I mean old, running shoes with a good pair of shoes with lots of support (gel inside).

2) I've been doing a lot of cardio. Last weekend I did the run twice and this week I did 4 40 minute sessions on the lifecycle.

I suspect I would eventually have experienced the numbness had I ran far enough. There is a local chiro that I have seen in the past.

Also, I will get blood work done soon. I'm waiting to see if it might get paid for by a new employer - the fire department. Its a long shot - 1000 people applied for 15 jobs of which only 5 will be white males, but I was one of 90 to be interviewed. If they don't bite, I guess I'll just go out of pocket. It will be expensive since our deductible just went to $2,500. Oh well.
Hey trev dog by chance would you happen to have any signs of varicose veins present in your calf mucles. Its been know that large amounts of varicose veins can limit the amount of circulation in any of these areas resulting in some numbness and legs tiring alot easier on longer runs. Just a thought. Mad Dawg!!
Mad Dawg said:
Hey trev dog by chance would you happen to have any signs of varicose veins present in your calf mucles. Its been know that large amounts of varicose veins can limit the amount of circulation in any of these areas resulting in some numbness and legs tiring alot easier on longer runs. Just a thought. Mad Dawg!!

and a good one ;)
Trevdog said:
Oh yea, before the first test my cycle included dbol and winstrol. Before the second one, it was anadrol, winstrol, and anavar.

Buff......that would do it I'd say wouldn't you???.........:p

Trevdog said:
I ran 2.5 miles today and experienced no numbness even after the run, I got some after the run last weekend. Even that was an improvement over earlier weeks, when it would start before the run was over.

Two possible explanations:

1) I just replaced my old, I mean old, running shoes with a good pair of shoes with lots of support (gel inside).

2) I've been doing a lot of cardio. Last weekend I did the run twice and this week I did 4 40 minute sessions on the lifecycle.

I suspect I would eventually have experienced the numbness had I ran far enough.

I like the fact that #1 has already helped, def a GOOD sign ;)

Trevdog said:
There is a local chiro that I have seen in the past.

Also, I will get blood work done soon.

Atta boy........he'll recommend the appropriate follow-up bloodwork and/or referral. Good place to begin ;)

Trevdog said:
I'm waiting to see if it might get paid for by a new employer - the fire department. Its a long shot - 1000 people applied for 15 jobs of which only 5 will be white males, but I was one of 90 to be interviewed. If they don't bite, I guess I'll just go out of pocket. It will be expensive since our deductible just went to $2,500. Oh well.

So what's the deal??? You going thru a career change TREV???

--Keep me posted Trev
No varicose veins in my calves. I have a few barely visible ones on my hip, I think its from shooting into the glutes.

Actually, yes I'm trying to become a firefighter. I know its a radical change but its the right thing to do. I should have gone to medical school instead of law school, but at 34 with a wife and daughter I'm not going down that road.
Trevdog said:
No varicose veins in my calves. I have a few barely visible ones on my hip, I think its from shooting into the glutes.

Actually, yes I'm trying to become a firefighter. I know its a radical change but its the right thing to do. I should have gone to medical school instead of law school, but at 34 with a wife and daughter I'm not going down that road.

Trev....This is a perfect example of GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER!!!! I wish I had gone to LAW SCHOOL instead!!!! LOL

Buit like you.....@ 32, FORGET IT!!!
I suppose the grass is always greener, but I look at my Dad and the satisfaction he has got from being an anesthesiologist, and I wonder why he never even suggested I think about medicine. My mom's a nurse too.

Oh well.

BTW I ran 3.0 miles yesterday and got no numbness until 10 minutes after the run. It went away pretty quick. Hopefully I'll hear from the fire department this week.